From Mon Aug 28 22:08:45 1995 From: (Jim Fulton, U.S. Geological Survey) Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 17:08:45 -0400 Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Re: [PYTHON META-SIG] Re: SIGs In-Reply-To: <199508281956.PAA06875@monty> Message-ID: <> On Mon, 28 Aug 1995 15:56:13 -0400 Guido van Rossum said: > Now that Barry's created the matrix and gui sigs, I've added their > email addresses to the sigs web page on I guess Jim > should prepare a little introduction to be placed in the <topic>.info > files and also post that to the net so people are aware of the new > sigs. (I could then also change the description of the sigs in the > sigs web page.) How about: matrix-sig: Special Interest Group for Built-in Matrix Types There is growing interest in using Python to interface with mathematical and scientific computation libraries. A commonly needed data structure is a matrix of homogenous low-level objects, such as numbers. The purpose of this special interest group is to develop a proposal for and possibly coordinate the implementation of a new Python built-in Matrix type. ================= MATRIX-SIG - SIG on Matrix Math for Python send messages to: administrivia to: ================= From Thu Aug 31 01:37:35 1995 From: (James L Fulton, Hydrologist, Reston, VA ) Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 20:37:35 -0400 Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Matrix Special Interest Group Formed Message-ID: <> A Python Software Activity (PSA) Matrix Special Interest Group (SIG) has been formed: There is growing interest in using Python to interface with mathematical and scientific computation libraries. A commonly needed data structure is a matrix of homogenous low-level objects, such as numbers. The purpose of this special interest group is to develop a proposal for and possibly coordinate the implementation of a new Python built-in Matrix type. The SIG will conduct its discussions using the mailing list You can join the matrix sig (and the mailing list) by sending a message to with a message body containing the word "subscribe". To obtain a copy of the matrix-sig archive, you can send a message to with a message body containing: get matrix-sig.archive To find out more about the PSA, see: To find out more about PSA SIGS, see: To find out about additional commands that you can send to, see -- -- Jim Fulton (703) 648-5622 U.S. Geological Survey, Reston VA 22092 This message is being posted to obtain or provide technical information relating to my duties at the U.S. Geological Survey. ================= MATRIX-SIG - SIG on Matrix Math for Python send messages to: administrivia to: ================= From Fri Aug 18 18:16:55 1995 From: (James Hugunin) Date: 18 Aug 1995 17:16:55 GMT Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] The Matrix Object Proposal (very long) Message-ID: <412hu7$92c@GRAPEVINE.LCS.MIT.EDU> I apologize for the length of this posting, but you were warned in the subject header. There seems to be a fair amount of interest in the python community concerning the addition of numeric operations to python. My own desire is to have as large a library of matrix based functions available as possible (linear algebra, eigenfunctions, signal processing, statistics, etc.). In order to ensure that all of these libraries interoperate, there needs to be agreement on a basic matrix object that can be used to represent arrays of numbers. The following is a proposal for such an object. It can be viewed as an extension of the current array object to higher dimensions and numerical operations. The wheels have already been set in motion to create a Matrix SIG mailing-list for further discussion of this proposal, as well as other python numerics related issues. This should come on-line sometime next week and serious discussion of this proposal should probably be deferred until it can be done on that list. Summaries of that discussion will be posted to the main list as consensus develops. Below I specify the behavior of a Matrix object within python. The C (or FORTRAN) API to such an object is obviously of significant importance as this object is primarily intended as an interface to existing numerical libraries. I'm currently working on that proposal (at least the C part) as well, but I think everyone will agree that this post is long enough as it is. Note: Parts of this proposal are stolen from the python documentation for the array object, and from discussions on the net. I'd like to particularly thank Jim Fulton for letting me review (and steal ideas from) his current Matrix object and for providing feedback on the first draft of this proposal (though he certainly doesn't agree with everything in it, even now). Matrix Object This defines a new object type which can efficiently represent a multidimensional array of basic values (char, unsigned byte, signed byte, int, short, long, float, double, complex float and complex double). Matrices are defined as both a sequence type and a mapping type, and usually (unless it's a matrix of char's) as a number type. It should be noted that allowing a type to be both a sequence and a number and to behave properly for addition and multiplication, will require some very small patches to the ceval.c code. All of the examples use the following matrices: Assume A = [1,2,3], B = [11,12,13], C = [[1,4,9],[16,25,36]], M=[[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],[11,12,13,14,15],[21,22,23,24,25],[31,32,33,34,35]] **Numeric operations** "+", "-", "*", "/", "^"(as power), abs, unary"-", and unary"+" are defined as the corresponding element-wise arithmetic operations. Because these assume element-wise correspondence between the two matrices, the operandi must be of the same dimensions (however, note the dimensions-coercion section below). A+B = [12,14,16] A*B = [11,24,39] C*C = [[2,8,18],[32,50,72]] -A = [-1,-2,-3] Possible suggestions for the other numeric operations: "%" represents matrix multiplication (or vector dot product). "~" represents transposition. Other suggestions? **Sequence operations** Concatenation and multiplication sequence operations are not defined, but instead the arithmetic operations are invoked for the "+" and "*" operators. Indexing by both single indices and by slices is supported. All returned matrices are returned by reference rather than by value. len(M) is defined to return the size of the first dimension in in matrix. examples: len(M) -> 4 D = M[0] D[0] = 66 print M[0] [66,2,3,4,5] The semantics of returning a slice by reference is consistent with the mapping operations given below, however, this is inconsistent with the list objects semantics. This is open to debate. D = M[0:2] D[0][0] = 66 print M[0] [66,2,3,4,5] **Mapping operations** Recent newsgroup discussions have offered some convincing arguments for treating a matrix as a mapping type where sequences of ints are used as the keys. The sequence must be of length less than or equal to the numer of dimensions in the matrix. Each element of the sequence is either an integer or a sequence. If it is an integer, it returns the corresponding element for that dimension, if it is a sequence then it returns all of the elements given in the sequence. ie. A[0] -> 1, A[((1,2))] -> [2,3] M[0] -> [1,2,3,4,5] M[(0,3)] -> 4 M[((0,2),0)] -> [1,21] M[(range(1,3),range(2,4))] -> [[13,14],[23,24]] In order to simplify the syntax of these references, it would be valuable to change the syntax of python so that M[0,3] is equivalent to M[(0,3)]. This is a small change to the current indexing semantics which will give a reasonable meaning to a currently illegal syntactic item. When used as a setvalue, the corresponding elements of the given array will be set to the left hand side. All of these operations that return a matrix will return it by-reference, meaning that the elements of the new array will be references to the old one and changes to either array will effect the other. **Instantiation** The following function will be used to instantiate a matrix: Matrix(datasource(optional), d1, d2, ..., typecode='d') The typecodes are as follows: c - char (non-numeric) 1 - unsigned char b - signed char h - short i - int l - long f - float d - double F - complex float D - complex double The optional datasource can be a file object or a string object and will fill the matrix with the raw data contained therein. In this case the dimensions are required. The first dimension can be input as -1, in which case the first dimension will be set to be as large as necessary to hold the entire contents of the file or string. The optional datasource can also be a sequence, in which case the dimensions of the array do not need to be passed in and are instead determined by the hierarchical structure of the sequence. examples: Matrix([range(3),(4,5,6)], 'i') -> [[0,1,2],[4,5,6]] Matrix(2,3) -> [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] Matrix('abcdef', 2,3, 'u') -> [[97,98,99],[100,101,102]] Matrix('abcdef', -1,2, 'c') -> ['ab', 'cd', 'ef'] **Coercion** Dimension coercion:The following is a proposal to make the matrix object behave as closely as possible to matrices in matlab (to make it easy to convert matlab code to python), and to generalize this behavior to arbitrarily high dimensional objects. If a matrix of fewer dimensions than that required is provided, then the matrix can be converted to more dimensions by making copies of itself. For purposes of dimension coercion, an int or a float is considered a 0-d matrix. ie. A+1 -> [2,3,4], A+C -> [[2,6,12],[17,27,39]] B^2 -> [121,144,169] vs. B^A -> [11, 144, 2197] Simliar coercion should be performed for most functions acting on matrices. Helper functions will be provided to make this easy, however there is no way to enforce this. The following is a proposed standard to allow functions to be applied to higher-dimensional objects in a uniform way. If a function is defined to operate on scalars (say sqrt()), then when applied to a matrix it should apply itself to every element in the matrix. ie. sqrt(C) -> [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] This is generalized to higher dimensions so that if a function is provided with a matrix of more dimensions that it requires, that function will apply itself to each appropriately sized unit in the matrix. ie. sum(A) -> 6 whereas sum(C) -> [14,77] Type coercion: No type coercion will be performed. However, it is possible to have a function defined to work on multiple types (operator overloading). So sqrt might be defined on matrices of both floats and doubles in which case it will work properly when given either matrix as input, but will return a type error if applied to a matrix of ints. **Basic Data Items and Methods (non-numeric)** typecode - The typecode character used to create the matrix itemsize - The length in bytes of one matrix item in the internal representation dimensions - A sequence containing the size of the matrix along each of its dimensions copy - Returns a copy of the matrix. This is a good way to take an array returned by reference and turn it into one returned by value. transpose - The transpose of the matrix (not needed if "~" is used for transpose) byteswap - Useful for reading data from a file written on a machine with a different byte order typecast(t) - Returns a new matrix of the same dimensions where each item is cast (using C typecasting rules) from the matrix's type to the new type t. tofile(f) - Write all items (as machine values) to the file object f. tolist() - Convert the matrix to an ordinary (possibly nested) list with the same items. tostring() - Convert the array to an array of machine values and return the string representation (the same sequence of bytes that would be written to a file by the tofile() method.) Note: the append, fromlist, etc. methods are not present because it is assumed that a matrix object is of constant size (there are some strong efficiency reasons for this assumption but this is likely to be another source of arguments). **Basic functions taking matrix arguments (non-numeric)** Since it isn't possible to append to a matrix (or efficient if it's decided it should be possible) I thought that some sort of function for producing a new matrix from a list of matrices would be useful. So I'm proposing the following function which is very similar in spirit to the string.join operation. concat(l) - l must be a list of matrices, and each matrix in l must have the same number of dimensions, as well as the same size for every dimension except for the first. This will return a new matrix M whose first dimension is the sum of the first dimensions of all the matrices in the list, and whose data is filled from the data in all of these matrices. ie. concat([A,B]) -> [1,2,3,11,12,13] This is different from Matrix([A,B]) -> [[1,2,3],[11,12,13]] **Basic functions taking matrix arguments (numeric)** It is hoped that there will be a large variety of special purpose modules to do fancy numeric operations on matrices. There should also be a basic set of operations provided in the Matrix module (the module with the instantiation function). Because type coercion is not going to be performed, it is important to decide both on the list of functions and on the basic types they should support. The following is a very preliminary list of the functions I consider most fundamental. rng(start, stop, step(optional), typecode='d') where all points in the range must be strictly less than the stop point, according to the semantics of range(). This function should possibly be added to the instantiation options. ie. rng(0,0.4) = [0,0.1,0.2,0.3]; rng(0,0.1,0.41) = [0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4] scalar operations (defined on floats, doubles, and all complex): everything in mathmodule.c round scalar operations (defined on all numeric types): sign vector to scalar operations (defined on all numeric types): max, min - Should these return the index of the max or min? sum, prod vector to vector operations (defined on all numeric types): cumsum, cumprod ----- Jim Hugunin - Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology ================= MATRIX-SIG - SIG on Matrix Math for Python send messages to: administrivia to: =================