[Matplotlib-devel] [Matplotlib-users] paletted PNG backend

Chris Barker chris.barker at noaa.gov
Wed Feb 17 13:23:07 EST 2016

> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 3:19 AM Jesper Larsen <jesper.webmail at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> We are using Matplotlib for a web service which makes PNG images on the
>> fly for presentation on a map (web site using the web service is here:
>> https://ifm-beta.fcoo.dk)
>> Performance and image size are two major concerns for us. We therefore
>> save the resulting RGBA PNG to a buffer and afterwards use Pillow (PIL) to
>> convert it to a P PNG (paletted PNG) to reduce the image size dramatically.
We have similar issues, though not with MPL -- in fact one reason we are
not using MPL is because we want highly optimized rendering -- all the
features MPL provides do add overhead...

And doing experiments with various rendering engines (PIL, AGG, SKIA, GD)
with found that they all have pretty darn similar performance, but that
performance scales pretty much with how many bytes you are pushing -- i.e.
larger images take longer to render, and 8 bits per pixel is faster than 32
bits per pixel (by pretty much a factor of four, if I recall).

So while you are now taking a lot of time converting, you might also get
faster rendering in the first place if you use 8bpp rendering.

But, as Thomas suggested, AGG is pretty much all about anti-aliasing and
that requires more than 255 colors....

So: the "right" way to solve this problem is to use a non-anti-aliasing,
8bpp rendering lib. You could make a new back-end that uses that instead of
AGG. ONE of the core MPLS devs (I can't remember who) suggested that MPL
could use a maybe-not-the-best-quality-but-fast back end last year at
SciPy, so maybe you'll get some help if you want to do it.

Also, a non-anti-aliasing back-end would be nice for things like contours
where you can get anti-aliasing artifacts where adjacent polygons are
supposed to line up exactly.

I suggest the libgd rendering lib:


It's not seeing a massive amount of development, but that's because it's
been around forever and is pretty darn robust and stable. It's also got an
ancient, semi-ugly C API, but we can deal with that :-)

If you want to make a MP back end with it, I suggest you start with my
Cython-based python wrapper:


It's not terribly complete, but provides the core functionality for
rendering 8 bit images, and numpy interactivity -- i.e. passing coordinates
of large polygons as a numpy array, and passing the raw image data in and
out as a numpy array.

I've also got conda packages for libgd and py_gd in our channel here:


The recipes for those are here:


Honestly, AGG has been pretty integral to MPL from the beginning (Or near
beginning), so I'm not sure how hard it would be to drop in a new renderer,
but I'd be glad to help.

2) Is it better to make a separate Pillow based backend for this (Pillow is
>> probably not as fast as AGG)?
NOTE: we looked at using PIL for our rendering, and it was kind-of-sort of
fast enough, but the rendering code, and python calls to it is all
hand-written C, so it looked a lot harder to extend and optimize
performance for.

With py_gd, we can direct calls to the C lib form numpy arrays directly,
and write time-sensitive loops in cython where there are speed bottlenecks.

One issue that will take a bit of effort is colormaps -- IIUC, MPL pretty
much assumes 32 bit  (or 24 bit anyway) color. With 8bpp, colormaps have to
be limited to 255 colors, and, in practice, you probably want to save a few
"pure" colors for rendering text and the axes, etc: transparent, white,
black -- a few others?

I think you could get a fine colormap with, say 245 colors, saving 10 for
other uses, but then you could only have one colormap in use at a time. So
there may be some working around MPL's colormap code for this....



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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