[MATRIX-SIG] spline

Kevin Rodgers krodgers@tdyryan.com
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 08:02:23 -0700

At 10:40 AM 9/10/97 -0700, Johann Hibschman wrote:
>Unfortunately, the code is currently derived from Numerical Recipes in C,
>so I'm not certain about its distributability.

If you're using code derived from Numerical Recipes in whatever, you should
be worried about more than its distributability. See
http://math.jpl.nasa.gov/nr/ for an informed discussion of both the
algorithms and implementation of Numerical Recipies.  If you want splines,
you might check Netlib for some C or Fortran implementations, then either
re-implement in Python or wrap the Netlib library. But be VERY careful with
anything having to do with Numerical Recipies!
Kevin Rodgers     Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical  krodgers@tdyryan.com
"This one goes up to eleven."  --  Nigel Tufnel

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