[Mailman-Users] how could i send a message to all subscribed adresses?

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Sat Feb 19 12:09:20 CET 2005

At 10:56 AM +0100 2005-02-18, Bart Huisman wrote:

>  i have a mailman mail list at my server, but how could i send a
>  message to all subscribed adresses? i have searched at your site,
>  there are much things you can do for the mailing list, but i cant find
>  simply the most important thing, how to send a messege to all members
>  of the list?

	Mailman doesn't have a built-in way to send a message to all 
members of all lists.

	You could create an "umbrella" list that would include all other 
lists on the server as it's "subscribers", and then send out a 
message to the umbrella list.  However, that would not eliminate 
duplicate messages sent to people who are subscribed to more than one 

	Another alternative would be to use the command-line tools to get 
a list of all subscribers, then pass that through "sort -u", and then 
create a new list including all of those addresses.

	I'd encourage you to spend some time searching the Mailman FAQ 
Wizard and the archives to get a better idea of how to do these 

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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