[Mailman-Users] Making sense of SMTP log

Joshua Beall jbeall at heraldic.us
Wed Feb 16 23:26:20 CET 2005

Hi All,

I am looking at logs/smtp, and I'm not sure how to decode what I'm seeing. 
Here's an example:

Feb 16 16:35:53 2005 (12550) 
<mailman.0.1108589749.18197.ezine_teachmagazine.com at teachmagazine.com> smtp 
for 1 recips, completed in 1.707 seconds

Presumable that deals with a message sent to or from the 
ezine at teachmagazine.com list, but how do I map that to an actual message in 
the archives?  Is there a way to tell who the recipient was (if it indicates 
a message that was sent out, rather than received).


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