[Mailman-Users] Cron command?

Adam McGreggor adam-mailman at amyl.org.uk
Wed Apr 22 12:58:25 CEST 2015

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 10:16:48AM -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 04/21/2015 09:42 AM, Adam McGreggor wrote:
> > This makes me wonder if it might be useful to have two files in the
> > Mailman source:
> > 
> >     mailman/cron/crontab.in-system
> >     mailman/cron/crontab.in-user
> > 
> > with -system including the 'user' column?
> Why? Our distribution works when installed per our docs. Downstream
> packages also tend to do the right thing. Problems tend to occur only
> when users of packages try to follow our documentation rather that the
> packager's.

Reading more of the thread, I think that's something that wasn't clear
to me; the mixed approach of remnants of a package install, then a
source install.

> > Were the 'offical' source for Mailman be GitHub, there'd be a PR
> > already, handling that.
> Just FYI and not addressing the issue of, PRs vs. branches vs. bzr merge
> proposals, Mailman 3 will probably use GitLabs as it's official
> repository. We're not there yet, but we recognize that Bazaar lost the war.

I think that will help drive community contributions, immensely. It's
one barrier removed.

> We can't use GitHub because GitHub uses proprietary software and as a
> GNU project, we get into issues with FSF if our complete stack is not
> open source.

*sigh* (and probably better not mentioning further; at least in this

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