[Mailman-Users] Subscriber email doesn't post

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue Jul 24 03:53:24 CEST 2012

On 7/10/2012 6:50 AM, Bob McLeran wrote:
> On a list which I administer as owner, we have a subscribed address 
> ending in "@mail dot com" whose email to the list will not post. Originally, 
> his posts were returned to him with a "Delivery Status Notification" 
> subject line, stating: 
> ----------
>       This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. 
> Delivery to the following recipients was aborted after 0 second(s): 
> -----------

And what was the recipient address?

> Initially, I did not receive a bounce notification as owner when this 
> occurred. 

You only receive a notice when a bounce triggers disabling delivery. In
any case, this is apparently not a bounce of a message from Mailman to
the user, but a bounce of the user's post to Mailman, so you wouldn't
see anything from Mailman because Mailman never saw the post.

> After determining that his ISP was releasing his email to our list 
> address, I added his email address to the section of the admin interface 
> Privacy Options/Sender Filters/List of non-member addresses whose 
> postings should be automatically accepted. After doing that, I received 
> bounce notifications when he sent an email to be posted, but the email 
> would still not post. 

And what do these notices say? Note that if user at mail dot com is a list
member, adding user at mail dot com to accept_these_nonmembers should make no

> Any ideas what might be occurring and how to fix it? 

Not without more information such as MTA log entries and Mailman log

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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