[MATRIX-SIG] Making pseudo-ufuncs?
Johann Hibschman
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 14:12:43 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all,
I've been trying to write a class that wraps a normal unary or binary
function to allow it to be simply (if slowly) applied to arrays.
Hopefully, it would increase the readibility of some code.
First, is there a better way to do this?
Second, is the method I use to detect the types of the arrays a good idea?
It would seem to fall apart for special Matrix and Vector classes.
Third, is there a good way to implement outer, accumulate, and reduce for
binary functions?
So far, I have (FuncOps is my function operations class):
class FuncBinder(FuncOps):
def __init__(self, a_f):
if ((type(a_f) == UfuncType) or
(type(a_f) == InstanceType and
FuncOps in a_f.__class__.__bases__)):
self.__call__ = a_f # overwrite the existing method
self.f = a_f
def __call__(self, arg):
"Default call routine, used for ordinary functions."
if type(arg) == ArrayType:
return array_map(self.f, arg)
return self.f(arg)
def array_map(f, ar):
"Apply an ordinary function to all values in an array."
flat_ar = ravel(ar)
out = zeros(len(flat_ar), typecode=flat_ar.typecode())
for i in xrange(len(flat_ar)):
out[i] = f(flat_ar[i])
out.shape = ar.shape
return out
for unary functions, and (for binary functions), I've defined methods:
def reduce(self, a, axis=0):
result = take(a, [0], axis)
for i in range(1, a.shape[axis]):
result = self(result, take(a, [i], axis))
return result
def accumulate(self, a, axis=0):
n = len(a.shape)
sum = take(a, [0], axis)
out = zeros(a.shape, a.typecode())
for i in range(1, a.shape[axis]):
out[all_but_axis(i, axis, n)] = self(sum, take(a, [i], axis))
return out
def all_but_axis(i, axis, num_axes):
Return a slice covering all combinations with coordinate i along
axis. (Effectively the hyperplane perpendicular to axis at i.)
the_slice = ()
for j in range(num_axes):
if j == axis:
the_slice = the_slice + (i,)
the_slice = the_slice + (slice(None),)
return the_slice
def outer(op, a, b):
n_a = len(a.shape)
n_b = len(b.shape)
a2 = reshape(a, a.shape + (1,)*n_b)
b2 = reshape(b, (1,)*n_a + b.shape)
# duplicate each array in the appropriate directions
a3 = a2
for i in range(n_b):
a3 = repeat(a3, (b.shape[i],), n_a+i)
b3 = b2
for i in range(n_a):
b3 = repeat(b3, (a.shape[i],), i)
answer = array_map_2(op, a3, b3)
return answer
These all seem over-complex to me. Is there are more straightforward way
to do this?
Johann A. Hibschman | Grad student in Physics, working in Astronomy.
johann@physics.berkeley.edu | Probing pulsar pair production processes.
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