[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] A problem with slicing
Hinsen Konrad
Thu, 14 Sep 1995 14:21:02 -0400
One way out of this is to adopt the syntax
M[i, j]
for simple indexing. This would require only a minor tweaking of the
grammar I believe. This could be extended to support
M[i1:i2, j]
M[i1:i2, j1:j2]
M[i, j1:j2]
(and of course higher-dimensional equivalents).
How about allowing each of the index expressions to be an array
(of integers) itself? That gives an enormous flexibility (consider
that the indexing array could be a very complicated expression!).
Of course adopting such a change would completely ruin any possbility
of using things like
M[3, 4, 7] = [1, 10, 100]
as roughly equivalent to
M[3] = 1
M[4] = 10
M[7] = 100
but then again I'm not too fond of that anyway (as a matter of fact,
I'd oppose it strongly).
According to my proposal, that could be done as
M[[3,4,7]] = [1, 10, 100]
- Should M[i][j] still be equivalent to M[i, j]?
Basically the question is whether M[i] should be allowed (and with
what meaning) if M has more than one dimension. Maybe it is better
not to allow it at all, as it creates some confusion due to the
imperfect analogy of arrays with (nested) sequences.
- Now we have multidimensional sequence types, should be have a
multidimensional equivalent of len()? Some ideas:
- len(a, i) would return a's length in dimension i; len(a, i) == len(a)
- dim(a) (or rank(a)?) would return the number of dimensions
- shape(a) would return a tuple giving a's dimensions, e.g. for a
3x4 matrix it would return (3, 4), and for a one-dimensional
sequence such as a string or list, it would return a singleton
tuple: (len(a),).
How about having len() return the total number of elements? shape()
would be necessary anyway, and your proposed len(a,i) would
just be equivalent to shape(a)[i]. Similarly, dim(a) would
be len(shape(a)).
APL actually has only shape, which returns a one-dimensional
array of the lengths along each axis, i.e. a zero-length
vector in case of a scalar. Then dim(a) is just shape(shape(a)).
- How about multidimensional map(), filter(), reduce()?
map() is no problem, as you pointed out. Actually, if one adopts
a J-style rank concept, it wouldn't even be necessary. filter()
and reduce() should operate along a specified axis. filter()
would thereby return an array of equal dimension, but shorter
along one axis, and reduce() would return an array with the
dimension reduced by one.
- Multidimensional for loops? Or should for iterate over the first
dimension only?
Again, iteration over an arbitrary axis would be useful. Iteration
over all elements could be handled by map().
Konrad Hinsen | E-Mail: hinsenk@ere.umontreal.ca
Departement de chimie | Tel.: +1-514-343-6111 ext. 3953
Universite de Montreal | Fax: +1-514-343-7586
C.P. 6128, succ. A | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/Nederlands/
Montreal (QC) H3C 3J7 | Francais (phase experimentale)
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