Hinsen Konrad
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 22:05:22 -0400
# J-style array class
# Arrays are represented by a scalar or a list, possibly containing
# other lists in case of higher-rank arrays. Array rank is limited
# only by the user's patience.
# Send comments to Konrad Hinsen <hinsenk@ere.umontreal.ca>
import types, math, string, regexp, copy
# Error type
ArrayError = 'ArrayError'
# Various functions that do the real work. Classes follow.
# Construct string representation of array
def _output(data, dimension, maxlen):
s = ''
if dimension == 0:
s = s + string.rjust(data,maxlen)
elif dimension == 1:
for e in data:
s = s + string.rjust(e,maxlen) + ' '
separator = (dimension-1)*'\n'
for e in data:
s = s + _output(e,dimension-1,maxlen) + separator
i = len(s)-1
while i > 0 and s[i] == '\n':
i = i-1
return s[:i+1]
# Find the shape of an array and check for consistency
def _shape(data):
if type(data) == types.ListType:
if data and type(data[0]) == types.ListType:
shapes = map(lambda x:_shape(x),data)
for i in range(1,len(shapes)):
if shapes[i] != shapes[0]:
raise ArrayError, 'Inconsistent shapes'
shape = [len(data)]
shape = shape + shapes[0]
return shape
return [len(data)]
return []
# Copy the data structure of an array
def _copy(data, dimension):
if (dimension == 0):
return data
c = copy.copy(data)
for i in range(len(c)):
c[i] = _copy(c[i], dimension-1)
return c
# Construct a one-dimensional list of all array elements
def __ravel(data):
if type(data) == types.ListType:
if len(data) and type(data[0]) == types.ListType:
return reduce(lambda a,b: a+b,
map(lambda x: __ravel(x), data))
return data
return [data]
def _ravel(array):
return Array(__ravel(array._data),
[reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, array._shape, 1)])
# Reshape an array
def _reshape(array, shape):
array = _ravel(array)
if len(shape._data) == 0:
return take(array,0)
array = _copy(array._data, len(array._shape))
shape = shape._data
n = reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, shape)
if n > len(array):
nr = (n+len(array)-1)/len(array)
array = (nr*array)[:n]
elif n < len(array):
array = array[:n]
for i in range(len(shape)-1, 0, -1):
d = shape[i]
n = n/d
for j in range(n):
array[j:j+d] = [array[j:j+d]]
return Array(array,shape)
# Map a function on the first dimensions of an array
def _extract(a, index, dimension):
if len(a[1]) < dimension:
return a
return (a[0][index], a[1][1:], a[2])
def _map(function, arglist, max_frame, scalar_flag):
result = []
if len(max_frame) == 0:
if scalar_flag:
result = apply(function,tuple(map(lambda a: a[0], arglist)))
result = apply(function,tuple(map(lambda a: Array(a[0],a[2]),
for index in range(max_frame[0]):
map(lambda a,i=index,d=len(max_frame):
_extract(a,i,d), arglist),
max_frame[1:], scalar_flag))
return result
# Reduce an array with a given binary function
def _reduce(function, array):
function = function[0]
array = array[0]
if len(array._shape) == 0:
return array
elif array._shape[0] == 0:
return reshape(function._neutral, array._shape[1:])
result = Array(array._data[0], array._shape[1:])
for i in range(1,array._shape[0]):
result = function(result, Array(array._data[i], array._shape[1:]))
return result
def _cumulative(function, array):
function = function[0]
array = array[0]
if len(array._shape) == 0:
return array
elif array._shape[0] == 0:
return array
shape = array._shape
last_result = array._data[0]
result = [last_result]
for i in range(1,array._shape[0]):
last_result = function(last_result, Array(array._data[i],
return Array(result, shape)
# Find the higher of two ranks
def _maxrank(a,b):
if a == None or b == None:
return None
return max(a,b)
# Array class definition
class Array:
def __init__(self, scalar_or_list, shape = None):
self._data = scalar_or_list
if shape == None:
self._shape = _shape(self._data)
self._shape = shape
def __copy__(self):
return Array(_copy(self._data, len(self._shape)),
def __str__(self):
s = tostr(self)
maxstrlen = maximum.over(_strlen(_ravel(s)))._data
return _output(s._data,len(s._shape),maxstrlen)
__repr__ = __str__
def __len__(self):
if type(self._data) == types.ListType:
return len(self._data)
return 1
def __getitem__(self, index):
return take(self, index)
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
return take(self, range(i,j))
def __add__(self, other):
return sum(self, other)
__radd__ = __add__
def __sub__(self, other):
return difference(self, other)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return difference(other, self)
def __mul__(self, other):
return product(self, other)
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __div__(self, other):
return quotient(self, other)
def __rdiv__(self, other):
return quotient(other, self)
def __pow__(self,other):
return power(self, other)
def __rpow__(self,other):
return power(other, self)
def __neg__(self):
return 0-self
def writeToFile(self, filename):
file = open(filename, 'w')
# Check for arrayness
def isArray(x):
return hasattr(x,'_shape')
# Read array from file
_int_pattern = regexp.compile('-?[0-9]+')
_float_pattern = regexp.compile('-?[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)*')
def _match(pattern,string):
r = pattern.match(string)
for i in r:
if i == (0, len(string)):
return 1
return 0
def _convertEntry(s):
if _match(_int_pattern,s):
return string.atoi(s)
elif _match(_float_pattern,s):
return string.atof(s)
return s
def readArray(filename):
list = a = []
stack = []
blanks = 0
file = open(filename)
line = file.readline()
while line:
if line[0] != '#':
elements = map(_convertEntry, string.split(line))
if len(elements):
if blanks:
while blanks > len(stack):
a = [a]
list = copy.copy([])
for i in range(blanks-2,-1,-1):
stack[i] = list
list = list[0]
blanks = 0
blanks = blanks + 1
line = file.readline()
while type(a) == types.ListType and len(a) == 1:
a = a[0]
return Array(a)
# Array function class
class ArrayFunction:
def __init__(self, function, ranks, intrinsic_ranks=None):
self._function = function
if isArray(ranks):
self._ranks = ranks._data
elif type(ranks) == types.ListType:
self._ranks = ranks
self._ranks = [ranks]
if intrinsic_ranks == None:
self._intrinsic_ranks = self._ranks
self._intrinsic_ranks = intrinsic_ranks
if len(self._ranks) == 1:
self._ranks = len(self._intrinsic_ranks)*self._ranks
def __call__(self, *args):
if len(self._ranks) != len(args):
raise ArrayError, 'Wrong number of arguments for an array function'
arglist = []
framelist = []
shapelist = []
for i in range(len(args)):
if isArray(args[i]):
shape = arglist[i]._shape
rank = self._ranks[i]
intrinsic_rank = self._intrinsic_ranks[i]
if rank == None:
cell = 0
elif rank < 0:
cell = min(-rank,len(shape))
cell = max(0,len(shape)-rank)
if intrinsic_rank != None:
cell = max(cell,len(shape)-intrinsic_rank)
max_frame = []
for frame in framelist:
if len(frame) > len(max_frame):
max_frame = frame
for i in range(len(framelist)):
if framelist[i] != max_frame[len(max_frame)-len(framelist[i]):]:
raise ArrayError, 'Incompatible arguments'
scalar_function = reduce(lambda a,b:_maxrank(a,b),
self._intrinsic_ranks) == 0
return Array(_map(self._function, map(lambda a,b,c: (a._data,b,c),
arglist, framelist, shapelist),
max_frame, scalar_function))
def __getitem__(self, ranks):
return ArrayFunction(self._function,ranks,self._intrinsic_ranks)
class BinaryArrayFunction(ArrayFunction):
def __init__(self, function, neutral_element, ranks, intrinsic_ranks=None):
ArrayFunction.__init__(self, function, ranks, intrinsic_ranks)
self._neutral = neutral_element
self.over = ArrayFunction(ArrayOperator(_reduce, [self]), [None])
self.cumulative = ArrayFunction(ArrayOperator(_cumulative, [self]),
def __getitem__(self, ranks):
return BinaryArrayFunction(self._function, self._neutral,
ranks, self._intrinsic_ranks)
class ArrayOperator:
def __init__(self, operator, function_list):
self._operator = operator
self._functions = function_list
def __call__(self, *args):
return apply(self._operator, (self._functions, args))
# Array functions
# Functions for internal use
_strlen = ArrayFunction(len, [0])
# Structural functions
shape = ArrayFunction(lambda a: Array(a._shape,[len(a._shape)]), [None])
reshape = ArrayFunction(_reshape, [None, 1])
ravel = ArrayFunction(_ravel, [None])
take = ArrayFunction(lambda a,i: Array(a._data[i._data], a._shape[1:]),
[None, 0])
# Elementwise binary functions
_sum = ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a+b, [0, 0])
_difference = ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a-b, [0, 0])
_product = ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a*b, [0, 0])
_quotient = ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a/b, [0, 0])
_power = ArrayFunction(pow, [0, 0])
_max = ArrayFunction(max, [0, 0])
_min = ArrayFunction(min, [0, 0])
_smaller = ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a<b, [0, 0])
_greater = ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a>b, [0, 0])
_equal = ArrayFunction(lambda a,b: a==b, [0, 0])
sum = BinaryArrayFunction(_sum, 0, [None, None])
difference = BinaryArrayFunction(_difference, 0, [None, None])
product = BinaryArrayFunction(_product, 1, [None, None])
quotient = BinaryArrayFunction(_quotient, 1, [None, None])
power = BinaryArrayFunction(_power, 1, [None, None])
maximum = BinaryArrayFunction(_max, 0, [None, None])
minimum = BinaryArrayFunction(_min, 0, [None, None])
smaller = BinaryArrayFunction(_smaller, 1, [None, None])
greater = BinaryArrayFunction(_greater, 1, [None, None])
equal = BinaryArrayFunction(_equal, 1, [None, None])
# Scalar functions of one variable
tostr = ArrayFunction(str, [0])
sqrt = ArrayFunction(math.sqrt, [0])
exp = ArrayFunction(math.exp, [0])
log = ArrayFunction(math.log, [0])
log10 = ArrayFunction(math.log10, [0])
sin = ArrayFunction(math.sin, [0])
cos = ArrayFunction(math.cos, [0])
tan = ArrayFunction(math.tan, [0])
asin = ArrayFunction(math.asin, [0])
acos = ArrayFunction(math.acos, [0])
atan = ArrayFunction(math.atan, [0])
sinh = ArrayFunction(math.sinh, [0])
cosh = ArrayFunction(math.cosh, [0])
tanh = ArrayFunction(math.tanh, [0])
floor = ArrayFunction(math.floor, [0])
ceil = ArrayFunction(math.ceil, [0])
# Nasty hack to make fix max and min safe to use.
# Without this, they would return an array as most users
# would expect, but it would not be the correct answer.
# I know I shouldn't do this, but it seems the lesser of
# two evils.
builtin_max = max
builtin_min = min
def max(*args):
return apply(builtin_max,args)
def min(*args):
return apply(builtin_min,args)
# test data
x = Array(range(10))
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