[Mailman-Users] Frustrating web page issues

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Apr 24 16:18:25 EDT 2019

On 4/24/19 11:10 AM, Mark J Bradakis via Mailman-Users wrote:
> Yes, I have run check_perms, no problems there.  All the other web pages
> at autox.team.net seem to work just fine, it is only the mailman pages
> that give the 503 unavailable error.  Frustrating because some pages
> work, some don't and the Apache error logs are of no help in trying to
> determine if this is an Apache problem or a mailman problem.

What does

 ls -l /local/mailman/teamnet/cgi-bin/


And, what's in the Apache error log for one of these 503 errors. I know
you say it's no help, but helpful or not, what does it say? If it says
something about a script exiting with status = x, 2 <= x <= 8, we know
what those mean.

Also, what is the result from

sudo -u xxx /local/mailman/teamnet/cgi-bin/listinfo

where xxx is the user that Apache runs as?

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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