[Matplotlib-devel] The next Matplotlib new contributor meeting

Noa Tamir hello at noatamir.com
Fri Jul 29 05:01:14 EDT 2022

👋 folks,

The next Matplotlib new contributor meeting is on August 2nd (Tuesday) at 5:00 PM UTC [1]

Meet with us to discuss getting started as a contributor to Matplotlib, your ongoing PRs, improvements to the Contributing Guide, and more!

To join us please check our meeting calendar at Scientific Python [2], which has the meeting times, with links to the agenda we prepared and the meeting zoom link [3].


[1] [Convert to your local time](https://dateful.com/convert/utc?t=17) ⌚️
[2] [Scientific Python - Community Calendars](https://scientific-python.org/calendars/) [:calendar:]
[3] [Launch Meeting - Zoom](https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81285851006?pwd=Tks2QjRkNWh5NGw0TmU1RUwwOVluZz09) [:video_camera:]
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