[MATRIX-SIG] namespaces, constructors, and global variables
Phil Austin
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 14:50:28 -0700
>>>>> "Konrad" == Konrad Hinsen <hinsen@ibs.ibs.fr> writes:
Konrad> Great! However, I wonder whether a unification of plotting
Konrad> packages is the right way to go. I think it would be not
Konrad> much more effort, but much more useful, to write Python
Konrad> code that generates low-level graphics elements (lines,
Konrad> circles, etc.) directly to make up a plot. Then there
Konrad> could be several low-level drivers that render this
Konrad> representation via Tk canvases, OpenGL, PostScript, or
Konrad> whatever.
>>>>> "Aaron" == Aaron Watters <arw@dante.mh.lucent.com> writes:
Aaron> Seconded. This is the proper way to design it IMHO. If
Aaron> you do it carefully I don't even think you'll see any
Aaron> particular performance problems. --Aaron Watters
Thirded. I'm operating under some constraints however:
1) I think I've provided some evidence that, on a coding project like
this, I'll be staying in the shallow end of the pool.
2) I need a single interface that will produce simple plots under
linux and Windows 95 (student labs start Sept. 3), and camera ready
publication plots under linux and solaris. For the latter I require
a superset of the capabilities demonstrated at:
http://ngwww.ucar.edu/ngdoc/ng4.0.1/ug/ncl/tutor/session3.html (For
people interested in pricing for this package--an unlimited
use/unlimited-time University site licence cost us about $Can 900
(there's no windows port). A typical commercial alternative with a
fairly primitive array language (IDL/PV-Wave) is $2500 per seat).
3) I need the camera-ready plots within two weeks.
My guess is that someone might eventually write a portable set of
Java/tk/opengl/etc. classes to do much of what I want, and with luck it
will happen before 1999 and could even be GPL'ed. Near-term is going
to require some improvisation, however.
Konrad adds:
Konrad> I would not recommend to use *any* global objects unless
Konrad> you have a very good reason. If I understand your
Konrad> intention well, it would be impossible to construct two
Konrad> plots in parallel. Why that restriction?
Konrad> __main__ will clearly be different in the two
Konrad> situations. And like global variables, accessing __main__
Konrad> is something that a well-behaved Python program should not
Konrad> do.
The plot layout is now encapsulated, so no more globals, thanks. On
the second issue, I was trying to get default behavior that
produces a plot with very few keystrokes, while maintaining the ability to
customize the axis, labels, ticks, etc. after the plot command is typed.
Specifically, I'm looking for three different user levels:
BuildPlot(x,y) #x-y line plot with default axes
#also creates leftAxis and botAxis--their set methods
#can be used to modify defaults if desired as in:
Advanced Novice: change the default axis parameters following the plot command
Intermediate to Advanced:
Here, we want a plot with two ordinates of different colors on the
rhs, offset horizontally from each other by 0.2 units, one a
logrithmic pressure axis with values increasing downward, one a linear
height axis with values increasing upward:
#no default axes, but plot size and location
#specified, ordinate is logarithmic
#now build another plot of temperature/height, positioned on top of
#plot1, but draw only a new right axis
If default behavior that creates an unasked for leftAxis and a botAxis
in __main__ is risky, then I can just drop the idea that the default
axes can be modified, and move my novices quickly into the
intermediate stage if necessary.
I'd love to see some other approaches that balance this
terseness/flexibility ratio in different ways.
Regards, Phil
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