[Matplotlib-devel] Technical Writer - GSoD 2023 Application

Hanan Younes hyounes8 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 2 23:19:32 EDT 2023

Dear all,  
I hope my email finds you well, 
My name is Hanan, and I am a freelance technical writing and UI Test developer from Canada. I am sending this email to express my interest in working on Matplotlib's Google Season of Docs/GSoD 2023 project " Indexing of Matplotlib gallery examples". 
I have previous experience participating in Google Season of Docs 2021 & 2022. Plus, I was also selected as an Outreachy intern with the Intermine open-source organization. Occasionally, I enjoy technical writing on my blog, as well as software development and testing. 
I have attached my resume which outlines my skillset, experience, sample technical writings, and links to my LinkedIn and previous work. 
Please let me know if a project proposal or anything else is needed. 
Looking forward to hearing back from you, 
Hanan Younes

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