[Matplotlib-users] possible regression in plt.draw (mpl 1.4.3 -> 1.5.0) when using fig.text using transformations

Oliver Willekens oliver.willekens at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 08:39:33 EST 2016

>[...] in general [DPI/figure issues] will come up because the Transforms
close over many values that can (and do!) change from user input or as part
of the draw process.

Thought I had the transformations all figured out, but it looks like I
should definitely play some more with it.

Thank you, Tom, for referring me to the git pull request and explaining the
cause of this.


2016-03-03 14:54 GMT+01:00 Thomas Caswell <tcaswell at gmail.com>:

> If you want to _really_ force a redraw, you will need to to
> `fig.canvas.draw()`.
> In https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/5150 we change
> `plt.draw()` to use the `canvas.draw_idle` method.  The draw_idle
> effectively asks the GUI framework to please re-draw the next time it is
> convenient.  The main benefit of this is if you request multiple draw_idle
> before giving the GUI a chance to re-paint there will only be one actual
> call to `canvas.draw`.
> Using `ax.text` is much simpler you should just use that ;)
> In general going through screen coordinates in user code is not advised.
> In this particular case you are going right back to 'normalized' unit so
> you will not have DPI / figure size issues, but in general those will come
> up because the Transforms close over many values that can (and do!) change
> from user input or as part of the draw process.  In almost all cases, it is
> better to pass a transfrom into the artists and let mpl internals sort of
> exactly when to evaluate them.
> Tom
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 6:31 AM Oliver Willekens <
> oliver.willekens at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear matplotlib users and developers,
>> I’m using plt.draw() to force the rendering of all artists and then,
>> based on their newly calculated positions, place a text label on the figure
>> window in figure coordinates.
>> The goal is to add a text label near the conventional y-axis, at the top,
>> right-aligned. Example code that demonstrates the problem:
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>> import numpy as np
>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>> import matplotlib as mpl
>> print(mpl.__version__)
>> x = np.linspace(0, 50)
>> y = 4*np.sin(x) + 5
>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,9.8))
>> ax = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8),
>>     frameon=True,
>>     aspect='equal',
>>     adjustable='box',
>>     xlim=(x.min(), x.max()),
>>     ylim=(0, 10),
>>     xticks=[x.min(), x.max()],
>>     yticks=[0, 10],
>>     xlabel='dimension (unit)')
>> ax.plot(x, y)
>> plt.draw()  # force redraw
>> ylabel_pos = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform_point(ax.transAxes.transform_point((0,1)))
>> label1 = fig.text(ylabel_pos[0], ylabel_pos[1], "label1", ha="right", va="bottom")
>> plt.savefig('/tmp/test_pre_mpl_v_{}.png'.format(mpl.__version__))
>> ylabel_pos = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform_point(ax.transAxes.transform_point((0,1)))
>> label2 = fig.text(ylabel_pos[0], ylabel_pos[1], "label2", ha="right", va="bottom")
>> plt.savefig('/tmp/test_post_mpl_v_{}.png'.format(mpl.__version__))
>> The code shows that in mpl 1.4.3 both label1 and label2 end up at the
>> same (desired) position. However, mpl 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 (just installed to
>> check) show that label1 is at a height of 0.9 in the figure coordinates.
>> After the first call to savefig, the figure is rendered with the axes
>> getting a new height and width (due to the call to aspect='equal',
>> adjustable='box') and so the subsequent call to savefig renders label2
>> in the correct position.
>> Using ax.text(x=0, y=1, s='label', transform=ax.transAxes, ha="right",
>> va="bottom") gets the job done alright (both in 1.4.3, as well as
>> 1.5.0), but the call to fig.text using the subsequent transforms should
>> have worked, I believe, and so this seems to indicate something has changed
>> in the rendering of a rescaled axes using plt.draw.
>> Kind regards,
>> Oliver
>> P.S. I posted this to the older sourceforge mailing list as well, by
>> accident. Hadn’t changed the send-to address yet, even though Thomas
>> Caswell had pointed it out to me already in August 2015. My apologies.
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