[Matplotlib-devel] [ANN] Matplotlib 3.3.0 release candidate 1

Elliott Sales de Andrade quantum.analyst at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 19:58:39 EDT 2020

Hi all,

We are pleased to announce the issue of the first release candidate for
3.3.0. Please test widely so that we may correct any bugs before the
final release.

Pre-built wheels are available for most major platforms, and can be
installed using `pip install matplotlib==3.3.0rc1`. Other packages may
also be available already; please check with your preferred source.

The 3.3.0 release represents the work of 150 authors over 992 pull
requests, and we thank them for their contributions.

Some highlights of this release include:

  * Adds provisional API for composing semantic axes layouts from text
    or nested lists.
    For a detailed tutorial, see
  * Adds Turbo colormap, a spectral map
    (purple-blue-green-yellow-orange-red) with a bright center and
    darker endpoints, and is a smoother alternative to jet. See
  * Adds axline, a method for drawing infinite lines.
  * Axes3D supports minor ticks, view navigation buttons, and an
    improved aspect ratio.
  * Dates now use a modern epoch, enabling improved precision for recent
  * Tick formatters now accept str or function inputs.
  * The pcolor and pcolormesh methods now accept shading='nearest' and
  * The alignment of titles and Axis labels can now be controlled more
  * The text color for legend labels can now be set, either as a whole,
    or individually based on the corresponding item.
  * Improved support for metadata when saving SVG or PDF.
  * Improved interactive tools and toolbar in various backends.

For further details, please see the What's new in Matplotlib 3.3.0 page:
and the milestone on GitHub:

For packagers, this release contains some changes to dependencies:

  * Pillow is now required.
  * jQuery and jQuery-UI are no longer used, nor downloaded as part of
    the build.
  * Compiled extensions are built with LTO if the compiler supports it.

This release is signed by my GPG key. The fingerprint is:
23CA B59E 3332 F94D 26BE F037 8D86 E7FA E5EB 0C10
and it is also used to sign this message.

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