[Matplotlib-users] rotated axes within figure.

Gustavo Goretkin gustavo.goretkin at gmail.com
Mon Feb 29 03:39:47 EST 2016

Alright, this was my shot at it:

It seems like the assumption of an  axis-aligned axes is baked in pretty
strongly, and maybe that's for the best...

I couldn't figure out how tick lines work and why they weren't rotated. The
Line2D object has the correct transform. They are lines whose xy_data
contain only one coordinate, though something must specify the other end of
the tick line (what gives it its length otherwise?) and that is assuming
that the axes is axis-aligned.

In [4]: [l.get_xydata() for l in ax.xaxis.get_ticklines()]
[array([[ 0.,  0.]]),
 array([[ 0.,  1.]]),
 array([[ 2.,  0.]]),
 array([[ 2.,  1.]]),
 array([[ 4.,  0.]]),
 array([[ 4.,  1.]]),
 array([[ 6.,  0.]]),
 array([[ 6.,  1.]]),
 array([[ 8.,  0.]]),
 array([[ 8.,  1.]]),
 array([[ 10.,   0.]]),
 array([[ 10.,   1.]]),
 array([[ 12.,   0.]]),
 array([[ 12.,   1.]])]

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 3:12 PM, Gustavo Goretkin <
gustavo.goretkin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> (sorry if you get this message twice. I originally posted to the old
> sourceforge list)
> How can I add an axes to a figure, but specify the transform from axes
> coordinates to figure coordinates? I want a set of axes (ticks, spines,
> data, everything) that are rotated?
> Figure.add_axes [1] accepts a box left-bottom-width-height axis aligned
> box specification. I can't follow in the code where a transform is made out
> of that, but I basically want a generic transform. Do tick labels, ticks,
> titles, etc. assume that the axes-to-figure transform is purely a
> translation?
> [1]
> https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/blob/e12d103a11cd08adbed348547bdb8182e414e0bb/lib/matplotlib/figure.py#L840
> Thanks,
> Gustavo
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