[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Re: Mandelbrot: another nice useless NumPy script?!

Rob.Hooft@embl-heidelberg.de Rob.Hooft@embl-heidelberg.de
Mon, 9 Sep 1996 19:59:18 +0200 (MET DST)

>>>>> "TS" == Tom Schwaller <tom.schwaller@linux-magazin.de> writes:

 TS> the Python interpreter crahes!!! After the 4th call of print
 TS> draw, the third cal is still ok.

Hm, I just tried it on my ALPHA, and there it crashes already on the
second call. Looks like a jump/call to a weird address:

>>> print draw(-2.1, 0.7, -1.2, 1.2)
inst fault=opdec pid=18396 <python> pc=0x14005bb64 ps=0x8 inst=0x1
signal Illegal instruction at >*[., 0x14005bb68]        op10.3e r0, 0x2e, r0
(dbx) where
   0 (noname)() [0x14005bb64]

=== Rob.Hooft@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE   http://www.Sander.EMBL-Heidelberg.DE/rob/ ==
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