[Mailman-Users] Command line modification of user options?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu May 8 20:12:40 CEST 2008

Stefan Förster wrote:
>I've had, for different reasons, a look at
>http://www.msapiro.net/scripts/set_nodups.py which contains the
>following line:
>mlist.setMemberOption(member, mm_cfg.DontReceiveDuplicates, 1)
>Since this is exactly what I am looking for (well, more or less), I'd
>like to ask where I can get a list of all parameters (I'm talking
>about "DontReceiveDuplicates" right now) which can be used to modify
>subscriber options.

in Defaults.py

# Bitfield for user options.  See DEFAULT_NEW_MEMBER_OPTIONS above to
# defaults for all new lists.
Digests             = 0 # handled by other mechanism, doesn't need a
DisableDelivery     = 1 # Obsolete; use set/getDeliveryStatus()
DontReceiveOwnPosts = 2 # Non-digesters only
AcknowledgePosts    = 4
DisableMime         = 8 # Digesters only
ConcealSubscription = 16
SuppressPasswordReminder = 32
ReceiveNonmatchingTopics = 64
Moderate = 128
DontReceiveDuplicates = 256

# A mapping between short option tags and their flag
OPTINFO = {'hide'    : ConcealSubscription,
           'nomail'  : DisableDelivery,
           'ack'     : AcknowledgePosts,
           'notmetoo': DontReceiveOwnPosts,
           'digest'  : 0,
           'plain'   : DisableMime,
           'nodupes' : DontReceiveDuplicates

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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