[Mailman-Users] Removing archived spam
my_list_address at yahoo.no
Sat Nov 11 17:28:36 EST 2017
On 07/11/17 19:41, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> On 11/07/2017 01:29 AM, Hal via Mailman-Users wrote:
>> I run a low-volume mailing list (using Mailman 2.1.12) and I see that a
>> few spam-messages have gotten through, which also means they're archived.
>> I would like to remove them but all the info I can find when searching
>> online are along the lines of "hard to do", "shouldn't be attempted",
>> "impossible" and so on. Is this correct, or is there a solution?
> man mmarch
> I haven't done this in forever but IIRC the scary hard to do impossible
> part is editing the mbox file without messing it up, not exactly rocket
> science.
So you're saying it's *NOT* hard to do?
I looked up "mmarch" and came up with this page which really didn't make
me much wiser: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/mmarch.8.html
I also tried to log into the server and believe they're located
somewhere here: /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/
unfortunately I'm unable to access that location ("permission denied")
for some reason, so I'm contacting the server owner about that. But
several years ago I did a lot of work cleaning up and importing archived
messages from before I moved over to Mailman and made backups of said
directory and it seems I have two main directories:
The "LISTNAME.mbox/" directory contains a single "LISTNAME.mbox" file
while the "LISTNAME/" directory contains a variety of files and
sub-directories by month. I suppose I have to clean things up in both of
those paths?
In the former, if a certain month only contains spam message (i.e. no
legit postings at all), can I just delete the following for instance and
be done with it?
rm -riv 2017-October/
rm -iv 2017-October.txt
rm -iv 2017-October.txt.gz
That would still leave spam in the "mbox" file, but at least when
browsing through the archives via the web interface they wouldn't see
any spam there.
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