[Mailman-Users] Bogus Subscriptions (was: Mailman-Users Digest, Vol 172, Issue 6)

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Jun 4 18:26:51 EDT 2018

My own production server started getting these a few hours ago. I am
currently banning '^support[@+].*' and '^info[@+].*'

These are addresses I've banned within the last 2 hours:

info at bitbroker.co.uk
info at btcsolutions.ca
support+aalmte at bitflyer.com
support+adqyynrm at coindirect.com
support+aogfqd at coindirect.com
support+atpou at vaultoro.com
support+aypxfue at coindirect.com
support+azrqohm at btc-alpha.com
support+bcnksqq at bitcoin.com.au
support+bdfx at coinexchange.io
support+bfowcb at coinexchange.io
support+bjbpu at coinexchange.io
support+brjhp at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+bsbv at bitflyer.com
support+bxmry at bitflyer.com
support+cdnbwozc at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+cgfqdzx at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+cilpfshx at bitcoin.com.au
support+cooje at cryptopay.me
support+cshwpk at coindirect.com
support+csnnimza at vaultoro.com
support+ctok at bitcoin.com.au
support+dptvtrb at coindirect.com
support+drajp at coindirect.com
support+dsrsirup at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+dswqogik at coinexchange.io
support+dvzw at btc-alpha.com
support+dwckt at cryptopay.me
support+ehfrpij at bitcoin.com.au
support+ekdhf at bitflyer.com
support+eklw at btc-alpha.com
support+eyppcyts at coindirect.com
support+ezkerj at btc-alpha.com
support+feyal at bitcoin.com.au
support+fjirxrnn at bitflyer.com
support+fpwf at btc-alpha.com
support+frermpv at bitcoin.com.au
support+frsntfb at bitflyer.com
support+frvesq at bitflyer.com
support+fxoizf at bitflyer.com
support+gbnvyarl at btc-alpha.com
support+gdvnv at coindirect.com
support+geqkcxm at btc-alpha.com
support+ggbleaw at vaultoro.com
support+gsughixq at btc-alpha.com
support+gxrrnokx at btc-alpha.com
support+gysjauv at cryptopay.me
support+hbfwyhw at btc-alpha.com
support+hdkykau at coindirect.com
support+hebxros at coinexchange.io
support+hgvd at cryptopay.me
support+hhwwfn at bitflyer.com
support+hioga at bitcoin.com.au
support+hlghl at btc-alpha.com
support+hnkadhx at coindirect.com
support+hpccnygf at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+ifxz at vaultoro.com
support+igabxygi at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+iqbe at bitcoin.com.au
support+iqnzyi at bitflyer.com
support+iuzqqivx at cryptopay.me
support+ixcy at coindirect.com
support+iyvj at bitcoin.com.au
support+izhwfexl at coindirect.com
support+jiqqto at bitcoin.com.au
support+jiwv at cryptopay.me
support+jtbw at coinexchange.io
support+jtlsbjez at cryptopay.me
support+jzcxkmlq at coindirect.com
support+kftenm at btc-alpha.com
support+kgtkssb at vaultoro.com
support+kwcsdoc at vaultoro.com
support+kzsq at bitcoin.com.au
support+ldhjdtop at cryptopay.me
support+levko at btc-alpha.com
support+mabxeuje at cryptopay.me
support+majlv at coindirect.com
support+mjbbt at coindirect.com
support+mndt at btc-alpha.com
support+mpllw at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+mtamxiw at bitcoin.com.au
support+ncauab at coindirect.com
support+ncfb at vaultoro.com
support+nhstjmki at vaultoro.com
support+nltk at bitflyer.com
support+npqfyebo at cryptopay.me
support+nqhynm at coinexchange.io
support+ntaeieoe at coindirect.com
support+nyiqpijf at bitflyer.com
support+ojnibwah at bitcoin.com.au
support+orfgdhk at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+osre at coinexchange.io
support+oswxguk at bitflyer.com
support+otzykwm at coindirect.com
support+oykm at bitcoin.com.au
support+pfgrza at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+pneiob at cryptopay.me
support+psuoivkd at coinexchange.io
support+pxwz at coindirect.com
support+pzad at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+qedmfkxq at bitcoin.com.au
support+qgdwyt at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+rhrc at bitflyer.com
support+riyci at bitflyer.com
support+rjvael at bitcoin.com.au
support+rjzdmf at coindirect.com
support+rrdqsi at bitflyer.com
support+rves at bitflyer.com
support+rxvg at coinexchange.io
support+ryhxoryd at cryptopay.me
support+sehl at btc-alpha.com
support+sftkj at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+skwpxwnn at coinexchange.io
support+slaeax at btc-alpha.com
support+slkxeljb at vaultoro.com
support+tauqn at btc-alpha.com
support+tbdpk at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+tekix at coindirect.com
support+tocqexn at cryptopay.me
support+tsuqdfh at bitflyer.com
support+tuyvzo at btc-alpha.com
support+twwpox at bitflyer.com
support+txlro at vaultoro.com
support+tzzfxagz at coinexchange.io
support+ufytnr at btc-alpha.com
support+ugkifei at bitcoin.com.au
support+uhdqnea at btc-alpha.com
support+ulawwl at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+ulxdo at vaultoro.com
support+umstfxa at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+uqmc at bitcoin.com.au
support+urlhl at cryptopay.me
support+vbshvf at bitcoin.com.au
support+vdtcsbz at cryptopay.me
support+vdtwjpbi at vaultoro.com
support+vjjiiff at cryptopay.me
support+vqwil at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+vump at coindirect.com
support+vyctq at btc-alpha.com
support+waivtmdz at coindirect.com
support+wesh at btc-alpha.com
support+wrbr at btc-alpha.com
support+xbkitu at coindirect.com
support+xcan at cryptopay.me
support+xdsbima at bitcoin.com.au
support+xiyyqzb at bitcoin.com.au
support+xpbivdk at bitflyer.com
support+xqen at coindirect.com
support+xqkuhy at vaultoro.com
support+xsrefjzz at btc-alpha.com
support+xxrzlggh at btc-alpha.com
support+yaadukuu at coinexchange.io
support+yeaqvoos at coinexchange.io
support+yebxwfy at btc-alpha.com
support+yeklq at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+yffavl at vaultoro.com
support+yfixk at coindirect.com
support+yfpd at coinexchange.io
support+yhouqj at coindirect.com
support+yjnbe at vaultoro.com
support+ymyciihc at cryptopay.me
support+yndcfzy at vaultoro.com
support+zaktrsc at quickbitcoin.co.uk
support+zfzquveu at coindirect.com
support+zgxlowj at bitflyer.com
support+zjcd at cryptopay.me

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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