[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Two questions

VIENNET Emmanuel Equipe Gallinari Emmanuel.Viennet@laforia.ibp.fr
Wed, 29 May 1996 19:40:31 +0200

 Hi all,

I'm using Numerical Python 0.36 since a few weeks and I'm really
Two questions, however:

 1- I'd like to compute with floats, instead of doubles, to save
    storage (for now, I frequently run out of my 100Mo swap space).
   1.1 : this is probably a bug: 
        >>> from Numeric import *
        >>> a = ones(10,Float(32))
        >>> a.typecode()
   1.2 : the above bug comes from an implicit conversion :
        >>> a = zeros(10,Float(32))
	>>> a.typecode()
        >>> b = a + 1
	>>> b.typecode()
The consequence is that's currently impossible to compute with
floats... ? I don't exactly remember the conclusions from the
previous discussions about conversion rules, but the current behaviour
is uncomfortable, especially with *big* arrays. Did I miss something ?

 2- The second question :
The following code builds and returns an array from C:
  PyArrayObject arr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims( 
	nbdims,dims, PyArray_FLOAT );
  if (!arr) { 
  do something with arr->data

  return Py_BuildValue("O", arr );

Is this right ? (This seems to leak).

Thanks for your attention

Emmanuel Viennet: <viennet@ura1507.univ-paris13.fr>
LIPN - Institut Galilee - Universite Paris-Nord       
93430 Villetaneuse -  France

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