[Matrix-SIG] Python crash when sort is given zero length list

Zane Motteler zcm@llnl.gov
Wed, 16 Dec 98 07:33:25 PST

Hi Travis,

You wrote:

>I'm running NumPy 1.3 on Linux libc6 and get a floating
>point exception when I try to sort a list with zero elements.
>Here is the session.
>Anybody seen this and made the fix.
>>>> from Numeric import sort
>>>> sort([])
>Floating point exception

Yes, we are aware of the problem, and it will be fixed in the
next distribution.

What puczzles me is why you need a computer to sort a list
with 0 items ?   ;-}


Zane C. Motteler, Ph. D.
   Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Engineering
   California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
   Computer Scientist
   Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
   P O Box 808, L-038 (Street address 7000 East Avenue, L-038)
   Livermore, CA 94551-9900
   zcm@llnl.gov  925/423-2143, FAX 925/423-9969