[Matplotlib-devel] Fwd: patch for stream prediction in pdf backend

Cornelius Weig cornelius.weig at gmx.de
Fri Aug 21 14:28:04 CEST 2015


 I have implemented PNG stream prediction for the pdf backend. It was
marked as a TODO.



At first I thought about linking to libpng, but I couldn't find an API
for raw encoding of single lines as PDF needs it. Therefore, I
implemented the code in plain python (it makes heavy use of numpy to do
the number crunching). It needs testing with python 3 however...

I took care of five different encoding modes as specified by RFC 2083:
10 - noop
11 - Sub encoding
12 - Up encoding
13 - Avg encoding
14 - Paeth encoding
15 - Optimal encoding (*)

(*) For '15', I considered only modes 10-13, because my Paeth implementation
is not very fast (nor very clean).

The prediction is done by a static method in the 'Stream' class, which
is called from writeImages. My heuristics have shown (and
http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/chapter09.html also mentions it) that
gray-scale data does usually not benefit from stream prediction.
Therefore, the prediction is only applied to color images.

Finally, I think that the encoding mode is something to be made
adjustable by the user, so that a rcParams['pdf.prediction'] (or
'filter' or 'pngcompression') setting should be justified. I didn't
touch anything of this, because that's up to you devs.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py
--- lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py	(revision 8989)
+++ lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py	(working copy)
@@ -351,6 +351,117 @@
             compressed = self.compressobj.compress(data)
+    @staticmethod
+    def pngPredict(data, height, width, predictor = 10):
+        """Applies a PNG stream predictor to the data stream
+            predictor, int, valid values are
+               10,  no stream prediction
+               11,  Sub predictor
+               12,  Up predictor
+               13,  Average predictor
+               14,  Paeth predictor
+               15,  optimal predictor, not implemented
+        """
+        if predictor < 10 or predictor > 15:
+            return data
+        bytesPerSample = len(data) // (width * height)
+        bytesPerRow = width * bytesPerSample
+        datat = np.fromstring(data, np.uint8)
+        datat.shape = (height, bytesPerRow)
+        pred = np.zeros(len(data) + height, np.uint8)
+        pred.shape = (height, bytesPerRow + 1)
+        uLine = np.zeros(bytesPerRow, np.uint8)
+        uShift = np.zeros(bytesPerRow, dtype=np.uint8)
+        work = np.zeros(bytesPerRow, dtype=np.int16) # n.b. int16!
+        for row in xrange(height):
+            # PDF standard allows per-line predictors
+            pred[row, 0] = predictor - 10
+            cLine = datat[row]
+            # No predictor
+            if   predictor == 10:
+                pred[row, 1:] = cLine
+            # Sub predictor
+            if   predictor == 11:
+                work[bytesPerSample:] = cLine[:-bytesPerSample]
+                pred[row, 1:] = cLine - work
+            # Up predictor
+            elif predictor == 12:
+                pred[row, 1:] = cLine - uLine
+                uLine = cLine
+            # Average predictor
+            elif predictor == 13:
+                work[:bytesPerSample] = 0 # cluttered below...
+                work[bytesPerSample:] = cLine[:-bytesPerSample]
+                work += uLine
+                work /= 2
+                pred[row, 1:] = cLine - work
+                uLine = cLine
+            # Paeth predictor
+            elif predictor == 14:
+                work[:bytesPerSample] = 0 # cluttered below...
+                work[bytesPerSample:] = cLine[:-bytesPerSample]
+                uShift[bytesPerSample:] = uLine[:-bytesPerSample]
+                p = work + uLine - uShift #n.b. int16!
+                pa = abs(p - work)
+                pb = abs(p - uLine)
+                pc = abs(p - uShift)
+                paethSelect = lambda a,b,c,pa,pb,pc: a if pa <= pb and pa <= pc else b if pb <= pc else c
+                work = np.array([paethSelect(a,b,c,pa,pb,pc) for a,b,c,pa,pb,pc in
+                                zip(work, uLine, uShift, pa, pb, pc)])
+                pred[row, 1:] = cLine - work
+                uLine = cLine
+            elif predictor == 15: # possibly TODO: also check Paeth prediction
+                # minimum sum of absolute differences heuristic by
+                # Lee Daniel Crocker
+                entr_id = sum(abs(cLine.astype(np.int8)))
+                work[:bytesPerSample] = 0 # cluttered below...
+                work[bytesPerSample:] = cLine[:-bytesPerSample]
+                predSub = cLine - work
+                entrSub = sum(abs(predSub.astype(np.int8)))
+                predUp = cLine - uLine
+                entrUp = sum(abs(predUp.astype(np.int8)))
+                work += uLine
+                work /= 2
+                predAvg = cLine - work
+                entrAvg = sum(abs(predAvg.astype(np.int8)))
+                if entr_id <= entrSub and entr_id <= entrUp and entr_id <= entrAvg:
+                    pred[row, 0] = 0
+                    pred[row, 1:] = cLine
+                elif entrSub <= entrUp and entrSub <= entrAvg:
+                    pred[row, 0] = 1
+                    pred[row, 1:] = predSub
+                elif entrUp <= entrAvg:
+                    pred[row, 0] = 2
+                    pred[row, 1:] = predUp
+                else:
+                    pred[row, 0] = 3
+                    pred[row, 1:] = predAvg
+                uLine = cLine
+        return pred.tostring()
     def _flush(self):
         """Flush the compression object."""
@@ -1185,8 +1296,16 @@
                     {'Type': Name('XObject'), 'Subtype': Name('Image'),
                      'Width': width, 'Height': height,
                      'ColorSpace': Name('DeviceRGB'), 'BitsPerComponent': 8,
-                     'SMask': smaskObject})
-                self.currentstream.write(data) # TODO: predictors (i.e., output png)
+                     'SMask': smaskObject, 'DecodeParms': {'Predictor': predictor,
+                     'BitsPerComponent': 8, 'Columns': width, 'Colors': 3}})
+                # TODO: predictors (i.e., output png)
+                # predictor = rcParams.get('pdf.predictor', 0)
+                predictor = 15 # optimized predictor
+                if predictor:
+                    predicted = Stream.pngPredict(data, height, width, predictor)
+                    self.currentstream.write(predicted)
+                else:
+                    self.currentstream.write(data)

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