[MATRIX-SIG] The Python interface to PGPLOT graphics library

Nick Patavalis npat@ariadne.di.uoa.gr
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 20:25:39 +0200

Quoting Holger St. John (stjohn@gav.gat.com)
  Subject was: Re: [MATRIX-SIG] The Python interface to PGPLOT graphics library
  Date: Wed, Feb 18, 1998 at 09:55:06AM -0800

>  I am trying to get your pgplot stuff working with Python.  A minor problem
>  that I ran into is that  my (Numeric)Python distribution doesnt have a
>  libnumpymodule.
>  This library is apparently required by your Makefile. Can you point out 
>  to me what you did  with NumPy to create this library? 

I didn't do anything special, as I remeber. I just built the NumPy module
following the intructions in "Install.txt". BTW I used NumPy version 1.0b3,
what version are you using? Also: is your NumPy module working? I mean
can you do: "from Numeric import *", and then use the Numeric 

>  I suppose I could build the library easily enough if I knew what it 
>  is supposed to contain.

The "libnumpymodule.so" that was created when I built my NumPy
distribution contains: "arrayobject.o", and "ufuncobject.o"


P.S. I' ll try getting the most recent version of NumPy,
build it again, and tell you if something goes wrong...


Nick Patavalis               Snail-mail:
(npat@ariadne.di.uoa.gr)         Thironos 11, 
University of Athens,            161 21 Athens,
Computer Science Dept.           Hellas.

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