[Mailman-Users] Migrating Mailman to New Server (Same Domain)

Jewel Brueggeman-Makda jewel.brueggeman-makda at washburn.edu
Fri Sep 23 17:50:35 EDT 2016

TGIF Mailman Gurus,

My current Mailman 2.1.12 server is lists.washlaw.edu and is running on a RedHat vm.  I need to move it onto a new server which already has a new instance of Mailman 2.1.22 also on a RedHat vm. I already ran the ./configure command to be the same setup as the OLD server.  I have searched the discussion list archives on the steps and am not fully understanding what needs to be done. Below are the steps I do know I need to take but then I am at a loss.

1.       Post Postfix, Apache and Mialman on OLD server and NEW servers

2.       Tar up the lists and archives from the mailman directory and copy the tar files to the new server

a.       tar xvfx /usr/local/mailman/lists

b.      tar xvfz /usr/local/mailman/archives

3.       Untar the lists and archives onto NEW server

a.       tar -xvf lists.tgz

b.      tar -xvf archives.tgz

c.       Run from /usr/local/mailman/bin ./check_perms -f

4.       Run newaliases


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