[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] [Fwd: Foreign Function Interface Generator available.]

Paul. Dubois dubois1@llnl.gov
Wed, 07 Feb 1996 15:12:22 -0800

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I thought this audience might find this interesting, considering some of
the discussions at Spam III.
Paul F. Dubois, L-472				(510)-422-5426
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory		FAX (510)-423-9969
Livermore, CA 94550				dubois1@llnl.gov
Consulting: PaulDubois@aol.com

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Date: Wed, 7 Feb 1996 12:02:26 PST
From: Lars Thomas Hansen <lth@cs.uoregon.edu>
Subject: Foreign Function Interface Generator available.
To: fjh%cs.mu.OZ.AU@uunet.uu.net, will@ccs.neu.edu, jcg@cs.cmu.edu,
        gurr@snap.med.ge.com, nr@cs.purdue.edu, Geoff.Wyant@east.sun.com,
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FFIGEN Release 1 is now available from http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/~lth/ffigen.

FFIGEN (Foreign Function Interface GENerator) is a program suite which
facilitates the writing of translators from C header files to foreign
function interfaces for particular language implementations.  It is
based on the lcc C compiler and handles nearly all of ANSI C, including
the preprocessor.  (Missing features are bitfields and general type
qualifiers; support for those will be included in a future version).

This release includes the entire front-end, a back-end for Chez Scheme
version 5, and documents which explain the ideas behind FFIGEN, its use,
and how to write of custom back-ends for you language.

This is a preliminary release; it works but is neither full-function nor
polished.  In particular, installation is crude.

See the Web page for further details, download information, and so on.



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