[Mailman-Users] French Accented Characters become "?"

BdF bdf at deflorence.com
Sun Sep 3 21:29:27 CEST 2006

Hi there,

We run a 400 user mailing list (www.lutecium.org) with Mailman 2.1.8-2, on
Linux (Debian) Kernel 2.6.16-2. The main language is French, but our users
also use English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Some of our subscribers have complained about receiving the list's emails
with ALL the French accented characters replaced by "?", which obviously
makes reading difficult, if not ambiguous. The charset used by the original
sender does not seem to matter (see examples below after my signature).
Further, they insist that this happens ONLY on emails received from our
discussion list.

I have performed the following test:

-email from me in both TXT and HTML (with French accented characters
àèéïóùê) directly to user(s): no modifications.
-(same) email from me in both TXT and HTML (with French accented characters
àèéïóùê)to the subscription list: user(s) receive it with all accented
characters replaced by "?".

Trawling the Mailman's archives, I have not found something referring
specifically to this issue, although I have seen emails from people having
problem with German and Japanese characters.

-is this a known issue?
-If not, is it a user or a Mailman issue?
-If a user issue, does it take place on sending (when being composed) or on
receiving (when being read)?
-If a Mailman issue, what settings should be changed?

Cheers (from London) for all your good work

> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 16:36:41 +0200
> From: Yann Leroux <yann.leroux at laposte.net>
> Subject: Re: [Lutecium-group] quelques notes de lecture sur 
> l'agressivit? en psychanalyse et son extension dans le champ du 
> politique
> To: Groupe de travail pour la psychanalyse lacanienne 
> <lutecium-group at lutecium.org>
> Message-ID: <44F2FF79.4080704 at laposte.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> Ecoutez Catherine, vous ?tes fatigante a dire partout la meme chose : 
> la jouissance, la loi, le symbolique, les 
> mechants-psy-qui-vous-veulent-du-mal et cela serait coquasse si vous 
> ne vous ?tiez pas instaur? psychanalyste en six mois.

Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:04:54 +0200
> From: " roseli at infonie.fr " <roseli at infonie.fr>
> Subject: Re: [Lutecium-group] quartier Lacan
> To: " lutecium-group " <lutecium-group at lutecium.org>
> Message-ID: <J4R2G6$0E1CD64E1A2F05203DC585153ED34AE2 at aliceadsl.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> voil? le site sur lequel j'ai obtenu les vid?os de Lacan ? Louvain.
> http://parolesdesjours.free.fr/lacan.htm
> utecium-group: Document interne au Groupe de Travail Lutecium.
> Ne doit pas etre diffuse hors du groupe.
> ---
> comme de juste, la premi?re partie vient apr?s la deuxi?me;) si 
> quelqu'un avait louvain en int?grale, je serais tr?s int?ress?

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 13:40:50 +0100
From: "BdF" <bdf at deflorence.com>
Subject: Re: [Lutecium-group] quartier Lacan
To: "'Groupe de travail pour la psychanalyse lacanienne'"
	<lutecium-group at lutecium.org>
Message-ID: <gwh.44f435ad.fa2b.a2 at lon-mail-3.gradwell.net>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"

Ah, merci de cette indication Roseli, je m'occupe de les r?cup?rer et d'en
faire une int?grale.

D'autre part: si vous recevez un mail de Lutecium comportant des caract?res
bizarres, envoyer le moi (en FORWARD) par l'interm?diaire
Help-Me at lutecium.org.

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