From  Mon Oct  2 17:27:22 1995
From: (Hinsen Konrad)
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 12:27:22 -0400
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Time for recap?
In-Reply-To: <199509301807.OAA22282@monty> (message from Guido van Rossum on Sat, 30 Sep 1995 14:07:39 -0400)
Message-ID: <199510021627.MAA14222@cyclone.ERE.UMontreal.CA>

   Ah.  I was writing from memory, and forgot this feature.  I don't like
   it.  How many times do you have to select a more or less arbitrary
   group of rows/columns from a matrix?  It makes the slice representation

Quite often, if you use matrices as tables of numbers.

   bulkier -- contiguous slices can be stored (in C) as 4 ints per
   dimension, while random selections will require a variable-length
   list of indices per dimension.  (It is also wasteful to have to
   generate the full range of numbers when what you mean is a contiguous

Maybe there should be two internal representations, one for
contigous blocks (i.e. submatrices) and one for arbitrary

   A tuple is just one example of a sequence in Python.  Lists are
   another example.  In many situations, any sequence is acceptable and
   the results are the same (e.g. for loops).  (And in situations where
   only lists or only tuples are accepted by the current version of the
   language, Steve Majewski has often made the point that there is no
   inherent reason why only one type should be accepted and that this
   should be fixed.  I agree in most cases.)

Actually, I have never really understood why Python needs both
tuples and lists. Anything you can with tuples you can do with
lists, so why have tuples?

   Instead of supporting a[[2,3,5]] to select elements 2, 3 and 5 from a,
   I would propose to use filter() or a multi-dimensional extension
   thereof if you want to access selected subarrays.  Or perhaps just a

You mean actually having to iterate over the whole array just to
pick some element? That sounds a bit wasteful.

One problem I am seeing in this discussion is that indexing is being
treated separately from other array operations, although it is really
only one structural function among many (reshaping, transposing,
etc.). We should rather discuss the complete set of structural
functions together; they should behave consistently and together allow
all array manipulations that might occur, no matter which can be done
by "indexing" and which by something with another name.

If you look at my Array implementation, you will see that there
indexing is just syntactic sugar for a structural function "take" that
selects an arbitrary set of items from its argument. It has the useful
property that the shape of the result is the combination of the shape
of the "index" argument and the shape of the items of the "data"
argument. That gives great flexibility in selecting subarrays, and
provides an easy-to-understand behaviour even in complicated cases.
In my implementation, indexing itself is limited, since you can't
specify rank, but I don't really care, since "take" lets me do
whatever I want.

   > It wouldn't be too hard to expand the definition of basic type to
   > include (PyObject *)'s if you'd like to have the possibility of a
   > matrix of "real" python objects.

   Yes, the latter is definitely something that should be possible even
   if my idea doesn't find the acceptance I hope it will get.

You can add support from me ;-)
General arrays would be a useful feature without causing much
effort. The main problem I see is how to specify whether e.g. a
constant array of integers is supposed to be an array of integers or a
general array whose initial values happen to be integers. But this
can be overcome with explicit conversion, if necessary.

Konrad Hinsen                     | E-Mail:
Departement de chimie             | Tel.: +1-514-343-6111 ext. 3953
Universite de Montreal            | Fax:  +1-514-343-7586
C.P. 6128, succ. A                | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/Nederlands/
Montreal (QC) H3C 3J7             | Francais (phase experimentale)

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Mon Oct  2 18:08:11 1995
From: (Hinsen Konrad)
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 13:08:11 -0400
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Time for recap?
In-Reply-To: <199509301830.OAA22332@monty> (message from Guido van Rossum on Sat, 30 Sep 1995 14:30:24 -0400)
Message-ID: <199510021708.NAA15986@cyclone.ERE.UMontreal.CA>

   I just meant to end the debate about whether a*b should mean matrix
   multiplication in the LA sense or elementwise multiplication like
   APL/J.  This only an issue for * and /.  For / most people agree that

OK, on that I agree, of course. I thought you were referring to
functions like matrix inversion.

   I don't see much of a problem with that.  Functions/methods that take
   an array and return a like-shaped array should always copy their
   argument before modifying it.  Methods that are supposed to modify an
   array in place should not also return a reference to the array.

That seems a good way to make the distinction clear.

Konrad Hinsen                     | E-Mail:
Departement de chimie             | Tel.: +1-514-343-6111 ext. 3953
Universite de Montreal            | Fax:  +1-514-343-7586
C.P. 6128, succ. A                | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/Nederlands/
Montreal (QC) H3C 3J7             | Francais (phase experimentale)

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Tue Oct  3 17:47:47 1995
From: (Chris Chase S1A)
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 12:47:47 -0400
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Mutli-dimensional indexing and other comments
Message-ID: <>

This is a long note.

I have tried to go back and read through the various matrix/array
proposals from the start of this list.  I have some comments on
various proposals and opinions.  I also would like to make some
suggestions about multi-dimensional indexing. 


Hinsen Konrad's proposal:

     - Like arrays in J, my arrays are immutable, i.e. there is no
       provision for changing individual elements.

I find that changinng individual elements a necessity in almost all
the computations that I do.  For example, this kind of operation is
pervasive in imaging applications (e.g. segmentation and
region-of-interest manipulations) and block-matrix linear algebra
computations.  For me, setting elements is a must.


Array functions:

Hinsen Konrad supports calculator sytle array usage, i.e. interactive

     I am typing things like


     which I prefer a lot to


I definitely prefer the first sytle for interactive computations.

I also like Konrad's array function prototype that allows rank
specification, e.g. product.over[1](b).  Guido did not like the rank
specification via an index argument.  Could the rank be overriden
using a keyword argument instead of an index argument,
e.g. product.over(b,rank=1)?  Since keywords are commonly used to
override default arguments this would seem a natural possibility.


Heirarchical (list-like) indexing:

Jim Fulton's proposal thinks of multi-dimensional arrays as being
heirarchical so that a[i] returns a N-1 dimensioned array.  This
allows him to use list style indexing, e.g. a[i][j].  This approach
would seem to rule out flatten indexing (one-dimensional indexing) and
multi-dimensional slicing, e.g. would a[2:9][1:5] just end up being
equivalent to a[3:7]?  Perhaps that is what is wanted.  If the
heirarchical approach is used then a different mechanism would be
necessary for more general multi-dimensional indexing.  I could see
that heirarchical indexing like list indexing, would be useful.  My
opinion is that arbitrary multi-dimensional slicing is more useful for
the homogeneous arrays we are discussing (they are not lists).
Perhaps both could be supported.


I am confused about proposals for array slices to be references.  In
Jim's proposal, assignment is by copy and access is by reference.
Then am I correct in understanding that for b=a[i] (a is
two-dimensional) changing elements of b will not change a?


General Multi-dimensional indexing:

In general, I have not been able to keep straight the various
proposals.  It seems that most issues have been concerned with
implementation issues or with limiting extensions so they will not
break the current language.

Instead of diving into the implementation questions I would like to
present my views on multi-dimensional indexing for arrays.  Then I
would like to know how the current proposals fit into this view.

I have worked with or investigated a number of interactive
array-oriented computational languages: IDL, Matlab, Tela, scilab,
Octave, rlab, Mathematica, APL.  I have seen the following indexing
concepts all of which are very useful and completely generalize array

Like Konrad, I will use the term "rank" to refer to the number of
dimensions of an array and "shape" to refer to the ordered list of
dimension sizes of an array.

The arrays are homogeneous and can be viewed as one-dimensional (as in
C or Fortran) or multi-dimensional.

index vector: a scalar, slice (with optional stride), or array.  An
array index could be our new array (matrix) object, tuple or list.

Let A be a multi-dimensional array (rank is 3 in the examples) to be
indexed and let a1, a2, a3 be arbitrary index vectors.

one-dimensional indexing: 

a) flattened indexing.  Takes a single index vector and the array is
   viewed like contiguously-stored arrays in Fortran or C (one or the
   other, but consistent in that always the first or last dimension
   changes most rapidly.)  The shape of the result is the same as the
   shape of the index vector.

b (not really 1-D?) heirachical indexing (Jim Fulton's list-like indexing): 
    Mentioned above.  The index vector is used only for the first
    dimension.  I have never used this type of indexing for
    homogeneous numeric arrays (because it is a special case of the
    product indexing), but I see that it could be useful when viewing
    the array as a list.  For a scalar index the result has rank one
    less than A.  If a non-scalar is used as an index vector then the
    index vector would be treated in flattened form and the result
    would have have the same rank as A.

Multi-dimensional indexing:

   The number of index vectors is equal to the rank A with one index
   vector for each dimension.  There are two types of indexing that I
   have seen:

a) product indexing: You might call this arbitrary slice indexing.  I
   sometimes call this Cartesian product indexing because all
   combinations of the index vector elements are used for indexing.
   All index vectors are used in flattened form.  The result has the
   same rank but the size of each dimension is equal to the length of
   the corresponding index vector.  The elements of the result are
   taken from all possible ordered combinations of the index vector
   elements, e.g. the result element at index i,j,k is taken from A at
   index a1(i),a2(j),a3(k).

b) mapped indexing (as in Tela): The index vectors all have the same
   shape and are used in flattened form.  Indexes into array A are
   generated from ordered elementwise grouping, i.e. the result at 1-D
   index i is taken from A at index a1(i),a2(i),a3(i).  The shape of
   the result is the same as the shape of the index vectors.
Selection indexing (as in Octave or APL): 
  A type of 1-D indexing where the index vector is a {0,1} vector that
  has the same number of elements as A.  The result contains only
  those elements of A where the corresponding index vector is

  Rather than support this directly, many languages, e.g. IDL and
  Matlab, support this indirectly with a "where" or "find" function.
  where(A) returns a rank 1 array containing in increasing order the
  one-dimensional indexes where A is nonzero.  The result of where(A)
  can then be used for 1-D indexing.  This is more powerful then
  supporting selection directly.

Insertion indexing (as in IDL):
  Used in setting blocks of items.  Takes a 1-D or multi-dimensional
  scalar index that specifies the starting position for the object
  insertion, overwriting existing items.  For a 1-D scalar index the
  object inserted is used in flattened form.  For a multi-dim index
  the object inserted must have the same rank as A.  When the inserted
  object would extend beyond the dimension bounds of A there are
  several possible behaviors: signal error, index wrap-around, or
  truncation of A to fit.

In most of the languages that I have used, the syntax A[] is used for
both 1-D and multi-dimensional product/slicing indexing.  Sometimes,
1-D indexing is used when only a single index vector is given.  Konrad
suggests that this is just syntactic sugar in place of function calls
like "take" and "ravel".  But it is extremely useful for writing
clear, readable code (even APL acknowledges this by supporting "[]"
syntax for indexing).

A natural solution syntactically would be:
1. "[]" subscripting to support 1-D indexing and product indexing
   depending on the number of index vectors given.
2. allowing ":" slice notation for index vectors.

Mapped indexing, heirarchical indexing, insertion and where/selection
could be access methods.

It does not seem possible without major internal Python changes to
implement both 1) and 2) because of the ingrained and non-extensible
1-D indexing built-in to Python.

Someone (?) suggested that arbitrary (product) indexing did not seem
useful and slicing was sufficient.  For my personal interests, product
indexing is necessary for a huge number of applications.  I use mapped
indexing less often, but it is similarly necessary in many
applications.  Of course all indexing can be converted manually into
1-D indexing, but this would make an array extension almost unuseable
for interactive use.


Question: Do any of the proposals completely support these types of
indexing in some form?

The closest I have seen to supporting product indexing is
James Hugunin proposal of using a mapping type:

     M[(range(1,3),range(2,4))] -> [[13,14],[23,24]]

The idea suggests wrapping the index arguments of [] into a tuple.
However, this would not allow both 1-D and multi-dimensional indexing
for the same array without possible ambiguity.

To avoid the extra parentheses Guido suggests:
    - Allowing M[i, j] for (multidimensional) sequence types would
      also mean that D[i, j] would be equivalent to D[(i, j)] for

But Jim Fulton:

     I see no reason to support M[i,j] for arbitrary sequence types.  I'd
     say that if a type wants to support multiple arguments to [], then it
     should provide mapping behavior and have the mapping implementation
     sniff for either an integer or a tuple argument and do the right

     I am *very much* against a language change to support this.

One complex solution that preserves the current Python language:

Treat M[i,j] as multiple dimension indexing and M[(i,j)] as 1-D
indexing.  Think of M[i,j] as a function call with 2 arguments and
M[(i,j)] as a function call with a single argument.  As specified by
the current language, M[(i,j)] is a mapping type, but (i,j) is treated
as a one-dimensional index vector selecting items i and j.  On the
other hand, when multiple index arguments are used, e.g. M[i,j], a
different multi-dimension index method taking a variable length
argument list is called, e.g. __msetitem__ or __mgetitem__.  This
allows both 1-D and multi-dim indexing for the same object that
_preserves_ existing language behavior.  

This also overcomes the discussion of about bundling the index
arguments into a tuple, e.g. a[1,], which I think could be a source of
errors and confusion.

Of course, this solution requires large changes to Python internals.


Multi-dimensional slicing:

If possible I would prefer slice notation over range().

Using range() is certainly not as clean as ":".  ":" is more than
syntaic sugar since it will use dimension length information for the
object that is not available to range().  With range() how do I
specify the entire dimension or dimension length for the upper bound?
For large array expressions the repetitive range() can generate a lot
of clutter.

For example:

a[1:3,:,5:] == a[range(1:3),range(0,shape(a)[1])),range(5,shape(a)[2])]

The left side is much more readable at a glance.  Then imagine if this
was part of a larger expression.

Of course this could have been made a little simpler by storing the
shape in an auxillary variable:

s = shape(a)
a[1:3,:,5:] == a[range(1:3),range(0,s[1])),range(5,len(s[2]))]

To support slice ":" for multi-dimensions Guido suggests an expression
like (2:3).  But Jim Fulton replies:

     Can't be, (2:3) is not a valid expression, so it can't yield a valid
     element of the tuple.

Additionally, allowing (2:3) expressions in place of range() expressions
would break old slice usage.

A possible complex solution to allow ":" multi-dimensional expressions
with backwards compatibility:

To make slice expressions valid there would have to be some kind of
built-in slice type.  For example, it could just be a tuple subclass
with the only difference being a type name of "slice".  When used for
multi-dim indexing the indexing function would have to support
scalars, arrays or slices for the indexes by checking the type of the
index.  For backwards compatibility, when using one-dimensional
indexing M[2:3] would call __getslice__(2,3) by unpacking the slice

When using slices for multi-dimensional indexes, supporting negative
upper bounds would have to be a built-in dimension length function so
that the dimension upper bound would be available, e.g. when computing
M[2,3:-1].  If negative upper bounds could be forfeited for multi-dim
slices then the dimension length function would not be necessary ("None"
could be use for the upper bound in "2:").

If such additions to Python are just too much work, then I think Jim's
range() workaround is the next best thing.


The solutions above to allow ":" and 1-D plus multi-dimensional
indexing are not simple to implement.  They would require major
internal changes to the compiler in addition to other areas.  But they
would _preserve_ backwards compatibility with the current language.
They are complex because the original language was not designed with
extensibility to completely general multi-dimensional indexing in

General opinion about possible Python array/matrix extensions: 

Trying to implement multi-dimensional arrays without any changes to
Python internals could end up being cumbersome, inelegant workarounds
that may be confusing and discouraging to end users (especially those
coming from numeric array languages like APL, Matlab, IDL, Tela, etc).
The extensions would most likely not be completely general.  Why
should we limit the hamstring the capabilities of an array extension
just to avoid internal Python changes?  Additionally, while they might
be useable in scripts, they will be inefficient for extensive
interactive use.

Chris Chase

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Oct  4 02:58:07 1995
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 1995 21:58:07 -0400
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Mutli-dimensional indexing and other comments
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 03 Oct 1995 12:47:47 EDT."
References: <>
Message-ID: <199510040158.VAA05077@monty>

> I also like Konrad's array function prototype that allows rank
> specification, e.g. product.over[1](b).  Guido did not like the rank
> specification via an index argument.  Could the rank be overriden
> using a keyword argument instead of an index argument,
> e.g. product.over(b,rank=1)?  Since keywords are commonly used to
> override default arguments this would seem a natural possibility.

Sounds good to me, though I'm still struggling with the concent of the
rank of an operator...

> Heirarchical (list-like) indexing:
> Jim Fulton's proposal thinks of multi-dimensional arrays as being
> heirarchical so that a[i] returns a N-1 dimensioned array.  This
> allows him to use list style indexing, e.g. a[i][j].  This approach
> would seem to rule out flatten indexing (one-dimensional indexing) and
> multi-dimensional slicing, e.g. would a[2:9][1:5] just end up being
> equivalent to a[3:7]?


> Perhaps that is what is wanted.

Not necessarily, but it's the only thing that's possible given the
various constraints and the current language implementation.  While
a[i,j] could easily be added (meaning a[i][j]), a[i:j,k:l] would
require major re-engineering of a complicated piece of code.  I
proposed a.slice((i,j), (k,l)) to express this.

> I am confused about proposals for array slices to be references.  In
> Jim's proposal, assignment is by copy and access is by reference.
> Then am I correct in understanding that for b=a[i] (a is
> two-dimensional) changing elements of b will not change a?

No.  Assignment to a simple name (e.g. "b") will always be by
reference, this is fundamental in the language.  However, *slice*
assignment has to copy (e.g. b[i:-1j] = a[i-1:j]), and I have proposed
that slice references (a[i:j] used in an expression) of arrays return
a reference to the original elements of a.  E.g. after b = a[i:j],
assignment to elements of b will change the corresponding elements of
a.  This is different from slice assignments for Python lists, but
seems to be the most useful rslice semantics for arrays.

> In general, I have not been able to keep straight the various
> proposals.  It seems that most issues have been concerned with
> implementation issues or with limiting extensions so they will not
> break the current language.

Indeed, such are the practicalities of extending a language that has
been used and developed extensively by/for thousands of users over the
past five years.

> Instead of diving into the implementation questions I would like to
> present my views on multi-dimensional indexing for arrays.  Then I
> would like to know how the current proposals fit into this view.

An approach that I like, at least in theory.

[What followed was too long for me to digest completely.]

> Why should we limit the hamstring the capabilities of an array
> extension just to avoid internal Python changes?

Because nobody wants to do the work.

> Additionally, while they might be useable in scripts, they will be
> inefficient for extensive interactive use.

Surely you mean "too much to type" and not "inefficient to execute".
Even though Python is quite usable interactively I don't think its its
real strengths lie there, and I don't think that interactive use
should be used as an argument in favor or against certain solutions.

--Guido van Rossum <guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
URL: <>

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Wed Oct  4 20:03:40 1995
From: (Hinsen Konrad)
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 15:03:40 -0400
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Mutli-dimensional indexing and other comments
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Chris Chase S1A on Tue, 3 Oct 1995 12:47:47 -0400)
Message-ID: <199510041903.PAA18613@cyclone.ERE.UMontreal.CA>

   specification via an index argument.  Could the rank be overriden
   using a keyword argument instead of an index argument,
   e.g. product.over(b,rank=1)?  Since keywords are commonly used to
   override default arguments this would seem a natural possibility.

I have never used keyword arguments, but that's no reason not
to use them ;-) Basically the idea is not bad; however, it lacks
one useful feature of my implementation: it is not possible to
create function objects with modified ranks if the rank is only
supplied in the function call.

Whenever I need a particular function/rank combination often,
I just define a new function, e.g.

  reshape_items = reshape[[-1,1]]

gives the result

  0 0 
  0 0 

  1 1 
  1 1 

  2 2 
  2 2 

  3 3 
  3 3 

  4 4 
  4 4 

This is useful not just to save typing, but also to give meaningful
names to nonobvious array functions, which helps to make the code
more readable.

Konrad Hinsen                     | E-Mail:
Departement de chimie             | Tel.: +1-514-343-6111 ext. 3953
Universite de Montreal            | Fax:  +1-514-343-7586
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville     | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/Nederlands/
Montreal (QC) H3C 3J7             | Francais (phase experimentale)

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Thu Oct 12 09:26:42 1995
From: (P. Dubois)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 16:26:42 +0800
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Hello from LLNL
Message-ID: <>


I head the computer science effort at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
in X-Division, where we do plasma physics and the design of targets for
laser fusion experiments. We have many large numerical applications in
Fortran and are starting newer codes in C++ and Eiffel.

For the last ten years we have used a programmable applications shell for
Fortran which I wrote. This is reaching the end of its useful lifetime as
we move further and further away from the world for which it was designed,
the monolithic (one CPU, one process, one language = Fortran) large code.

I had been trying to design a replacement system for us but I found Python
already is very close to what I was designing (except it is better done
than I would have managed). We have decided that building on Python is
the way to go. 

So, we'd like to know what is going on in the Matrix SIG, and other
items of interest to those of us who are numerically and graphically
intensive. We bring a big pile of experienced and eager manpower to the
table and hope we can give a hand to this effort.

I designed the EiffelMath numerical library for the Eiffel language, so
I have considerable experience in both numerical mathematics and 
object-oriented technology. And of course having run my own extension 
language for 10 years I and the members of my team can do things of a 
compiler sort.  We have some special expertise in MPI and things parallel/
vector, too.

So: what do you have already? and how can we help?

A bunch of us will be there in December to get trained properly...
(My Fortran system is at

Paul F. Dubois, L-472				(510)-422-5426
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory		FAX (510)-423-9969
Livermore, CA 94550

Editor, Scientific Programming Department
Computers in Physics

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Fri Oct 13 03:04:59 1995
From: (Hinsen Konrad)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 22:04:59 -0400
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] J-style arrays in Python, second edition
Message-ID: <199510130204.WAA14506@cyclone.ERE.UMontreal.CA>

In the meantime I have debugged and extended the Python
implementation of J-style arrays that I distributed earlier,
so it is time for an update. The main new features: file I/O,
better output formatting, more functions (cumulative
reduction, comparison, and more mathematical functions).
And hopefully fewer bugs; reshape() was actually quite
destructive in the first version...

Konrad Hinsen                     | E-Mail:
Departement de chimie             | Tel.: +1-514-343-6111 ext. 3953
Universite de Montreal            | Fax:  +1-514-343-7586
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville     | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/Nederlands/
Montreal (QC) H3C 3J7             | Francais (phase experimentale)

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Fri Oct 13 03:05:22 1995
From: (Hinsen Konrad)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 22:05:22 -0400
Message-ID: <199510130205.WAA14547@cyclone.ERE.UMontreal.CA>

# J-style array class

# Arrays are represented by a scalar or a list, possibly containing
# other lists in case of higher-rank arrays. Array rank is limited
# only by the user's patience.

# Send comments to Konrad Hinsen <>

import types, math, string, regexp, copy

# Error type

ArrayError = 'ArrayError'

# Various functions that do the real work. Classes follow.

# Construct string representation of array

def _output(data, dimension, maxlen):
    s = ''
    if dimension == 0:
	s = s + string.rjust(data,maxlen)
    elif dimension == 1:
	for e in data:
	    s = s + string.rjust(e,maxlen) + ' '
	separator = (dimension-1)*'\n'
	for e in data:
	    s = s + _output(e,dimension-1,maxlen) + separator
    i = len(s)-1
    while i > 0 and s[i] == '\n':
	i = i-1
    return s[:i+1]

# Find the shape of an array and check for consistency

def _shape(data):
    if type(data) == types.ListType:
	if data and type(data[0]) == types.ListType:
	    shapes = map(lambda x:_shape(x),data)
	    for i in range(1,len(shapes)):
		if shapes[i] != shapes[0]:
		    raise ArrayError, 'Inconsistent shapes'
	    shape = [len(data)]
	    shape = shape + shapes[0]
	    return shape
	    return [len(data)]
	return []

# Copy the data structure of an array

def _copy(data, dimension):
    if (dimension ==  0):
	return data
	c = copy.copy(data)
	for i in range(len(c)):
	    c[i] = _copy(c[i], dimension-1)
	return c

# Construct a one-dimensional list of all array elements

def __ravel(data):
    if type(data) == types.ListType:
	if len(data) and type(data[0]) == types.ListType:
	    return reduce(lambda a,b: a+b,
			  map(lambda x: __ravel(x), data))
	    return data
	return [data]

def _ravel(array):
    return Array(__ravel(array._data),
		 [reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, array._shape, 1)])

# Reshape an array

def _reshape(array, shape):
    array = _ravel(array)
    if len(shape._data) == 0:
	return take(array,0)
	array = _copy(array._data, len(array._shape))
	shape = shape._data
	n = reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, shape)
	if n > len(array):
	    nr = (n+len(array)-1)/len(array)
	    array = (nr*array)[:n]
	elif n < len(array):
	    array = array[:n]
	for i in range(len(shape)-1, 0, -1):
	    d = shape[i]
	    n = n/d
	    for j in range(n):
		array[j:j+d] = [array[j:j+d]]
	return Array(array,shape)

# Map a function on the first dimensions of an array

def _extract(a, index, dimension):
    if len(a[1]) < dimension:
	return a
	return (a[0][index], a[1][1:], a[2])

def _map(function, arglist, max_frame, scalar_flag):
    result = []
    if len(max_frame) == 0:
	if scalar_flag:
	    result = apply(function,tuple(map(lambda a: a[0], arglist)))
	    result = apply(function,tuple(map(lambda a: Array(a[0],a[2]),
	for index in range(max_frame[0]):
			       map(lambda a,i=index,d=len(max_frame):
				   _extract(a,i,d), arglist),
			       max_frame[1:], scalar_flag))
    return result

# Reduce an array with a given binary function

def _reduce(function, array):
    function = function[0]
    array = array[0]
    if len(array._shape) == 0:
	return array
    elif array._shape[0] == 0:
	return reshape(function._neutral, array._shape[1:])
	result = Array(array._data[0], array._shape[1:])
	for i in range(1,array._shape[0]):
	    result = function(result, Array(array._data[i], array._shape[1:]))
	return result

def _cumulative(function, array):
    function = function[0]
    array = array[0]
    if len(array._shape) == 0:
	return array
    elif array._shape[0] == 0:
	return array
	shape = array._shape
	last_result = array._data[0]
	result = [last_result]
	for i in range(1,array._shape[0]):
	    last_result = function(last_result, Array(array._data[i],
	return Array(result, shape)

# Find the higher of two ranks

def _maxrank(a,b):
    if a == None or b == None:
	return None
	return max(a,b)

# Array class definition

class Array:

    def __init__(self, scalar_or_list, shape = None):
	self._data = scalar_or_list
	if shape == None:
	    self._shape = _shape(self._data)
	    self._shape = shape

    def __copy__(self):
	return Array(_copy(self._data, len(self._shape)),

    def __str__(self):
	s = tostr(self)
	maxstrlen = maximum.over(_strlen(_ravel(s)))._data
	return _output(s._data,len(s._shape),maxstrlen)

    __repr__ = __str__

    def __len__(self):
	if type(self._data) == types.ListType:
	    return len(self._data)
	    return 1

    def __getitem__(self, index):
	return take(self, index)

    def __getslice__(self, i, j):
	return take(self, range(i,j))

    def __add__(self, other):
	return sum(self, other)
    __radd__ = __add__

    def __sub__(self, other):
	return difference(self, other)
    def __rsub__(self, other):
	return difference(other, self)

    def __mul__(self, other):
	return product(self, other)
    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __div__(self, other):
	return quotient(self, other)
    def __rdiv__(self, other):
	return quotient(other, self)

    def __pow__(self,other):
	return power(self, other)
    def __rpow__(self,other):
	return power(other, self)

    def __neg__(self):
	return 0-self

    def writeToFile(self, filename):
	file = open(filename, 'w')

# Check for arrayness

def isArray(x):
    return hasattr(x,'_shape')

# Read array from file

_int_pattern = regexp.compile('-?[0-9]+')
_float_pattern = regexp.compile('-?[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)*')

def _match(pattern,string):
    r = pattern.match(string)
    for i in r:
	if i == (0, len(string)):
	    return 1
    return 0
def _convertEntry(s):
    if _match(_int_pattern,s):
	return string.atoi(s)
    elif _match(_float_pattern,s):
	return string.atof(s)
	return s

def readArray(filename):
    list = a = []
    stack = []
    blanks = 0
    file = open(filename)
    line = file.readline()
    while line:
	if line[0] != '#':
	    elements = map(_convertEntry, string.split(line))
	    if len(elements):
		if blanks:
		    while blanks > len(stack):
			a = [a]
		    list = copy.copy([])
		    for i in range(blanks-2,-1,-1):
			stack[i] = list
			list = list[0]
		blanks = 0
		blanks = blanks + 1
	line = file.readline()
    while type(a) == types.ListType and len(a) == 1:
	a = a[0]
    return Array(a)

# Array function class

class ArrayFunction:

    def __init__(self, function, ranks, intrinsic_ranks=None):
	self._function = function
	if isArray(ranks):
	    self._ranks = ranks._data
	elif type(ranks) == types.ListType:
	    self._ranks = ranks
	    self._ranks = [ranks]
	if intrinsic_ranks == None:
	    self._intrinsic_ranks = self._ranks
	    self._intrinsic_ranks = intrinsic_ranks
	if len(self._ranks)  == 1:
	    self._ranks = len(self._intrinsic_ranks)*self._ranks

    def __call__(self, *args):
	if len(self._ranks) != len(args):
	    raise ArrayError, 'Wrong number of arguments for an array function'
	arglist = []
	framelist = []
	shapelist = []
	for i in range(len(args)):
	    if isArray(args[i]):
	    shape = arglist[i]._shape
	    rank = self._ranks[i]
	    intrinsic_rank = self._intrinsic_ranks[i]
	    if rank == None:
		cell = 0
	    elif rank < 0:
		cell = min(-rank,len(shape))
		cell = max(0,len(shape)-rank)
	    if intrinsic_rank != None:
		cell = max(cell,len(shape)-intrinsic_rank)
	max_frame = []
	for frame in framelist:
	    if len(frame) > len(max_frame):
		max_frame = frame
	for i in range(len(framelist)):
	    if framelist[i] != max_frame[len(max_frame)-len(framelist[i]):]:
		raise ArrayError, 'Incompatible arguments'
	scalar_function = reduce(lambda a,b:_maxrank(a,b),
				 self._intrinsic_ranks) == 0
	return Array(_map(self._function, map(lambda a,b,c: (a._data,b,c),
					      arglist, framelist, shapelist),
			  max_frame, scalar_function))

    def __getitem__(self, ranks):
	return ArrayFunction(self._function,ranks,self._intrinsic_ranks)

class BinaryArrayFunction(ArrayFunction):

    def __init__(self, function, neutral_element, ranks, intrinsic_ranks=None):
	ArrayFunction.__init__(self, function, ranks, intrinsic_ranks)
	self._neutral = neutral_element
	self.over = ArrayFunction(ArrayOperator(_reduce, [self]), [None])
	self.cumulative = ArrayFunction(ArrayOperator(_cumulative, [self]),

    def __getitem__(self, ranks):
	return BinaryArrayFunction(self._function, self._neutral,
				   ranks, self._intrinsic_ranks)

class ArrayOperator:

    def __init__(self, operator, function_list):
	self._operator = operator
	self._functions = function_list

    def __call__(self, *args):
	return apply(self._operator, (self._functions, args))

# Array functions

# Functions for internal use
_strlen = ArrayFunction(len, [0])

# Structural functions
shape =   ArrayFunction(lambda a: Array(a._shape,[len(a._shape)]), [None])
reshape = ArrayFunction(_reshape, [None, 1])
ravel =   ArrayFunction(_ravel, [None])
take =    ArrayFunction(lambda a,i: Array(a._data[i._data], a._shape[1:]),
			[None, 0])

# Elementwise binary functions
_sum =        ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a+b, [0, 0])
_difference = ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a-b, [0, 0])
_product =    ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a*b, [0, 0])
_quotient =   ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a/b, [0, 0])
_power =      ArrayFunction(pow, [0, 0])
_max =        ArrayFunction(max, [0, 0])
_min =        ArrayFunction(min, [0, 0])
_smaller =    ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a<b, [0, 0])
_greater =    ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a>b, [0, 0])
_equal =      ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a==b, [0, 0])
sum  =        BinaryArrayFunction(_sum, 0, [None, None])
difference  = BinaryArrayFunction(_difference, 0, [None, None])
product  =    BinaryArrayFunction(_product, 1, [None, None])
quotient  =   BinaryArrayFunction(_quotient, 1, [None, None])
power =       BinaryArrayFunction(_power, 1, [None, None])
maximum =     BinaryArrayFunction(_max, 0, [None, None])
minimum =     BinaryArrayFunction(_min, 0, [None, None])
smaller =     BinaryArrayFunction(_smaller, 1, [None, None])
greater =     BinaryArrayFunction(_greater, 1, [None, None])
equal =       BinaryArrayFunction(_equal, 1, [None, None])

# Scalar functions of one variable
tostr = ArrayFunction(str, [0])
sqrt  = ArrayFunction(math.sqrt, [0])
exp   = ArrayFunction(math.exp, [0])
log   = ArrayFunction(math.log, [0])
log10 = ArrayFunction(math.log10, [0])
sin   = ArrayFunction(math.sin, [0])
cos   = ArrayFunction(math.cos, [0])
tan   = ArrayFunction(math.tan, [0])
asin  = ArrayFunction(math.asin, [0])
acos  = ArrayFunction(math.acos, [0])
atan  = ArrayFunction(math.atan, [0])
sinh  = ArrayFunction(math.sinh, [0])
cosh  = ArrayFunction(math.cosh, [0])
tanh  = ArrayFunction(math.tanh, [0])
floor = ArrayFunction(math.floor, [0])
ceil  = ArrayFunction(math.ceil, [0])

# Nasty hack to make fix max and min safe to use.
# Without this, they would return an array as most users
# would expect, but it would not be the correct answer.
# I know I shouldn't do this, but it seems the lesser of
# two evils.

builtin_max = max
builtin_min = min

def max(*args):
    return apply(builtin_max,args)
def min(*args):
    return apply(builtin_min,args)

# test data
x = Array(range(10))

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Fri Oct 13 03:05:48 1995
From: (Hinsen Konrad)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 22:05:48 -0400
Message-ID: <199510130205.WAA14571@cyclone.ERE.UMontreal.CA>

# This file illustrates the use of the the Array class.
# Send comments to Konrad Hinsen <>

from Array import *

# Arrays are constructed from (nested) lists:

a = Array(range(10))
b = Array([ [2,3,7], [9,8,2] ])
c = Array([ [ [4,5,6], [0,4,5] ], [ [1,6,5], [8,5,2] ] ])

# Scalars make arrays of rank 0:

s = Array(42)

# Array elements can be anything:

text_array = Array(['Hello', 'world'])

# Arrays can be printed:

print 'a:\n', a
print 'b:\n', b
print 'c:\n', c
print 's:\n', s

# shape() returns an array containing the dimensions of another array:

print 'shape(a):\n', shape(a)
print 'shape(b):\n', shape(b)
print 'shape(c):\n', shape(c)
print 'shape(s):\n', shape(s)

# Scalar functions act on each element of an array:

print 'sqrt(b):\n',sqrt(b)

# Binary operators likewise work elementwise:

print 'c+c:\n',c+c

# But you can also add a scalar:

print 'c+s:\n',c+s

# To understand the general rule for combining arrays of different
# shapes in a function, we need some more technical terms:
# The length of the shape vector of an array is called its rank.
# The elements of an array along the first axis are called items.
# The items of an array of rank N have rank N-1. More generally,
# the shape vector is divided into frames and cells. Frames and
# cells are not properties of an array, but describe ways of looking
# at an array. For example, a rank-3 array can be regarded as
# as just that - a single rank-3 array. It can also be regarded
# as a rank-1 frame of rank-2 cells, or as a rank-2 frame of
# rank-1 cells. Or even as a rank-3 array of rank-0 cells, i.e.
# scalar cells.
# When two arrays are to be added (or multiplied, or...), their
# shapes need not equal, but the lower-rank array must match
# an equal-rank cell of the higher-rank array. The lower-rank
# array will then be combined with each corresponding cell, and
# the result will have the shape of the higher-rank array.

print 'b+c:\n',b+c

# The addition of a scalar is just a special case: it has rank 0
# and therefore matches the rank-0 cells (scalar elements) of any array!

print 'b+s:\n',b+s

# All operators are also available as normal binary function,
# e.g. addition can be written as

print 'sum(a,s):\n',sum(a,s)

# You'll need this form to perform reductions, e.g. a sum
# of all items of an array:

print 'sum.over(a):\n',sum.over(a)

# Let's do it with a higher-rank array:

print 'product.over(b):\n',product.over(b)

# But how do you get the product along the second axis
# of b? Easy:

print 'product.over[1](b):\n',product.over[1](b)

# The [1] after the function name product.over modifies
# the functions rank. Function ranks are related to array
# ranks, in that a function of rank N operates on the
# N-cells of its argument. If the argument has a higher
# rank, the function is applied to each N-cell and the
# result is combined with the frame of the argument.
# In the last example, product.over will be
# called for each of the 1-cells of b, returning a
# rank-0 result for each, and the results will be
# collected in the 1-frame of b, producing as a net
# result an array of rank 1.
# All functions have ranks; if no rank is explicitly
# given, the default rank will be used. The default
# rank of all reductions is 'unbounded', which means
# that the function will operate on the highest-level
# cells possible. Many functions have unbounded rank,
# for example shape():

print 'shape(c):\n',shape(c)

# But of course you can modify the rank of shape():

print 'shape[1](c):\n',shape[1](c)
print 'shape[2](c):\n',shape[2](c)

# Functions with more than one argument can have a different
# rank for each. The rank is applied to each argument,
# defining its frames and cells for this purpose. The frames
# must match in the same way as indicated above for
# addition of two arrays. The function is then applied
# to the cells, and if appropriate, the same matching
# procedure is applied once again. This may seem confusing
# at first, but it is really just the application of a
# single principle everywhere!
# For example, let's take a (our rank-1 array) and add
# b (our rank-2 array) to each of a's 0-cells:

print 'sum[[0,None]](a,b):\n',sum[[0,None]](a,b)

# 'None' stands for 'unbounded'. Since the rank of sum is
# 0 for its first argument, a is divided into 1-frames
# and 0-cells. For b the rank is unbounded, so it is
# treated as a 0-frame with 2-cells. b's 0-frame matches
# a's 1-frame (a 0-frame matches everything!), and
# the result gets the 1-frame. The cells of the result
# are sums of a rank-0 array (element of a) and a rank-2
# array (b), i.e. rank-2 arrays by the matching rules
# given above. So the net total is a rank-3 array,
# as you have seen.

# From now on we will specify the default rank of each function.
# It should be noted that specifying a higher rank than the
# default rank has no effect on the function's behaviour. Only
# lower ranks make a difference.
# All the scalar mathematical functions (sqrt, sin, ...) have
# rank 0. The binary arithmetic functions (sum, product, ...)
# have unbounded rank for both argument. For structural functions
# (i.e. those that modify an array's shape rather than its
# elements), the rank varies. As we have seen, shape() is
# unbounded. The other structural functions are yet to be
# introduced:

# ravel() produces a rank-1 array containing all elements
# of its argument. It has unbounded rank:

print 'ravel(c):\n',ravel(c)

# reshape() allows you to change the shape of an array.
# It first obtains a rank-1 list of elements of its first
# argument (like ravel()) and then reassembles the
# elements into an array with the shape given by the
# second argument:

print 'reshape(a,[2,2]):\n',reshape(a,[2,2])
print 'reshape(b,[10]):\n',reshape(b,[10])

# As you have seen in the second case, reshape() reuses
# the elements of its arguments all over if they get
# exhausted.

# You may have noticed that in some examples, a nested list
# has been used instead of an array as a function argument.
# In general, all array functions will convert its arguments
# to arrays if necessary.

# Now we need a way to select parts of an array. You can
# use standard indexing and slicing to obtain items
# (i.e. N-1 cells for a rank-N array):

print 'c[1]:\n',c[1]
print 'a[3:7]:\n',a[3:7]

# You can also specify an array as the index and obtain an
# array of the corresponding items:

print 'a[[2,6,1]]:\n',a[[2,6,1]]

# The function take() does exactly the same:

print 'take(c,1):\n',take(c,1)

# You will have to use take() if you want to modify its
# ranks, which are [None,0] by default. There is little
# point in changing the second rank (it wouldn't make
# any difference), but changing the first rank lets you
# select along other dimensions than the first:

print 'take[1](c,0):\n',take[1](c,0)
print 'take[2](c,1):\n',take[2](c,1)

# Isn't there something wrong here? take() takes
# two arguments and therefore needs two ranks. But for
# convenience, only one rank must be given if all ranks
# are to be the same.

# Now the hard part is over. You are supposed to know
# how data and function ranks work together. What
# remains to be done is to show some more array functions.

# First of all, unary functions that act on each element
# of a matrix. These are: tostr, sqrt, exp, log, log10,
# sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh,
# floor, and ceil.
# Of course you expect the standard arithmetic operations,
# + - * / and pow(). The first four also exist as named functions
# which allow you to change rank; the names are sum, difference,
# product, and quotient. They work as expected. But there are
# some more binary functions that work in the same way.
# maximum() and minimum select the larger/smaller one of
# their arguments. With .over they find the maximum/minimum
# of an arbitrary list:

print 'maximum.over(a):\n',maximum.over(a)

# Then there are the comparison operations: smaller, greater,
# and equal. They exist only as functions of that name, not in
# the form of the familiar operators. It is simply not possible
# with the current Python implementation to assign such a meaning
# to the comparison operators, so you'll have to live with that
# for a while.

# Sometimes you want not just the sum over some list
# of items, but all the intermediate partial sums along
# the way. There is a special function for that:

print 'sum.cumulative(a):\n',sum.cumulative(a)

# Finally, you might want to read arrays from disk files,
# or write an array to a file. The second problem is handled
# by a method, so you write something like


# You can read this back using

c_from_file = readArray('just_a_test')

# and then you should check whether the two are indeed equal:

print 'equal(c,c_from_file):\n',equal(c,c_from_file)

# And that's the end of this introduction. Stay tuned for
# updates of the array package that will provide some
# important still missing in this version. In the meantime,
# play round with what there is to get a feeling for
# how things work.

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Thu Oct 19 03:38:09 1995
From: (P. Dubois)
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:38:09 +0800
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] a few thoughts
Message-ID: <>

I have only begun to peruse the archive but I did see a couple of discussions
worth some comments which I would like to make. For ten years I have been
in charge of a Fortran extension language called Basis, which has now been
used in perhaps 150-200 codes. I designed this language to look like an
array Fortran. It has been extremely popular with users. So what follows is
a synthesis of a whole lot of experience. 

Let me begin with a short synopsis of Basis' array rules:

Arrays can be of any of the standard Fortran types, including complex.
They consist of a single block of storage with auxillary "shape" information.
They can be up to seven dimensional (the Fortran limit) but in practice
five is the highest I have seen in use. Had I been implementing them
in a modern language of course no limit would have been necessary.

Operations are element-wise but we have a separate operator for matrix
multiply and matrix divide (the latter means, a /! b is that x such
that b *! x = a), where /! and *! are the matrix operators). All
functions such as sin(x) operate element wise and do the right thing
depending on the type of x. It is important to be able to pass the
address of the storage area off to compiled code. Scalars broadcast
but we have an explicit function for "dup'ing" something to make it
match something higher dimensional, rather than do this automagically

Now some comments:

1. Usage of the matrix operators is perhaps 1% or less of the usage of
the element-wise numbers. This is because when two-dimensional
matrices do arise, they usually represent the spatial or other type of
discretization, far more often than they represent operators.  If I
had it to do over again, I would not have special operators, just a
function call, since the light usage is not worth the trouble. 

2. Speed is crucial. The basic operations must take place in compiled
loops without function calls, with as little overhead as possible. 
In other words, x + y must be lead to a compiled loop doing the 
corresponding operation on the blocks of storage. Yes, maybe one has
broadcast/type coercion/shape checks or operations first, but if both
x and y are really double arrays of length n we want to be into a 
C loop doing xa[i] + ya[i] where xa and ya point to the storage areas.

This is because when a code is written as a programmable application
with an interpreter over compiled routines, the codes tend to evolve
to having more and more parts of the code in the interpreter. Also,
the interpreter is used to calculate information that is derivable
from the compiled state variables rather than add new compiled code,
but sometimes these calculations are quite intensive.

3. I think it is mistaken to try to reduce the implementor's job by
doing many types in one like the "array" built-in object does.  
Having basic double/integer/complex stuff work fast should be the
primary consideration, even if it means some tedious and not terribly
elegant coding. A completely Python class like the J-array posting is
beautiful and suitable for cases where uniformity of representation is
of value, but it is a completely different question than having something
fast that can talk to C or Fortran. I timed this class doing x+x where
x was 100,000 elements long, and it was about 1000 times slower than
a simple C extension to Python and even ten times slower than doing a for 
loop in Python (but boy, I learned a lot about Python from it!).

4. In Basis, sqrt(-1.) is an error not a complex; we actually went
through a time when it was complex and found it to be a disadvantage.
One must balance the need to avoid/find errors against the need for easy 

5. One might want to consider having a very fast, very raw vector class
on which to base higher level classes that have concepts like shape, etc.

6. Banging malloc too hard can be a problem in these beasts. You probably
   couldn't afford to represent a big matrix with independently malloc'ed
   pointers for each row.

Some historical notes:

a. I noticed some discussion of representing things always as complex numbers.
The original Matlab (when Cleve Moler wrote it to 
teach students linear algebra) represented everything as a complex number.
There was a limit of I think 5000 numbers in a system, period, because it
used a fixed array. When I ported it to a Cray I replaced that part of it
with a memory manager so that you could have a lot of complex numbers.
But of course having all the numbers be secretly complex is completely 
crazy from an efficiency point of view, not to mention storage.

b. Yes, I implemented an extension language in Fortran. It was 1984 and
it was the only language available on a Cray. The computer center manager
said that I didn't need C, you can do everything in Fortran.

c. The documentation for the Basis language is available on line 
at I have decided to base
my next generation system on Python.

d. Reference for some philosophy: Dubois, P.F., 
"Making Applications Programmable", Computers in Physics Jan/Feb 1994.

Paul F. Dubois, L-472				(510)-422-5426
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory		FAX (510)-423-9969
Livermore, CA 94550
Editor, Scientific Programming Department, Computers in Physics

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Thu Oct 19 19:43:29 1995
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 14:43:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] a few thoughts
In-Reply-To: <> from "P. Dubois" at Oct 19, 95 10:38:09 am
Message-ID: <199510191843.OAA09461@maigret>

Paul Dubois' comments struck a chord with me.  While I appreciate the
cleanliness of python's generic containers, I am painfully aware of the
slowness of python's operations on, say, sound files with thousands of
elements, to take a mid-size example. 

1. How fervently are people opposed to splitting the array/tensors in
   terms of element type?  One array for any python object, and one for
   numbers, all of the same type (one type per array).  The two array
   types could have the same interface, but one could use the uniformity
   of its elements' types for optimization.

2. Am I right that this dichotomy would allow massive optimization?


MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Thu Oct 19 20:23:40 1995
From: (Jim Fulton, U.S. Geological Survey)
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 15:23:40 -0400
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] a few thoughts
In-Reply-To: <199510191843.OAA09461@maigret>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 19 Oct 1995 14:43:29 -0400 (EDT) 
David Ascher said:
> Paul Dubois' comments struck a chord with me.  While I appreciate the
> cleanliness of python's generic containers, I am painfully aware of the
> slowness of python's operations on, say, sound files with thousands of
> elements, to take a mid-size example. 
> 1. How fervently are people opposed to splitting the array/tensors in
>    terms of element type?  One array for any python object, and one for
>    numbers, all of the same type (one type per array).  The two array
>    types could have the same interface, but one could use the uniformity
>    of its elements' types for optimization.
> 2. Am I right that this dichotomy would allow massive optimization?

The current proposal is for homogenous matrices.  So also supporting
heterogenous matrices would not allow any additional optimizaton.
Note also that the current proposal also allows homogenous matrices of
characters, to aid in interfacing to Fortran routines with character


MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Thu Oct 19 23:05:37 1995
From: (Hinsen Konrad)
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 18:05:37 -0400
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] a few thoughts
In-Reply-To: <> (
Message-ID: <199510192205.SAA12015@cyclone.ERE.UMontreal.CA>

   1. Usage of the matrix operators is perhaps 1% or less of the usage of
   the element-wise numbers. This is because when two-dimensional

That raises the question of what kinds of applications were typically
involved. I can think of several that would make heavy use of
arrays as operators (e.g. all kinds of quantum mechanics). Maybe
they were just underrepresented among your users.

   fast that can talk to C or Fortran. I timed this class doing x+x where
   x was 100,000 elements long, and it was about 1000 times slower than
   a simple C extension to Python and even ten times slower than doing a for 
   loop in Python (but boy, I learned a lot about Python from it!).

I agree that speed is a real problem. In fact, I openly admit that I
keep a "stripped-down" version that does only one-dimensional lists
for the many cases where I need long one-dimensional arrays. But this
is purely an implementation problem, not a problem in principle.
Much of the efficiency problems probably comes from the decision
to use nested lists as an internal representation, and this decision
was mostly based on laziness; it let me use simple recursive
functions to handle higher-rank arrays.

   But of course having all the numbers be secretly complex is completely 
   crazy from an efficiency point of view, not to mention storage.

When I made this suggestion, I referred to modern implementations of
APL (including J), which in fact have many internal representations
for numbers, for efficiency reasons. A typical APL implementation
1) Bits
2) small integers (i.e. bytes)
3) long integers (4 bytes)
4) real numbers
5) complex numbers
But to the user all this looks like a single number type, since all
conversions happen automatically. The price to pay is not in efficiency
(internal APL operations tend to outperform Fortran), but in a
rather complex implementation, which has to decide the optimal
data type based on various criteria. For example, the high cost
of unpacking bit arrays means that they will be used only for
very large objects and/or when memory runs down.

The advantage of this is that numbers behave like you would expect
from mathematics, e.g. 1/3 equals 1./3., not 0. This prevents many
errors. There are actually more user-friendly features like this in
APL, e.g. non-zero comparison tolerance.

Actually, my dream language would also handle symbolic operations
in the style of Mathematica or Maple...

   b. Yes, I implemented an extension language in Fortran. It was 1984 and
   it was the only language available on a Cray. The computer center manager
   said that I didn't need C, you can do everything in Fortran.

Isn't it great to have someone who always knows your real needs? ;-)

Konrad Hinsen                     | E-Mail:
Departement de chimie             | Tel.: +1-514-343-6111 ext. 3953
Universite de Montreal            | Fax:  +1-514-343-7586
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville     | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/Nederlands/
Montreal (QC) H3C 3J7             | Francais (phase experimentale)

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Thu Oct 19 23:08:31 1995
From: (Hinsen Konrad)
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 18:08:31 -0400
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] a few thoughts
In-Reply-To: <199510191843.OAA09461@maigret> (
Message-ID: <199510192208.SAA12155@cyclone.ERE.UMontreal.CA>

   1. How fervently are people opposed to splitting the array/tensors in
      terms of element type?  One array for any python object, and one for
      numbers, all of the same type (one type per array).  The two array
      types could have the same interface, but one could use the uniformity
      of its elements' types for optimization.

Isn't that what Guido already proposed? I see nothing that speaks
agains that. The implementation of "general" arrays wouldn't
even be much different from the others; a general array would
simply be an array of object pointers. Only the application
of non-structural functions and operators has be handled differently.

   2. Am I right that this dichotomy would allow massive optimization?

Of what?

Konrad Hinsen                     | E-Mail:
Departement de chimie             | Tel.: +1-514-343-6111 ext. 3953
Universite de Montreal            | Fax:  +1-514-343-7586
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville     | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/Nederlands/
Montreal (QC) H3C 3J7             | Francais (phase experimentale)

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Fri Oct 20 17:15:01 1995
From: (Michael McLay)
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 95 12:15:01 EDT
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Comments on 'a few thoughts'
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

P. Dubois writes:

> 1. Usage of the matrix operators is perhaps 1% or less of the usage of
> the element-wise numbers. This is because when two-dimensional
> matrices do arise, they usually represent the spatial or other type of
> discretization, far more often than they represent operators.  If I
> had it to do over again, I would not have special operators, just a
> function call, since the light usage is not worth the trouble. 

Wouldn't it be appropriate to make them methods instead of functions?

I agree that a good design rule would be to not implement symbolic
operators for rarely used operations.  Unfortunately convincing
someone who is creating an operator that it is truly rare may not be
easy.  The goal of this design rule is to ensure code is readable.
Readability is dependent on the vocabulary of the audience.  If code
is only to be read by a small group who have agreed upon a
standardized shorthand then overloading symbols is Ok.  However, to
reach the broadest audience the use of functions or methods is
necessary in order for the code to be unambiguous to the human parsing
the source.  Granted, it will make the application source code a
little wordy, but that is the price to be paid for clarity.  Giving
programmers the unrestricted ability to overload operators can be
dangerous since it tends to lead to the development of obscure
dialects in notation.

While I'm on the subject of design rules...  Perhaps the Mathematica
convention of spelling out the full name of everything instead of
choosing arbitrary abbreviations should also be adopted.  This would
be consistent with the Python tradition of making the source code
readable to others.  A simple example will illustrate.  How would you
interpret the following expression.

	speed = m/hr

In scanning the text can you be sure if this is miles/hour or
meters/hour?  I'd also suggest that only SI units be used in setting
up libraries.  It is simple enough to do unit conversion at the user

> 3. I think it is mistaken to try to reduce the implementor's job by
> doing many types in one like the "array" built-in object does.  
> Having basic double/integer/complex stuff work fast should be the
> primary consideration, even if it means some tedious and not terribly
> elegant coding. 

> 5. One might want to consider having a very fast, very raw vector class
> on which to base higher level classes that have concepts like shape, etc.

This proposal suggests adding many specialized numerical types to
Python.  Each type would be tuned for efficient performance in solving
a specific problem.  From an implantation viewpoint this should not be
difficult to put in place.  Each new numeric type would be implemented
as a dynamically linked module.  This solution may be inevitable.
Each application domain will by necessity build an efficient set of
types required for the application domain's calculations.

This approach to implementation  be a pragmatic necessity since at
the implementation level the computational requirements will demand
that all operations on large data sets run at the speed of compiled
code.  Dividing the problem into discrete, importable modules
compartmentalizes the work.  Each numeric type module can
independently be implement.  All the operations needed for a numeric
type would be incorporated into the module.

This proposal just solves the easy part of the problem.

Hinsen Konrad writes:
> When I made this suggestion, I referred to modern implementations of
> APL (including J), which in fact have many internal representations
> for numbers, for efficiency reasons. A typical APL implementation
> has
> 1) Bits
> 2) small integers (i.e. bytes)
> 3) long integers (4 bytes)
> 4) real numbers
> 5) complex numbers
> But to the user all this looks like a single number type, since all
> conversions happen automatically. The price to pay is not in efficiency
> (internal APL operations tend to outperform Fortran), but in a
> rather complex implementation, which has to decide the optimal
> data type based on various criteria. For example, the high cost
> of unpacking bit arrays means that they will be used only for
> very large objects and/or when memory runs down.
> The advantage of this is that numbers behave like you would expect
> from mathematics, e.g. 1/3 equals 1./3., not 0. This prevents many
> errors. There are actually more user-friendly features like this in
> APL, e.g. non-zero comparison tolerance.

This is the hard part of the problem to solve. 

Providing automatic type conversion would be a great feature and would
help reduce the number of bugs and the complexity of applications.
The only hitch is that it may take a significant effort to create a
working implementation.  Assuming that the first solution is
inevitable.  That is, people will write point solutions to solve their
problems.  Is there something that would prevent the addition of
automatic type conversion from being implemented as a layer on top of
the numeric type modules that will be created independently?  What
rules need to be established be ensure that the initially independent
numeric types can be integrated into the more elegant solution?

> Actually, my dream language would also handle symbolic operations
> in the style of Mathematica or Maple...

Yes, and one of the features from Mathematica that is missing is the
ability to tag objects with symbols that represent units of measure.
In Mathematica you can do the following:

	In[1]: 12 meters

The meters symbol tags the integer 12 as its unit of measure.  


MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Fri Oct 27 15:38:07 1995
From: (Dave Forrest)
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 09:38:07 -0500
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Comments on 'a few thoughts'
Message-ID: <>

     > From Fri Oct 20 11:20 CDT 1995
     > P. Dubois writes:
     > > 1. Usage of the matrix operators is perhaps 1% or less of the usage of
     > > the element-wise numbers. This is because when two-dimensional
 Not in my office.  Here, when we implemented a Matrix class in C++, we
 didn't even supply elementwise multiplication or _any_ division
 operator because _we_never_use_those_operations (well, we did
 implement division by a scalar - but that's it! :-).
 I made this plea once before but I'm going to make it again - please
 consider providing two interfaces into the matrix implementation - one
 that acts like a two-dimensional, linear-systems-type matrix and one
 that acts like a tensor.  Even in C you can have the same code
 underlying it (reuse is good).  I wouldn't try to deny you
 tensor-types the elementwise behaviour that you obviously need, but we
 need linear algebra - it's at the core of all our math models - please
 take this need seriously.
     > > matrices do arise, they usually represent the spatial or other type of
     > > discretization, far more often than they represent operators.  If I
     > > had it to do over again, I would not have special operators, just a
     > > function call, since the light usage is not worth the trouble. 
     > Wouldn't it be appropriate to make them methods instead of functions?

Absolutely - failing making them operators (as above) - methods are
definitely the way to go.  Actually, I think that that is what everyone
meant, it's just a matter of OO semantics.

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From  Mon Oct 30 17:28:37 1995
From: (James Hugunin)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 95 12:28:37 -0500
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Alpha Matrix Object in C available - Guinea Pigs wanted
Message-ID: <>

I finally have an alpha version of a working, reasonably efficient matrix  
object implemented in C.  It compiles sucessfully on a Sparc10 running  
SUNOS, and on a P5(and P6) running NeXTStep.

I think that this object should satisfy many of the features requested by  
members of this group.

1) Extremely fast basic arithmetic functions

To me, this is sine qua non of a useful matrix object.  If I can't do  
arithmetic at close to the speed of hand coded C, then I have no use for the  
object.  As a sanity check that things are reasonably efficient, I  
performed a very rough comparision of the basic speeds of matlab, octave,  
python, and C for vector arithmetic.

The operation was to multiply a 10000 length vector of doubles with itself  
1000 times (10 M floating point multiplies).  The tests were all run on an  
unloaded Sun Sparc 10.

tool						speed(in MFlops) in python				0.002
for loop in python				0.03
octave						0.2
matlab						1.6
matrixobject in python w/-O 			2.1	
C w/-O						2.4
C w/-O4						2.6

So, the python object is within 10% of the speed of the hand-coded C.  This  
is good enough for me.

2) Fancy arithmetic operations borrowing concepts from J.  Every operator  
can be given a rank, and can be used to perform direct, outer, and inner  
products as well as reductions and accumulations.  Much of the style of this  
part of the code is borrowed from Konrad's object.  Thanks Konrad  
for the introduction to J!

3) Very general multidimensional slicing operation.  This is based on Jim  
Fulton's proposal for multidimensional slicing, which those of you who have  
been following this list have seen.  This is a superset of most other  
slicing approaches that I've seen.  (Though I think that I need to go over  
Chris Chase's post on slices a little bit more carefully).

4) reshaping, general transposition, byteswaping, interface to/from strings, ...

What's obviously missing:

1) Complex numbers don't work right yet.  My basic problem is that I need a  
good complex number class in C to interface with, and I just haven't felt  
like writing this myself yet.

2) outer, inner, reduce, and accumulate style arithmetic functions could be  
optimized by a factor of 2-4 for simple cases.

3) inner product specfication is not completely clear to me when applied to  
operators with non-zero rank.

4) Documentation and comments in the code are minimal.

5) I'm sure that there must be a couple of memory leaks left hanging around.

What remains to be argued about (in my opinion at least)

1) Matrix-style multiplication as an option.  I really hate to leave the  
linear-algebra folks out in the cold.  On the other hand, I don't like the  
idea of setting a flag to determine how the "*" operator will act on any  
given object.  I'm open to suggestions.

2) Return by-value vs. by-reference.  I finally made the decision that  
every matrix slicing function returns by-value, and that indexing by a  
single value returns by-reference.  The by-value decision was based on a  
couple of bad experiences with the complexity of doing by-reference returns  
"right", and my observation that even in code that relied heavily on slicing  
a matrix I couldn't identify a performance difference that was ever greater  
than 20%.  Having a single index return by-reference is necessary to allow  
typical python style "multi-dimensional" indexing (ie. a[0][0][0]) to remain  
efficient (this great hack is Jim Fulton's idea).

3) Type-coercion.  At the moment, if I try to add a matrix of ints to a  
matrix of floats, I'll get an exception.  I'm not at all sure that it  
wouldn't be better to just coerce the matrix of ints to floats and then do  
the add.

4) Default type of a matrix.  At the moment, if I say "Matrix(1,2,3)", I'll  
get back a matrix of doubles.  This should probably be setable with a  
matrix module function, so that if I'm working a lot with complex numbers, I  
can make this return a complex matrix by default instead, or whatever other  
type I like to work in.

5) Rank-system.  I've really grown to like the J-style rank operators.  One  
thing that they provide is that I can say
Matrix(1,2,3)+Matrix([1,2,3],[11,12,13]) -> Matrix([2,4,6], [12,14,16]).
There are those who might believe that it would be safer for this to return  
an error that the two matrices aren't the same size.

6) There are a couple of possible patches to "ceval.c" to modify python to  
deal a little bit better with an object that is a sequence type, but that  
doesn't implement the sequence copy method when multiplied by a scalar.   
These would general-purpose changes and should be completely compatible with  
all existing python code.  At the moment, I've left this patch out.

7) Many other things that I'm sure I'm missing, which leads me to...

I'd really like to have people play around with this object a bit and offer  
me as harsh feedback as you wish.  This code is all based on Jim Fulton's  
implementation of a matrix object for using to interface to FORTRAN  
libraries,  Unfortunately, his employer has a small restriction on the  
distribution of this code (until it becomes officially released).



So, anybody who wants to play around with this object, send me a message  
(at saying that you agree to test and review it, I'll then  
point you to the appropriate FTP site.

If I get some positive feedback from people saying that they like the  
overall design of the object, then I'll go in and write up documentation and  
comment the code better.  'til then I'm not sure that I wouldn't just be  
wasting my time.


MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Tue Oct 31 17:53:43 1995
From: (James Hugunin)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 95 12:53:43 -0500
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Ranks of operators
Message-ID: <>

Yesterday I announced an alpha version of my C-based matrix object, and I  
already have gotten significant feedback on it from a number of folks on the  
list.  One topic was brought up by Konrad Hinsen that I think merits  
discussion by the full list.  This is the issue of ranks of functions, and  
generalizations of functions to outer, inner, reduce, etc.  And yes, I know  
that we've been over this before.

Here's what I'm pretty sure of:

1) We need an object that can hold a basic mathematical function in a form  
that it can be efficiently (nearly as fast as hand-coded C) applied to a  
matrix of raw basic types (ints and floats).

2) Many of these are binary functions (add, subtract, etc.).  These  
functions should be able to be applied as outer products, reductions and  
accumulations also efficiently (inner products as well, but these involve  
two binary functions, so I'll leave them out for now).

3) The basic notion of rank in J is a sound one.  A n-dimensional matrix is  
well viewed as a k-dimensional frame of (n-k)-dimensional cells.  Thus a  
"matrix" can be a 2d cell, or a 1d frame of 1d cells (vector of vectors) or  
a 2d array of 0d numbers.

My new plan is the following.  I want to throw this out to the list to see  
if there are any significant complaints about this approach before I spend a  
couple of days modifying my code to match this spec.

add is a python object of type ofunc.  This means that the add object knows  
how to add matrices together efficiently.

add(a,b) <--> a+b

Every basic object of type ofunc has the members "reduce", "outer",  
"accumulate", ("inner"?).  These members are themselves ofuncs, however,  
they don't have the members given above.
[This is in contrast to these being methods of the ofunc object, my initial  

ie. add.reduce is an ofunc where reduce(add, m) <-> add.reduce(m) (except  
that the second form is a couple orders of magnitude faster).

Note: add.reduce.reduce is an error

Every object of type ofunc can have its rank specified using [] notation.
[This is in contrast to using a keyword specifier for rank during the call.]

ie. add.reduce[1] is an ofunc with rank 1.

Note: add.reduce[1][0] is an ofunc with rank 0

Negative ranks are allowed (as in J).  These are similar to negative  
indices in slices, and specify an offset from the rank of there argument.

ie. add[-1]([1,2,3],[[1,2],[4,5]]) <--> add[(0,1)]([1,2,3],[[1,2],[4,5]])

I'm open to suggestions as to how the rank of inner product should be treated.

Well, that's it for now.  Let me know if this makes sense, or seems like a  
bad idea.


MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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From  Tue Oct 31 20:43:04 1995
From: (Hinsen Konrad)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 15:43:04 -0500
Subject: [PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Ranks of operators
In-Reply-To: <> (message from James Hugunin on Tue, 31 Oct 95 12:53:43 -0500)
Message-ID: <199510312043.PAA00284@cyclone.ERE.UMontreal.CA>

   1) We need an object that can hold a basic mathematical function in a form  
   that it can be efficiently (nearly as fast as hand-coded C) applied to a  
   matrix of raw basic types (ints and floats).

Also to complex numbers...

   Every basic object of type ofunc has the members "reduce", "outer",  
   "accumulate", ("inner"?).  These members are themselves ofuncs, however,  
   they don't have the members given above.

OK. For "inner" I'd prefer a notation of the form
with the usual possibility of specifying ranks. It seems that this
requires an explicit list of all possible combinations of binary
functions somewhere, but for the built-in functions that list is
not too long. Another possibility would be to make the second
binary function an argument, i.e. add.inner(multiply,a,b), but I'd
rather not have functions as arguments.

   I'm open to suggestions as to how the rank of inner product should be treated.

No different from other operations. The inner product imposes a
restriction on its arguments in that the dimension of the rank-1 cells
of the first argument must be equal to the dimension of the rank-1
frames of the second argument, but this doesn't affect the general
principle of applying ranks. If the arguments do not fit, an exception
should be raised.

   Well, that's it for now.  Let me know if this makes sense, or seems like a  
   bad idea.

It seems OK to me!

Konrad Hinsen                     | E-Mail:
Departement de chimie             | Tel.: +1-514-343-6111 ext. 3953
Universite de Montreal            | Fax:  +1-514-343-7586
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville     | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/Nederlands/
Montreal (QC) H3C 3J7             | Francais (phase experimentale)

MATRIX-SIG  - SIG on Matrix Math for Python

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