From  Tue Jul 21 18:25:21 1998
From: (Konrad Hinsen)
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 19:25:21 +0200 (DFT)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Tk plotting widget
Message-ID: <>

I have just finished a first working version of a Tk widget that
handles data plots. At the moment only line graphs are supported,
although other types might be added later. Axes are optionally
provided, with automatic scaling and labelling. Automatic resizing is

This is a very early test version and may be both buggy and inefficient.
I appreciate bug reports, comments, suggestions, and code submissions ;-)

You can pick it up at

Konrad Hinsen                            | E-Mail:
Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33-
Rue Charles Sadron                       | Fax:  +33-
45071 Orleans Cedex 2                    | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/
France                                   | Nederlands/Francais

From  Wed Jul 22 00:39:18 1998
From: (Holger St. John)
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 15:39:18 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] pypvm
Message-ID: <>

  I see a reference to a Python module  for  PVM , pypvm, by M. Petullo
 on the PVM web page ( but the hot link does not connect
 to anything. Searching the web turns  up nothing.   Anyone know about this
module and
where to get it ?

Holger St. John

General Atomics

From  Wed Jul 22 13:57:00 1998
From: (Jody Winston)
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 08:57:00 -0400
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] pypvm
In-Reply-To: <> (
Message-ID: <199807221257.IAA09220@hog>

>>>>> "Holger" == Holger St John <> writes:

    Holger>   I see a reference to a Python module for PVM , pypvm, by
    Holger> M. Petullo on the PVM web page ( but
    Holger> the hot link does not connect to anything. Searching the
    Holger> web turns up nothing.  Anyone know about this module and
    Holger> where to get it ?

Has any one done a MPI version?


From  Wed Jul 22 19:09:52 1998
From: (Konrad Hinsen)
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 20:09:52 +0200 (DFT)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] pypvm
In-Reply-To: <199807221257.IAA09220@hog> (message from Jody Winston on Wed, 22
 Jul 1998 08:57:00 -0400)
References: <199807221257.IAA09220@hog>
Message-ID: <>

> >>>>> "Holger" == Holger St John <> writes:
>     Holger>   I see a reference to a Python module for PVM , pypvm, by
>     Holger> M. Petullo on the PVM web page ( but
>     Holger> the hot link does not connect to anything. Searching the
>     Holger> web turns up nothing.  Anyone know about this module and
>     Holger> where to get it ?
> Has any one done a MPI version?

My ParallelPython page on Starship lists both a PVM and an MPI
module, but I must stress that I have tried neither one. The
ULRs are

PVM (by Stefane Fermigier):

MPI (by Dave Mitchell):

Konrad Hinsen                            | E-Mail:
Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33-
Rue Charles Sadron                       | Fax:  +33-
45071 Orleans Cedex 2                    | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/
France                                   | Nederlands/Francais

From  Wed Jul 22 19:49:52 1998
From: (Jonah Lee)
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:49:52 -0800 (AKDT)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] pypvm
In-Reply-To: <199807221257.IAA09220@hog>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Jody Winston wrote:

> >>>>> "Holger" == Holger St John <> writes:
>     Holger>   I see a reference to a Python module for PVM , pypvm, by
>     Holger> M. Petullo on the PVM web page ( but
>     Holger> the hot link does not connect to anything. Searching the
>     Holger> web turns up nothing.  Anyone know about this module and
>     Holger> where to get it ?
> Has any one done a MPI version?
> Jody

I tried the LAM MPI module on starship web site. I could not get it to
work with more than one node on a workstation cluster. Using LAM's
monitoring tool I see that the python on the remote node got blocked. I
used SWIG to wrap MPICH, with the same results - it seems to work for one 
node (which obviously is useless:-) . There must be something
that I do not understand.
> _______________________________________________
> Matrix-SIG maillist  -



From  Fri Jul 31 23:43:33 1998
From: (Jonah Lee)
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 14:43:33 -0800 (AKDT)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] PfemLa - Vector and Matrix Classes (version 0.5a2)
Message-ID: <>


I have a working version of simple vector and matrix classes (floating
point and integer) written in Python and Numerical Python to support the
design and development of finite element programs using Python/C++/???. 
Comments and suggestions are welcome. 

The package is available at:

