[Matplotlib-devel] Do we already parse units for sizes (i.e. padding)
Chris Barker
chris.barker at noaa.gov
Mon Aug 28 23:52:12 EDT 2017
one thought:
Do not allow pixels to specify anything :-)
the final length-units (in, mm, points) to pixels conversion should only
happen at the last minute when you need to actually render to an image.
The user can change the ppi setting at any pint until then -- their layout
shouldn't change if they do.
Ideally, changing the dpi will result in exactly the same image -- other
than resolution.
On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 1:16 PM, Jody Klymak <jklymak at uvic.ca> wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> On 25 Aug 2017, at 10:53, Benjamin Root wrote:
> a) no, it does not exist already
> b) at first blush, yes, it would be awesome, and maybe pint might be able
> to help us with that.
> I thought you were going to send me a beer…
> however... I would caution against getting side-tracked to add such a
> feature at the moment. There is a lot of hidden complexities that I think
> has not yet been fully appreciated yet. For example, inches and points are
> very different from pixels, and would require diving into the transforms
> system.
> First, I readily admit there is vast swaths of transforms and plotting
> things in backends I don’t appreciate!
> Right now the constrained_layout manager needs to know about pixels
> versus figure co-ordinates, which I do now as:
> invTransFig = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform_bbox
> bbox = invTransFig(ax.get_tightbbox(renderer=fig.renderer))
> so I’m already dealing with two of the three types of co-ordinates. I was
> assuming I could get to inches from pixels = inches * fig.renderer.dpi,
> and I am certain I can figure out centimeters. However, I’ll look at the
> transforms, maybe there is already one that deals with the renderer dpi.
> Perhaps a relevant question for me to move forward is: what (default)
> units should a pad between figure elements be? tight_layout uses fraction
> of a font size (I assume fraction of M, though I haven’t checked). Other
> packages do different things. Even if we don’t want a flexible way of
> specifying lengths, having a consistent default would be good.
> We would also open ourselves to a fair amount of confusion from
> users. One time, when I was teaching an intro to matplotlib, the tutorial
> got derailed by the very first example by a person who was confused that a
> figure that was specified to be 7in x 5in wasn't that size on his laptop
> screen!
> If the figure size isn’t right, I’d assume that 12pt fonts don’t come out
> right either, yet I still think it makes sense to specify fonts in points
> (well I don’t actually - I’d much prefer mm or inches - but I doubt that’ll
> get much traction). So I think its sensible to specify padding and other
> lengths in physical units.
> Anyway, I’d propose that I write a little package to do what I think is
> right, and then use it with constrained_layout, but with a sensible
> floating-point default argument in a sensible unit for the padding. If
> others think its a good idea then great, maybe it’d get adopted elsewhere.
> If not, I could remove it from constrained_layout for consistency and
> just use the sensible default.
> Thanks, Jody
> Ben
> On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 1:20 PM, Jody Klymak <jklymak at uvic.ca> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m trying to work out how to do the padding on my constrained_layout
> geometry manager (which is testable by the way if anyone wants to try to
> break it for me: https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/9082).
> Since I do the constraints in figure-normalized co-ordinates, my pad
> variable is figure-normalized, which maybe makes sense for some plots, but
> I can easily imagine it will set some people’s OCD off if the padding is
> thicker in the horizotnal than the vertical because the figure is wider
> than it is tall.
> So I could do inches/cm, or pixels, or points. But I guess it’d be nice to
> do all four. Do we already have a units parser? I couldn’t find one. I
> think it’d be pretty simple: just strip the last two characters off for
> unit type and pass the rest as a float.
> 1.0px (=1.0 px; i.e. strip spaces)
> 1.0cm
> 1.0mm
> 1.0in
> 1.0pt
> I don’t think em and en would make sense in this context because we
> wouldn’t know the font size, though maybe there is a sensible figure
> default we could use?
> Then calls like pad=0.01 and pad=‘5mm’ would both be acceptable.
> a) does this exist already?
> b) if not, should it?
> Thanks, Jody
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Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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