[Matplotlib-devel] v2.1 tagged

tune.kamae at gmail.com tune.kamae at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 05:13:54 EDT 2017



Thank you for the email.

Through many rounds of trial-and-error I managed to do more than half of my immediate goal. If done, I will share with other devlopers.


Tune Kamae


From: Matplotlib-devel [mailto:matplotlib-devel-bounces+tune.kamae=gmail.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Caswell
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 5:45 PM
To: matplotlib development list <matplotlib-devel at python.org>
Subject: [Matplotlib-devel] v2.1 tagged




Just pushed the v2.1.0 tag.


There is still a bit of work to be done on docs.  Will do wider announcement once that is done and binaries are available.


Moved all of the un-closed issues to the 2.2 milestone.



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