[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Finalized 0.3 interface (hopefully)

James Hugunin jjh@Goldilocks.LCS.MIT.EDU
Fri, 19 Jan 96 12:36:30 EST

   Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 11:58:58 -0500
   From: hinsenk@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Hinsen Konrad)

      This C type WILL continue to implement automatic type coercion,
      but I reserve the right to remove it if I continue to have
      problems making my floating point code work in floats instead of

   But at some point it will have to be stable!

I agree.  It will be stable in the BETA1 release.  I'll use release
0.30 to see how well things work for me.

      4) Two python object UserArray.py and Matrix.py where Matrix
      inherits from UserArray.

   I wonder about the meaning of "User" in the name "UserArray".  Does
   it mean "the arrays that users really want"? My first idea when
   seeing such a name would be "user-defined arrays", which is not at
   all what we are talking about. I still propose to explore whether
   it is really definitely impossible to use the name "Array", but if
   that is the case, then something like "NumericArray" would make
   more sense than "UserArray".

This is just an extension of the current UserList.py and
UserDictionary.py names in the standard python distribution to refer
to python classes that are derived from C-types.  The principle
purpose for these classes (and for UserArray as well) is to be used as
a superclass for python defined subclasses.  I don't think this
convention is too bad, so I think it's best to stay consistent.


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