[Matplotlib-devel] clim API interface

Gregor Mönke tensionheadx at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 10:36:13 EDT 2020


I hope this is the correct list I am writing to.. I am developing a data
analysis GUI for basic biological research using PyQT and matplotlib to
have interactive plots inside the UI (which works wonderfully). Recently I
needed to add the possibility to interactively change the colormap limits
(vmax, vmin) of an image plotted with imshow(). Before changing them, I
want to retrieve the current values to fill the respective Qt line edits.
Exploring the axes object creating the image, I found:

vmin, vmax = ax.images[0].get_clim()

which gives me exactly what I want. As this is rather undocumented, I
wanted to ask if you consider that a save solution or if it's something
which might change rather quickly in the release cycle? I don't want to
build my application on API parts which might break quickly.. Thanks in

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