[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Create and fill an array from Numeric module in C function ??

VIENNET Emmanuel Equipe Gallinari Emmanuel.Viennet@laforia.ibp.fr
Fri, 14 Jun 1996 18:15:57 +0200

Jean-Louis Villecroze writes:
> Hello,
> I'm currently working in the integration of a library in Python, and i
> would like to create and fill a Numeric array from my Data but directly
> in a C function, which be used in Python ...

Quite easy :-)
write a python-C glue function:

- to create a new array and return it:
    int dims[ nbdims ] = { ... };

    arr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims( nbdims, dims, PyArray_FLOAT );
    use the memory pointed by arr->data

    When you're done, return a python object:
     return (PyObject *)arr;

For more infos, look at Include/arrayobject.h, where you will find
usefull comments. 
Have fun

Emmanuel Viennet: <viennet@ura1507.univ-paris13.fr>
LIPN - Institut Galilee - Universite Paris-Nord       
93430 Villetaneuse -  France

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