[Mailman-Users] Delayed Send

Jess Mooers jmooers at landmannassoc.com
Mon Feb 7 20:41:39 CET 2005

I am migrating from Macjordomo and have an interesting question.  In Macjordomo, you could specify the interval (in minutes) at which posts to each list get sent.  I have a realtors website that only wants messages sent once every 2 hours.  Is there a way to do this in Mailman.

Tech Specs
Mac OS X 10.3.7
Mailman 2.1.2
Postfix 2.0.10

Thanks in advance.

Jess Mooers
Landmann Associates
1423 S. Park St., Madison,, WI 53715
W 608-257-1558 F 608-257-8705

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