[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Yet another way to crash the interpreter.

tim@lassi.ece.uiuc.edu tim@lassi.ece.uiuc.edu
Fri, 16 Aug 1996 11:40:24 -0500


Here's one more:  Numeric's sqrt doesn't work with long its. And other
Numerical stuff seems to crash the interpreter when combined with long
ints. For example:

>>> from Numeric import *
>>> sqrt(4l)
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: attribute-less object
>>> 4/arange(1,3)
4 2
>>> 4l/arange(1,3)
Segmentation fault


>>> from Numeric import *
>>> 4l*arange(1,3)
Segmentation fault


| Tim Hochberg               Ultrahigh Speed Digital Electronics Lab |
| tim@lassi.ece.uiuc.edu              University of Illinois         |
| http://dogbert.ece.uiuc.edu/~tim         (217) 333-6014            |

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