[Matplotlib-devel] Fwd: Re: [matplotlib-devel] update x axis of a subplot according to the y axis of another one in python/matplotlib

Alessandro Pietro Bardelli alessandro.bardelli at henesis.eu
Fri Jun 10 14:40:20 EDT 2016

Forwarded from the old mailing list

Hello Benjamin,
last weekend (after more than a year... :-[ ) I found some spare time to 
refactor a bit the solution I implemented to solve the axis synchronisation.
I have answered my own question on stackoverflow 
and I have shared on github 
(https://github.com/apbard/OrthogonalProjection) a simple class that 
allows to easily make orthogonal projections plots with full axis 
synchronisation and support for different basic plot types.
Thanks again for the hint and sorry for the delay...


On 12/02/2015 19:58, Alessandro Pietro Bardelli wrote:
> thanks for your answer.
> I have played a bit with the callbacks and seems very promising.
> i'll work on it in the weekend and drop an email as soon as I have 
> tested it properly :)
> thanks again
> Alessandro
> On 12/02/2015 15:35, Benjamin Root wrote:
>> Sharing the same axis across subplots is implemented via matplotlib's 
>> interactive framework, and is available by default. Glue is built on 
>> top of matplotlib, extending its interactive framework with many 
>> additional tools. Yes, it might be overkill for this singular task, 
>> but implementing orthogonal axis sharing isn't trivial, either, so 
>> suggesting a pre-packaged solution is merely pragmatic.
>> Essentially, one would have to register callbacks for changes in each 
>> of the parent subplot's axis. This, in of itself, isn't really all 
>> that difficult once one learns the event framework. I think what 
>> might be very tricky is doing it for the 3d axes. As the de facto 
>> maintainer of mplot3d, I have never really tested axis sharing for 
>> mplot3d. I suspect that it would work exactly as you'd expect for the 
>> x and y axes, but the z axis may prove to be quirky. I don't know, I 
>> haven't ever tried it out. In general, the z-axis implementation is a 
>> bit of a kludge, so things tend to be different for it...
>> Here is an example of how to register callbacks to changes in a 
>> particular axis. Hopefully, it can give you a nice leg up on the 
>> problem. Let me know if you have problems with the z-axis, I might be 
>> able to help sort it out. If you can get this to work, I would 
>> certainly love to include it in the gallery.
>> http://matplotlib.org/examples/event_handling/viewlims.html
>> Cheers!
>> Ben Root
>> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 4:32 AM, Alessandro Pietro Bardelli 
>> <alessandro.bardelli at henesis.eu> wrote:
>>     Thanks for the answer.
>>     Glue seems a quite cool project but it is also a bit overkill for
>>     this specific task, isn't it?
>>     Basically I just would like tell sharex to point the Yaxis of the
>>     axes object.
>>     Isn't there a way to do this within matplotlib?
>>     thanks
>>     Alessandro
>>     On 11/02/2015 16:41, Benjamin Root wrote:
>>>     Sounds to me like you want to use glue:
>>>     http://www.glueviz.org/en/stable/
>>>     On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:15 AM, Alessandro Pietro Bardelli
>>>     <alessandro.bardelli at henesis.eu> wrote:
>>>         I would like to plot an orthogonal projection (like this one
>>>         http://i.stack.imgur.com/DnNds.jpg) using matplotlib
>>>         possibly including also the 3D subplot. All the pictures
>>>         should share common axes.
>>>         |fig =plt.figure()ax =fig.add_subplot(221,title="XZ")bx
>>>         =fig.add_subplot(222,title="YZ",sharey=ax)cx
>>>         =fig.add_subplot(223,title="XY",sharex=ax,sharey=[something
>>>         like bx.Xaxis])dx
>>>         =fig.add_subplot(224,title="XYZ",projection="3d",sharex=ax,sharey=bx,sharez=[something
>>>         like bx.Yaxis]|
>>>         The problem is that I have to "link" on X axis of a plot
>>>         with the Y one of another and
>>>         Is there a way to accomplish this?
>>>         Thanks
>>>         Alessandro
>>>         p.s. i have posted this question also on StackOverflow:
>>>         http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28239054/update-x-axis-of-a-subplot-according-to-the-y-axis-of-another-one-in-python-matp
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>>     -- 
>>     ----------------------------------
>>     Alessandro Pietro Bardelli
>>     HENESIS s.r.l.
>>     P.IVA (VAT. N.) IT02280660354
>>     Viale dei Mille, 108
>>     43125 PARMA (IT)
>>     Email: alessandro.bardelli at henesis.eu
>>     <mailto:alessandro.bardelli at henesis.eu>
>>     Tel: (+39)05211854211 <tel:%28%2B39%2905211854211>
>>     Fax: (+39)05211854515 <tel:%28%2B39%2905211854515>
>>     SkypeID: henesis_srl
>>     Web: www.henesis.eu <http://www.henesis.eu>
>>     ----------------------------------
> -- 
> ----------------------------------
> Alessandro Pietro Bardelli
> HENESIS s.r.l.
> P.IVA (VAT. N.) IT02280660354
> Viale dei Mille, 108
> 43125 PARMA (IT)
> Email: alessandro.bardelli at henesis.eu
> Tel: (+39)05211854211
> Fax: (+39)05211854515
> SkypeID: henesis_srl
> Web: www.henesis.eu
> ----------------------------------


Alessandro Pietro Bardelli

Camlin Italy S.r.l - part of Camlin group
P.IVA (VAT. N.) IT02280660354
Strada Budellungo, 2
43123 PARMA (IT)

Email: alessandro.bardelli at henesis.eu

Tel: (+39)05211854211 (extension 14)
Fax: (+39)05211854515
Web: www.henesis.eu

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