[Matplotlib-devel] [ANN] Matplotlib 3.9.0

Elliott Sales de Andrade quantum.analyst at gmail.com
Thu May 16 16:28:19 EDT 2024

Hi all,

We are pleased to announce the publication of the 3.9.0 meso¹ release.

Pre-built wheels are available for most major platforms, and can be 
installed using `pip install matplotlib==3.9.0`. Other packages may also 
be available already; please check with your preferred source.

This release is the work of 175 authors over 450 Pull Requests, fixing 
97 Issues. Highlights of this release include:

Plotting and Annotation improvements
	- Axes.inset_axes is no longer experimental
	- Legend support for Boxplot
	- Percent sign in pie labels auto-escaped with usetex=True
	- hatch parameter for stackplot
	- Add option to plot only one half of violin plot
	- axhline and axhspan on polar axes
	- Subplot titles can now be automatically aligned
	- axisartist can now be used together with standard Formatters
	- Toggle minorticks on Axis
	- StrMethodFormatter now respects axes.unicode_minus

Figure, Axes, and Legend Layout

	- Subfigures now have controllable zorders
	- Getters for xmargin, ymargin and zmargin

Mathtext improvements

	- mathtext documentation improvements
	- mathtext spacing corrections

Widget Improvements

	- Check and Radio Button widgets support clearing

3D plotting improvements

	- Setting 3D axis limits now set the limits exactly

Other improvements

	- New BackendRegistry for plotting backends
	- Add widths, heights and angles setter to EllipseCollection
	- image.interpolation_stage rcParam
	- Arrow patch position is now modifiable
	- NonUniformImage now has mouseover support

For further details, please see the release notes at
and the milestone on GitHub:

¹ Starting with this release, we have moved to the Effective Versioning 
scheme: https://jacobtomlinson.dev/effver/


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