[Mailman-Users] Personalized header based on Gender.

Patrick McEvoy pmcevoy at silvacapitalmanagement.com
Wed Aug 14 19:21:05 CEST 2013

To clarify, in some languages other than English dear has gender such as
Spanish,  Estimado for males and Estimada for females.



On 08/14/2013 11:12 AM, Hank van Cleef wrote:
> The esteemed Patrick McEvoy has said:
>> Hello,
>> I have turned on Full Personalization so I can have the individual's
>> email address in the To field instead of the list email address.  I am
>> adding a personalized header to the list as well and would like to know
>> if there is any way to personalize the header based on gender.  For
>> example Dear Mr for males and Dear Mrs females.
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Patrick
> If you try to do this, you're going to get into a nasty thicket of
> "political correctness" issues.  As Mark suggests, you're best off
> using Dear [name] with no attempt at honorifics.
> You're looking at sociological issues here, not technological.  
> Hank


Patrick McEvoy
Silva Capital Management, LLC
625 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 412
Chicago, IL 60611
Office: 312-397-0400, Fax: 312-397-0404
pmcevoy at silvacapitalmanagement.com

  Silva Capital Management, LLC <http://www.silvacapitalmanagement.com/>

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