[Matplotlib-users] Transparency for pcolor slices in Axes3D plot

Thibaut Appel t.appel17 at imperial.ac.uk
Fri Mar 20 10:34:36 EDT 2020

Dear matplotlib users/developers,

I struggle to set some transparency in an Axes3D plot with series of 
2D-slices generated with pcolor. In spite of trying to set alpha, all 
the slices remain opaque. I've just posted the issue on stackoverflow 
where you can see an illustration of the problem. Would someone have a 

|import numpy as np|
|import matplotlib.pyplot as plt|
|from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D|
|from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection|
|X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)|
|fig = plt.figure()|
|ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')|
|alpha = 0.8|
|for i in range(len(islices)):|
|    im = ax.pcolor(X,Y,u[islices[i],:,:]) #,alpha=alpha)|
|    #im.set_facecolor((0, 0, 1, alpha))|


Thank you in advance.

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