From Fri Dec 3 01:20:26 1999 From: (Rex Andrew) Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 17:20:26 -0800 (PST) Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Q: scientific netcdf crashes python on import? Message-ID: <> Hi folks. I've spent about 8 hours on this one, so maybe I could use some help. I'm trying to install the netCDF module from ScientificPython on a RH 6.0 linux box. The error is: Fatal python error: can't initialize module Scientific_netcdf The crash obviously occurs in on the line >>>from Scientific_netcdf import * OK, not being a guru, I tried (1) loading all the python RPMs and the new ScientificPython RPM, and/or (2) building both (and including NumPy source to do so) from source. Several times, in case I wasn't cleaning up after myself. To no avail. I tried launching python in gdb, but I'm pretty inept here. I got python to crash with this error message: gdb: program received signal SIGABRT Aborted 0x40066111 in __kill() from /lib/ Advice? -rex "lost in linux land" ------------------------- Rex K. Andrew Applied Physics Laboratory 206.543.1250 University of Washington 206.543.6785 (FAX) Seattle, Washington, USA From Fri Dec 3 15:59:05 1999 From: (Konrad Hinsen) Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:59:05 +0100 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Q: scientific netcdf crashes python on import? In-Reply-To: <> (message from Rex Andrew on Thu, 2 Dec 1999 17:20:26 -0800 (PST)) References: <> Message-ID: <> > Hi folks. I've spent about 8 hours on this one, so maybe I could > use some help. I'm trying to install the netCDF module from > ScientificPython on a RH 6.0 linux box. The error is: > Fatal python error: can't initialize module Scientific_netcdf > The crash obviously occurs in on the line > >>>from Scientific_netcdf import * Can you import Numerical Python correctly? Just start Python and type "import Numeric". If that doesn't work, importing netCDF won't work either, because it does the equivalent of "import Numeric" internally. That (i.e. a missing or faulty NumPy installation) is the most frequent cause for this error message in my experience. Also check if your netCDF library is working (e.g. by running the ncdump utility). > OK, not being a guru, I tried (1) loading all the python RPMs and the > new ScientificPython RPM, and/or (2) building both (and including > NumPy source to do so) from source. Several times, in case I wasn't > cleaning up after myself. To no avail. Which RPMs are you using? My laptop is a RedHat 6.0 system as well, and it runs everything fine, using the RedHat Python RPMs, the NumPy RPMs from Oliver Andrich's collection, and the ScientificPython RPMs from my Web site. Konrad. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Konrad Hinsen | E-Mail: Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33- Rue Charles Sadron | Fax: +33- 45071 Orleans Cedex 2 | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/ France | Nederlands/Francais ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Thu Dec 9 22:14:54 1999 From: (Harrison, Robert J) Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 14:14:54 -0800 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Version 1.0 of Python Interface to Global Arrrays Message-ID: <> The link at the bottom is to an initial Python wrapper around the Global Arrays library. This is a numerically-oriented, portable, parallel programming environment including distributed, shared, multi-dimension arrays with both one-sided and collective operations, message passing, and interfaces to parallel BLAS and linear algebra packages. The Numeric extension is used to handle local data. For sometime we've been using Python embedded into our massively parallel computational chemistry code in order to provide the end-user with the ability to control fairly high-level capabilities. However, we've become so enamored with Python that we're considering exposing a lot more of our C and Fortran APIs. Most of these APIs are specific to our application (molecular and solid state electronic structure and molecular dynamics), but the parallel programming tools may be of wider interest, hence this post. The GA library (C and Fortran interfaces, and the Python interface) is freely distributed in the public domain, and, since many projects rely upon it, it is well supported. It runs on every parallel computing platform to which we have access including both massively parallel super-computers and clusters of SMP workstations. GA inter-operates with any of the MPI, TCGMSG or PVM message passing libraries (the Python interface has only been tested with MPI and TCGMSG). There are many things still to do, including understanding how to use the multiarray object to provide slicing, but the current version is sufficiently complete and robust to be useful. Robert Harrison ( From Mon Dec 13 19:55:54 1999 From: (Johann Hibschman) Date: 13 Dec 1999 11:55:54 -0800 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] SWIG with recent NumPy Message-ID: <> Hello, I'm trying to use SWIG to automatically wrap some C routines and return the results as NumPy arrays (converting from my own pet vector structure.) I have typemaps that worked with old versions of NumPy, but now I have had to insert a call to "import_array()" by hand in the SWIG-generated C module in the module initialization section. This means (AFAIK) that I have to hand-patch the C every time I run SWIG. That's bad. Is there any way to get SWIG to insert the needed "import_array()" call automatically? Also, are there standard NumPy SWIG typemaps? Lots of questions, as ususal. ;-) --Johann -- Johann Hibschman From Mon Dec 13 20:11:31 1999 From: (Rob Managan) Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 12:11:31 -0800 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] SWIG with recent NumPy In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <v04210102b47b02af5882@[]> >Hello, > >I'm trying to use SWIG to automatically wrap some C routines and >return the results as NumPy arrays (converting from my own pet vector >structure.) I have typemaps that worked with old versions of NumPy, >but now I have had to insert a call to "import_array()" by hand in the >SWIG-generated C module in the module initialization section. > >This means (AFAIK) that I have to hand-patch the C every time I run >SWIG. That's bad. Is there any way to get SWIG to insert the needed >"import_array()" call automatically? Also, are there standard NumPy >SWIG typemaps? > >Lots of questions, as ususal. ;-) > I was about to start looking into this myself. Could you send me a copy of the typemaps so I can see if I can use them? I will be getting to this after the holidays. I think that what you want for the "import _array()" is the %init %{ ... %} option in SWIG. It claims that code you insert in this block will be added to the initialization routine. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Rob Managan <mailto://> LLNL ph: 925-423-0903 P.O. Box 808, L-095 FAX: 925-422-3389 Livermore, CA 94551-0808 From Mon Dec 13 20:38:49 1999 From: (Pavlos Christoforou) Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 15:38:49 -0500 (EST) Subject: [Matrix-SIG] SWIG with recent NumPy In-Reply-To: <v04210102b47b02af5882@[]> Message-ID: <> This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --830597660-686800328-945117529=:32332 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Rob - I have these, originally from Michael Bell and Michael Cherkassoff with some modifications to make them work with Numerical recipes. But as Johann mentioned, you will need to add the import_array() manually. Pavlos On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Rob Managan wrote: > >Hello, > > > >I'm trying to use SWIG to automatically wrap some C routines and > >return the results as NumPy arrays (converting from my own pet vector > >structure.) I have typemaps that worked with old versions of NumPy, > >but now I have had to insert a call to "import_array()" by hand in the > >SWIG-generated C module in the module initialization section. > > > >This means (AFAIK) that I have to hand-patch the C every time I run > >SWIG. That's bad. Is there any way to get SWIG to insert the needed > >"import_array()" call automatically? Also, are there standard NumPy > >SWIG typemaps? > > > >Lots of questions, as ususal. ;-) > > > > I was about to start looking into this myself. Could you send me a > copy of the typemaps so I can see if I can use them? I will be > getting to this after the holidays. > > I think that what you want for the "import _array()" is the %init %{ > ... %} option in SWIG. It claims that code you insert in this block > will be added to the initialization routine. > > *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- > Rob Managan <mailto://> > LLNL ph: 925-423-0903 > P.O. Box 808, L-095 FAX: 925-422-3389 > Livermore, CA 94551-0808 > > > _______________________________________________ > Matrix-SIG maillist - > > --830597660-686800328-945117529=:32332 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="numrec.i" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <> Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="numrec.i" LyogT3JpZ2luYWwgZHVlIHRvIE1pY2hhZWwgQmVsbCA8bWljaGFlbGJAZ29s ZC5uZXQuYXU+DQogICBSZXZpc2VkIGJ5IE1pY2hhZWwgQ2hlcmthc3NvZmYg PG1jaGVya0BnZW9nLnViYy5jYT4NCiAgICRSZXZpc2lvbjogMS4zICQgDQog ICBSZXZpc2VkIGZvciB1c2Ugd2l0aCBOdW1SZWMuDQoqLw0KDQolbW9kdWxl IG51bXJlYw0KJXsNCiNpbmNsdWRlICJhcnJheW9iamVjdC5oIg0KJX0NCg0K JWluY2x1ZGUgdHlwZW1hcHMuaQ0KDQoldHlwZW1hcChweXRob24sIGluKSBk b3VibGUqIERCXzJEIHsNCg0KICBQeUFycmF5T2JqZWN0ICphcnI7DQoNCiAg LyogQ2hlY2sgdGhhdCBvYmogaXMgcmVhbGx5IGFuIDJEIGFycmF5IG9mIGJ5 dGVzICovDQogIGlmICghUHlBcnJheV9DaGVjaygkc291cmNlKSkgew0KICAg IFB5RXJyX1NldFN0cmluZyhQeUV4Y19UeXBlRXJyb3IsIkZpcnN0IGFyZ3Vt ZW50IGlzIG5vdCBhbiBhcnJheSIpOw0KICAgIHJldHVybiBOVUxMOw0KICB9 DQogIC8qIGNoZWNrIHR5cGUgKGNvdWxkIGFsc28gdXNlIGFyci0+ZGVzY3It PnR5cGVfbnVtKSAqLw0KICBpZiAoUHlBcnJheV9PYmplY3RUeXBlKCRzb3Vy Y2UsMCkgIT0gUHlBcnJheV9ET1VCTEUpIHsNCiAgICBQeUVycl9TZXRTdHJp bmcoUHlFeGNfVHlwZUVycm9yLCJJbmNvcnJlY3QgYXJyYXkgdHlwZTogd2Ug bmVlZCBhbiBhcnJheSBvZiBGTE9BVDMyIik7DQogICAgcmV0dXJuIE5VTEw7 DQogIH0NCiBhcnI9KFB5QXJyYXlPYmplY3QgKilQeUFycmF5X0NvbnRpZ3Vv dXNGcm9tT2JqZWN0KCRzb3VyY2UsUHlBcnJheV9ET1VCTEUsMCwwKTsNCi8q ICBhcnIgPSAoUHlBcnJheU9iamVjdCAqKSRzb3VyY2U7ICovDQppZiAoIWFy cikgew0KICAgIHJldHVybiBOVUxMOw0KICB9ICANCg0KICBpZiAoYXJyLT5u ZCAhPSAyKSB7IC8qIHdlIGFyZSByZWFsbHkgc3RyaWN0ICEgKi8NCiAgICBQ eUVycl9TZXRTdHJpbmcoUHlFeGNfVHlwZUVycm9yLCJJbmNvcnJlY3QgbnVt YmVyIG9mIGRpbXM6IHdlIHdhbnQgYSAyZCBhcnJheSIpOw0KICAgIHJldHVy biBOVUxMOw0KICB9DQoNCiAgJHRhcmdldCA9IChkb3VibGUgKilhcnItPmRh dGE7IC8qIHBvaW50ZXIgb24gZmlyc3QgZWxlbSAqLw0KDQogICBQeV9ERUNS RUYoYXJyKTsNCn0NCg0KDQoldHlwZW1hcChweXRob24sIGluKSBkb3VibGUq IERCXzFEIHsNCg0KICBQeUFycmF5T2JqZWN0ICphcnI7DQoNCiAgLyogQ2hl Y2sgdGhhdCBvYmogaXMgcmVhbGx5IGFuIDFEIGFycmF5IG9mIGJ5dGVzICov DQogIGlmICghUHlBcnJheV9DaGVjaygkc291cmNlKSkgew0KICAgIFB5RXJy X1NldFN0cmluZyhQeUV4Y19UeXBlRXJyb3IsIkZpcnN0IGFyZ3VtZW50IGlz IG5vdCBhbiBhcnJheSIpOw0KICAgIHJldHVybiBOVUxMOw0KICB9DQogYXJy PShQeUFycmF5T2JqZWN0ICopUHlBcnJheV9Db250aWd1b3VzRnJvbU9iamVj dCgkc291cmNlLFB5QXJyYXlfRE9VQkxFLDAsMCk7DQovKiAgYXJyID0gKFB5 QXJyYXlPYmplY3QgKikkc291cmNlOyAqLw0KaWYgKCFhcnIpIHsNCiAgICBy ZXR1cm4gTlVMTDsNCiAgfSAgDQoNCiAgaWYgKGFyci0+bmQgIT0gMSkgeyAv KiB3ZSBhcmUgcmVhbGx5IHN0cmljdCAhICovDQogICAgUHlFcnJfU2V0U3Ry aW5nKFB5RXhjX1R5cGVFcnJvciwiSW5jb3JyZWN0IG51bWJlciBvZiBkaW1z OiB3ZSB3YW50IGEgMmQgYXJyYXkiKTsNCiAgICByZXR1cm4gTlVMTDsNCiAg fQ0KDQogICR0YXJnZXQgPSAoZG91YmxlICopYXJyLT5kYXRhOyAvKiBwb2lu dGVyIG9uIGZpcnN0IGVsZW0gKi8NCiAgLS0kdGFyZ2V0Ow0KICAgUHlfREVD UkVGKGFycik7DQp9DQoNCiV0eXBlbWFwKHB5dGhvbiwgaW4pIGRvdWJsZSog RkJfMUQgew0KDQogIFB5QXJyYXlPYmplY3QgKmFycjsNCg0KICAvKiBDaGVj ayB0aGF0IG9iaiBpcyByZWFsbHkgYW4gMUQgYXJyYXkgb2YgYnl0ZXMgKi8N CiAgaWYgKCFQeUFycmF5X0NoZWNrKCRzb3VyY2UpKSB7DQogICAgUHlFcnJf U2V0U3RyaW5nKFB5RXhjX1R5cGVFcnJvciwiRmlyc3QgYXJndW1lbnQgaXMg bm90IGFuIGFycmF5Iik7DQogICAgcmV0dXJuIE5VTEw7DQogIH0NCiBhcnI9 KFB5QXJyYXlPYmplY3QgKilQeUFycmF5X0NvbnRpZ3VvdXNGcm9tT2JqZWN0 KCRzb3VyY2UsUHlBcnJheV9ET1VCTEUsMCwwKTsNCi8qICBhcnIgPSAoUHlB cnJheU9iamVjdCAqKSRzb3VyY2U7ICovDQppZiAoIWFycikgew0KICAgIHJl dHVybiBOVUxMOw0KICB9ICANCg0KICBpZiAoYXJyLT5uZCAhPSAxKSB7IC8q IHdlIGFyZSByZWFsbHkgc3RyaWN0ICEgKi8NCiAgICBQeUVycl9TZXRTdHJp bmcoUHlFeGNfVHlwZUVycm9yLCJJbmNvcnJlY3QgbnVtYmVyIG9mIGRpbXM6 IHdlIHdhbnQgYSAyZCBhcnJheSIpOw0KICAgIHJldHVybiBOVUxMOw0KICB9 DQoNCiAgJHRhcmdldCA9IChkb3VibGUgKilhcnItPmRhdGE7IC8qIHBvaW50 ZXIgb24gZmlyc3QgZWxlbSAqLw0KICAtLSR0YXJnZXQ7DQogICBQeV9ERUNS RUYoYXJyKTsNCn0NCg0KI2V4dGVybiBkb3VibGUgdGVzdChkb3VibGUgKkRC XzFELGRvdWJsZSAqREJfMUQsaW50IG4saW50IG0sZG91YmxlICpPVVRQVVQp Ow0KZXh0ZXJuIHZvaWQgcGVyaW9kKGRvdWJsZSAqREJfMUQsIGRvdWJsZSAq REJfMUQsIGludCBuLCBkb3VibGUgb2ZhYywgZG91YmxlIGhpZmFjLCBkb3Vi bGUgKkRCXzFELGRvdWJsZSAqREJfMUQsIGludCBucCwgaW50ICpPVVRQVVQs IGludCAqT1VUUFVULCBkb3VibGUgKk9VVFBVVCk7DQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KDQoN Cg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCg0K --830597660-686800328-945117529=:32332-- From Mon Dec 13 20:41:36 1999 From: (Scott M. Ransom) Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 20:41:36 +0000 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] SWIG with recent NumPy References: <> <v04210102b47b02af5882@[]> Message-ID: <> Rob Managan wrote: > I have a working set of typemaps for various array types (more can be added easily) at teh following location: Good luck, Scott -- Scott M. Ransom Address: Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Phone: (617) 495-4142 60 Garden St. MS 10 email: Cambridge, MA 02138 PGP Fingerprint: D2 0E D0 10 CD 95 06 DA EF 78 FE 2B CB 3A D3 53 From Mon Dec 13 20:46:38 1999 From: (Johann Hibschman) Date: 13 Dec 1999 12:46:38 -0800 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] SWIG with recent NumPy In-Reply-To: Pavlos Christoforou's message of "Mon, 13 Dec 1999 15:38:49 -0500 (EST)" References: <> Message-ID: <> Pavlos Christoforou writes: > I have these, originally from Michael Bell and Michael Cherkassoff with > some modifications to make them work with Numerical recipes. But as Johann > mentioned, you will need to add the import_array() manually. I just tried it---Rob's suggestion of the %init directive works. Somehow I'd missed that in the SWIG docs. Just add the line: %init %{ import_array(); %} to the .i file. In case it's useful, I've placed my raw, ugly typemap code at: <> just in case anyone wants to take a look. -- Johann Hibschman From Mon Dec 13 20:57:26 1999 From: (Pavlos Christoforou) Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 15:57:26 -0500 (EST) Subject: [Matrix-SIG] SWIG with recent NumPy In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> On 13 Dec 1999, Johann Hibschman wrote: > %init %{ import_array(); %} Thanks a lot Johann. And my apologies for sending the attachment on the list. It was intented for Rob ... Pavlos From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US Tue Dec 14 23:26:34 1999 From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum) Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 18:26:34 -0500 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Don't forget to register for the Python conference! Message-ID: <> We know that the Python conference isn't until the next millennium. You still have THREE WHOLE WEEKS to register and qualify for the early bird registration. However, at least one of those weeks you will have partying and family gatherings on your mind, and when that week's over, recovery from the partying and gathering will probably take priority over registering for the conference, and as a result you might be PAYING FULL PRICE! (The horror!) That is, if your payment isn't received by January 5, 2000. So, be smart and register *before* Christmas. That's still more than ten days -- plenty of time to make travel arrangements, register for the conference, and present your boss with the bill (in that order). Our motto, due to Bruce Eckel, is: "Life's better without braces." Some highlights from the conference program: - 8 tutorials on topics ranging from JPython to Fnorb; - a keynote by Open Source evangelist Eric Raymond; - another by Randy Pausch, father of the Alice Virtual Reality project; - a separate track for Zope developers and users; - live demonstrations of important Python applications; - refereed papers, and short talks on current topics; - a developers' day where the feature set of Python 2.0 is worked out. Come and join us at the Key Bridge Marriott in Rosslyn (across the bridge from Georgetown), January 24-27 in 2000. Make the Python conference the first conference you attend in the new millennium! The early bird registration deadline is January 5. More info: --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Thu Dec 16 19:14:34 1999 From: (Charles G Waldman) Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 13:14:34 -0600 (CST) Subject: [Matrix-SIG] bug in array constructor for type 'O' Message-ID: <> Just noticed this: >>> a=array(["foo","bar","baz"]) >>> a array([[f, o, o], [b, a, r], [b, a, z]],'c') This is slightly odd, but I can rationalize it, since each of the strings "looks like" an array of characters. But if I try to force the arraytype to "O" (Python Object) I get: >>> a=array(["foo","bar","baz"],'O') >>> a array([[foo , foo , foo ], [bar , bar , bar ], [baz , baz , baz ]],'O') This just looks like a bug. From Fri Dec 17 23:25:45 1999 From: (pascucci) Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 17:25:45 -0600 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] extending an array References: <> Message-ID: <> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------7F5B61EB2560496D656966A2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is it possible to extend an array "in place"? Reshape does not do that but resize creates always a copy. Is there something that behaves like a C realloc? thanks Valerio --------------7F5B61EB2560496D656966A2 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="pascucci.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for pascucci Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pascucci.vcf" begin:vcard n:Pascucci;Valerio tel;fax:(419) 735-3586 tel;work:(512) 232-4331 x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email; fn:Valerio Pascucci end:vcard --------------7F5B61EB2560496D656966A2-- From Sat Dec 18 22:57:46 1999 From: (Lee Barford) Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 14:57:46 -0800 (PST) Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Additions to RandomArray Message-ID: <> The RandomArray module is an interface built on top of the well-known ranlib random number generation library. However, RandomArray doesn't bring out interfaces to most of the kinds of random numbers that ranlib can generate. I needed access to some of them. So I extended RandomArray to provide all of the random variables that ranlib generates. Attached are documentation files (in HTML and raw ASCII with identical contents) and patches to LLNL Distribution 11. I hope that these additions will be included in a future LLNL Distribution. --Lee Barford __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place. Yahoo! Shopping: From Sun Dec 19 15:43:35 1999 From: (Vincenzo Tschinke) Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 16:43:35 +0100 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Problem with arrays of arrays Message-ID: <l03020900b482a60f0e3d@[]> Hi! I am doing some basic molecular connectivity operation (graphs). Trying to convert a list of bonds (list of edges) into a connectivity table (for each vertex [atom], list of connected vertices), by filling an array of arrays, I got the right or wrong result depending on how I define the initial arrays. If I define an array of N emtpy arrays as array_of_empties = N * [[]] I get the *wrong* result. If I use the more exotic definition array_of_empties = map ( lambda x : [] , range( N )) I get the *right* result. Note that after being created, such two arrays compare as equal. Please see the listing below. Is there anything wrong with the first definition, or do we have a Python bug here? =========================================================================== Python 1.5.2b1 (#47, Jan 13 1999, 15:14:59) [CW PPC w/GUSI w/MSL] >>> ee=[[1,2],[1,3],[1,4]] # 3 edges : 3 vert. connected to centr. vertex >>> ee [[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4]] >>> aa=4*[[]] # array of four empty arrays >>> AA=map(lambda x : [], range(4)) # same as above >>> aa==AA # arrays are equal !!! 1 >>> for p in ee: # build table of connected verteces ... i=p[0] ... j=p[1] ... aa[i-1].append(j) ... aa[j-1].append(i) ... AA[i-1].append(j) ... AA[j-1].append(i) ... >>> aa # wrong result !!! [[2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1], [2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1], [2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1], [2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1]] >>> AA # correct result [[2, 3, 4], [1], [1], [1]] >>> aa==AA 0 >>> ======================= Vincenzo Tschinke Kernmattstr. 24 CH-4102 Binningen Switzerland +4161 422 1991 (T+F) ======================= From Sun Dec 19 22:35:37 1999 From: (Marc Keller) Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 23:35:37 +0100 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Problem with arrays of arrays References: <l03020900b482a60f0e3d@[]> Message-ID: <> Vincenzo Tschinke wrote: > Hi! > > I am doing some basic molecular connectivity operation (graphs). Trying to > convert a list of bonds (list of edges) into a connectivity table (for each > vertex [atom], list of connected vertices), by filling an array of arrays, I > got the right or wrong result depending on how I define the initial arrays. > > If I define an array of N emtpy arrays as > > array_of_empties = N * [[]] > > I get the *wrong* result. If I use the more exotic definition > > array_of_empties = map ( lambda x : [] , range( N )) > > I get the *right* result. Note that after being created, such two arrays > compare as equal. > > Please see the listing below. > > Is there anything wrong with the first definition, or do we have a > Python bug here? > > =========================================================================== > > Python 1.5.2b1 (#47, Jan 13 1999, 15:14:59) [CW PPC w/GUSI w/MSL] > > >>> ee=[[1,2],[1,3],[1,4]] # 3 edges : 3 vert. connected to centr. vertex > >>> ee > [[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4]] > >>> aa=4*[[]] # array of four empty arrays > >>> AA=map(lambda x : [], range(4)) # same as above > >>> aa==AA # arrays are equal !!! > 1 > >>> for p in ee: # build table of connected verteces > ... i=p[0] > ... j=p[1] > ... aa[i-1].append(j) > ... aa[j-1].append(i) > ... AA[i-1].append(j) > ... AA[j-1].append(i) > ... > >>> aa # wrong result !!! > [[2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1], [2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1], [2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1], [2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1]] > >>> AA # correct result > [[2, 3, 4], [1], [1], [1]] > >>> aa==AA > 0 > >>> > > ======================= > Vincenzo Tschinke > Kernmattstr. 24 > CH-4102 Binningen > Switzerland > +4161 422 1991 (T+F) > > ======================= > > _______________________________________________ > Matrix-SIG maillist - > Using N * [[]], you are building a list with 4 references to the same list. Using map ( lambda x : [] , range( N )), each call to lambda produces a new empty list. Your exemple in an other way: >>> aa=[[],[],[],[]] >>> for p in ee: # build table of connected verteces ... i=p[0] ... j=p[1] ... aa[i-1].append(j) ... aa[j-1].append(i) ... >>> aa [[2, 3, 4], [1], [1], [1]] >>> From Mon Dec 20 13:28:30 1999 From: (Marc Keller) Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 14:28:30 +0100 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] bug in array constructor for type 'O' References: <> Message-ID: <> Charles G Waldman wrote: > Just noticed this: > > >>> a=array(["foo","bar","baz"]) > >>> a > array([[f, o, o], > [b, a, r], > [b, a, z]],'c') > > This is slightly odd, but I can rationalize it, since each of the > strings "looks like" an array of characters. > > But if I try to force the arraytype to "O" (Python Object) > I get: > > >>> a=array(["foo","bar","baz"],'O') > >>> a > array([[foo , foo , foo ], > [bar , bar , bar ], > [baz , baz , baz ]],'O') > > This just looks like a bug. > > _______________________________________________ > Matrix-SIG maillist - > Seems to be a bug... But there is some logic here: stop the level of structure analysis when type differ: For example if l= >>> l= 'floor', 'bar', 'ba' >>> b=array(l,'O') results in >>> b array([[floor , floor , floor , floor , floor ], [bar , bar , bar , bar , bar ], [ba , ba , ba , ba , ba ]],'O') with >>> b=array((None,)+l) we get >>> b array([None , floor , bar , ba ],'O') >>> From Mon Dec 20 12:49:13 1999 From: (Emmanuel Viennet) Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 13:49:13 +0100 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] bug in array constructor for type 'O' References: <> <> Message-ID: <> The 'O' typecode is seldom used and obviously needs some debugging... While you're at it, the display (repr) code is also wrong: >>> b array([None , floor , bar , ba ],'O') is incorrect: we should get array([None , 'floor' , 'bar' , 'ba' ],'O') Emmanuel -- Emmanuel Viennet: <> Return-Path: <> Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 350081CD16 for <>; Sat, 18 Dec 1999 18:06:50 -0500 (EST) Received: from ( []) by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with SMTP id SAA14480 for <>; Sat, 18 Dec 1999 18:06:47 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: <> Received: from [] by; Sat, 18 Dec 1999 15:07:02 PST Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 15:07:02 -0800 (PST) From: Lee Barford <> To: Python Matrix Sig <>, LLNL Distribution Support <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="0-1804289383-945558422=:25420" Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Additions to RandomArray Sender: Errors-To: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 1.2 (experimental) Precedence: bulk List-Id: SIG for Built-in Matrix Types in Python <> --0-1804289383-945558422=:25420 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline The attachments to my previous message didn't make it. Please forgive this second attempt. If this doesn't work, I'll look for some other way of submitting them. --Lee Barford __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place. Yahoo! Shopping: --0-1804289383-945558422=:25420 Content-Type: text/html; name="RandomArray-additions.html" Content-Description: RandomArray-additions.html Content-Disposition: inline; filename="RandomArray-additions.html" <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.10 i686) [Netscape]"> </head> <body> <h1> Additions to RandomArray module</h1> <h2> Lee A. Barford 18 December 1999</h2> The module distributed with the LLNL Distribution 11 contains an interface to portions of the widely used and well tested random number generation package ranlib. Ranlib is capable of generating floating point random variables with a wide variety of probability density functions and some kinds of discrete random variables as well. Random variables with these nonuniform distributions have uses in diverse areas like Monte Carlo simulation and the testing of signal processing algorithms. However, did not provide interfaces to those ranlib routines. This document describes functions that have been added to module RandomArray to allow access to all of the kinds of random variables provided by ranlib. <h3> Floating point random arrays</h3> <i>standard_normal(shape=ReturnFloat)</i> <br>The <tt>standard_normal()</tt> function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers normally (Gaussian) distributed with mean zero and variance and standard deviation one. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>normal(mean, variance, shape=ReturnFloat)</i> <br>The <tt>normal()</tt> function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers normally distributed with the specified mean and variance. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>multivariate_normal(mean, covariance) or multivariate_normal(mean, covariance, leadingAxesShape)</i> <br>The <tt>multivariate_normal()</tt> function takes a one dimensional array argument <tt>mean</tt> and a two dimensional array argument <tt>covariance.</tt> Suppose the shape of <tt>mean</tt> is <tt>(n,). </tt>Then the shape of <tt>covariance </tt>must be <tt>(n,n).</tt> The <tt>multivariate_normal()</tt> function returns a double precision floating point array. The effect of the <tt>leadingAxesShape</tt> parameter is: <ul> <li> If no <tt>leadingAxesShape</tt> is specified, then an array with shape <tt>(n,)</tt> is returned containing a vector of numbers with a multivariate normal distribution with the specified mean and covariance.</li> <li> If <tt>leadingAxesShape</tt> is specified, then an array of such vectors is returned. The shape of the output is <tt>leadingAxesShape.append((n,)). </tt>The leading indices into the output array select a multivariate normal from the array. The final index selects one number from within the multivariate normal.</li> </ul> In either case, the behavior of <tt>multivariate_normal()</tt> is undefined if <tt>covariance </tt>is not symmetric and positive definite. <p><i>exponential(mean, shape=ReturnFloat)</i> <br>The <tt>exponential() </tt>function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers exponentially distributed with the specified mean. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>beta(a, b, shape=ReturnFloat)</i> <br>The <tt>beta() </tt>function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers beta distributed with alpha parameter <tt>a </tt>and beta parameter <tt>b. </tt>If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>gamma(a, r, shape=ReturnFloat)</i> <br>The <tt>gamma() </tt>function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers beta distributed with location parameter <tt>a </tt>and distribution shape parameter <tt>r. </tt>If no <tt>shape</tt> is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>chi_square(df, shape=ReturnFloat)</i> <br>The <tt>chi_square()</tt> function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers with the chi square distribution with <tt>df</tt> degrees of freedom. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>noncentral_chi_square(df, nonc, shape=ReturnFloat)</i> <br>The <tt>noncentral_chi_square()</tt> function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers with the chi square distribution with <tt>df </tt>degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter nconc. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>F(dfn, dfd, shape=ReturnFloat)</i> <br>The <tt>F()</tt> function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers with the F distribution with <tt>dfn</tt> degrees of freedom in the numerator and <tt>dfd</tt> degrees of freedom in the denominator. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>noncentral_F(dfn, dfd, nconc, shape=ReturnFloat)</i> <br>The <tt>noncentral_F()</tt> function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers with the F distribution with <tt>dfn</tt> degrees of freedom in the numerator, <tt>dfd</tt> degrees of freedom in the denominator, and noncentrality parameter <tt>nconc</tt>. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <h3> Integer random arrays</h3> <i>binomial(trials, prob, shape=ReturnInt)</i> <br>The <tt>binomial()</tt> function returns an array with the specified shape that contains integer numbers with the binomial distribution with <tt>trials</tt> trials and event probability <tt>prob</tt>. In other words, each value in the returned array is the number of times an event with probability <tt>prob </tt>occurred within <tt>trials </tt>repeated trials. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>negative_binomial(trials, prob, shape=ReturnInt)</i> <br>The <tt>negative_binomial()</tt> function returns an array with the specified shape that contains integer numbers with the negative binomial distribution with <tt>trials</tt> trials and event probability <tt>prob</tt>. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>poisson(mean, shape=ReturnInt)</i> <br>The <tt>poisson()</tt> function returns an array with the specified shape that contains integer numbers with the Poisson distribution with the specified mean. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. <p><i>multinomial(trials, probs) or multinomial(trials, probs, leadingAxesShape)</i> <br>The <tt>multinomial()</tt> function returns an array with that contains integer numbers with the multinomial distribution with <tt>trials</tt> trials and event probabilities given in <tt>probs</tt>. <tt>probs</tt> must be a one dimensional array. There are <tt>len(probs)+1</tt> events. <tt>probs[i</tt>] is the probability of the <tt>i</tt>-th event for <tt>0<=i<len(probs)</tt>. The probability of event <tt>len(probs)</tt> is <tt>1.-Numeric.sum(prob).</tt> <p>The first form returns an integer array of shape <tt>(len(probs)+1,)</tt> containing one multinomially distributed vector. The second form returns an array of shape <tt>(m, n, ..., len(probs)+1)</tt> where <tt>(m, n, ...)</tt> is <tt>leadingAxesShape</tt>. In this case, each <tt>output[i,j,...,:]</tt> is an integer array of shape <tt>(len(prob)+1,)</tt> containing one multinomially distributed vector.. <h3> Examples</h3> Mostof the functions in this package take zero or more distribution specific parameters plus an optional shape parameter. The shape parameter gives the shape of the output array: <blockquote><tt>Python 1.5.1 (#1, Mar 21 1999, 22:49:36) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Li on linux-i386</tt> <br><tt>Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam</tt> <br><tt>>>> from RandomArray import *</tt> <br><tt>>>> print standard_normal()</tt> <br><tt>-0.435568600893</tt> <br><tt>>>> print standard_normal(5)</tt> <br><tt>[-1.36134553 0.78617644 -0.45038718 0.18508556 0.05941355]</tt> <br><tt>>>> print standard_normal((5,2))</tt> <br><tt>[[ 1.33448863 -0.10125473]</tt> <br><tt> [ 0.66838062 0.24691346]</tt> <br><tt> [-0.95092064 0.94168913]</tt> <br><tt> [-0.23919107 1.89288616]</tt> <br><tt> [ 0.87651485 0.96400219]]</tt> <br><tt>>>> print normal(7., 4., (5,2)) % mean=7, std. dev.=4</tt> <br><tt>[[ 2.66997623 11.65832615]</tt> <br><tt> [ 6.73916003 6.58162862]</tt> <br><tt> [ 8.47180378 4.30354905]</tt> <br><tt> [ 1.35531998 -2.80886841]</tt> <br><tt> [ 7.07408469 11.39024973]]</tt> <br><tt>>>> print exponential(10., 5) % mean=10</tt> <br><tt>[ 18.03347754 7.11702306 9.8587961 32.49231603 28.55408891]</tt> <br><tt>>>> print beta(3.1, 9.1, 5) % alpha=3.1, beta=9.1</tt> <br><tt>[ 0.1175056 0.17504358 0.3517828 0.06965593 0.43898219]</tt> <br><tt>>>> print chi_square(7, 5) % 7 degrees of freedom (dfs)</tt> <br><tt>[ 11.99046516 3.00741053 4.72235727 6.17056274 8.50756836]</tt> <br><tt>>>> print noncentral_chi_square(7, 3, 5) % 7 dfs, noncentrality 3</tt> <br><tt>[ 18.28332138 4.07550335 16.0425396 9.51192093 9.80156231]</tt> <br><tt>>>> F(5, 7, 5) % 5 and 7 dfs</tt> <br><tt>array([ 0.24693671, 3.76726145, 0.66883826, 0.59169068, 1.90763224])</tt> <br><tt>>>> noncentral_F(5, 7, 3., 5) % 5 and 7 dfs, noncentrality 3</tt> <br><tt>array([ 1.17992553, 0.7500126 , 0.77389943, 9.26798989, 1.35719634])</tt> <br><tt>>>> binomial(32, .5, 5) % 32 trials, prob of an event = .5</tt> <br><tt>array([12, 20, 21, 19, 17])</tt> <br><tt>>>> negative_binomial(32, .5, 5) % 32 trials: prob of an event = .5</tt> <br><tt>array([21, 38, 29, 32, 36])</tt></blockquote> Two functions that return generate multivariate random numbers (that is, random vectors with some known relationship between the elements of each vector, defined by the distribution). They are <tt>multivariate_normal()</tt> and <tt>multinomial().</tt> For these two functions, the lengths of the leading axes of the output may be specified. The length of the last axis is determined by the length of some other parameter. <blockquote><tt>>>> from Numeric import *</tt> <br><tt>>>> multivariate_normal([1,2], [[1,2],[2,1]], [2,3])</tt> <br><tt>array([[[ 0.14157988, 1.46232224],</tt> <br><tt> [-1.11820295, -0.82796288],</tt> <br><tt> [ 1.35251635, -0.2575901 ]],</tt> <br><tt> [[-0.61142141, 1.0230465 ],</tt> <br><tt> [-1.08280948, -0.55567217],</tt> <br><tt> [ 2.49873002, 3.28136372]]])</tt> <br><tt>>>> x = multivariate_normal([10,100], [[1,2],[2,1]], 10000)</tt> <br><tt>>>> x_mean = sum(x)/10000</tt> <br><tt>>>> print x_mean</tt> <br><tt>[ 9.98599893 100.00032416]</tt> <br><tt>>>> x_minus_mean = x - x_mean</tt> <br><tt>>>> cov = matrixmultiply(transpose(x_minus_mean), x_minus_mean) / 9999.</tt> <br><tt>>>> cov</tt> <br><tt>array([[ 2.01737122, 1.00474408],</tt> <br><tt>[ 1.00474408, 2.0009806 ]])</tt></blockquote> The a priori probabilities for a multinomial distribution must sum to one. The prior probability argument to <tt>multinomial()</tt> doesn't give the prior probability of the last event: it is computed to be one minus the sum of the others. <blockquote><tt>>>> multinomial(16, [.1, .4, .2]) % prior probabilities [.1, .4, .2, .3]</tt> <br><tt>array([2, 7, 1, 6])</tt> <br><tt>>>> multinomial(16, [.1, .4, .2], [2,3]) % output shape [2,3,4]</tt> <br><tt>array([[[ 1, 9, 1, 5],</tt> <br><tt> [ 0, 10, 3, 3],</tt> <br><tt> [ 4, 9, 3, 0]],</tt> <br><tt> [[ 1, 6, 1, 8],</tt> <br><tt> [ 3, 4, 5, 4],</tt> <br><tt> [ 1, 5, 2, 8]]])</tt></blockquote> </body> </html> --0-1804289383-945558422=:25420 Content-Type: text/plain; name="RandomArray-additions.txt" Content-Description: RandomArray-additions.txt Content-Disposition: inline; filename="RandomArray-additions.txt" Additions to RandomArray module Lee A. Barford 18 December 1999 The module distributed with the LLNL Distribution 11 contains an interface to portions of the widely used and well tested random number generation package ranlib. Ranlib is capable of generating floating point random variables with a wide variety of probability density functions and some kinds of discrete random variables as well. Random variables with these nonuniform distributions have uses in diverse areas like Monte Carlo simulation and the testing of signal processing algorithms. However, did not provide interfaces to those ranlib routines. This document describes functions that have been added to module RandomArray to allow access to all of the kinds of random variables provided by ranlib. Floating point random arrays standard_normal(shape=ReturnFloat) The standard_normal() function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers normally (Gaussian) distributed with mean zero and variance and standard deviation one. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. normal(mean, variance, shape=ReturnFloat) The normal() function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers normally distributed with the specified mean and variance. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. multivariate_normal(mean, covariance) or multivariate_normal(mean, covariance, leadingAxesShape) The multivariate_normal() function takes a one dimensional array argument mean and a two dimensional array argument covariance. Suppose the shape of mean is (n,). Then the shape of covariance must be (n,n). The multivariate_normal() function returns a double precision floating point array. The effect of the leadingAxesShape parameter is: If no leadingAxesShape is specified, then an array with shape (n,) is returned containing a vector of numbers with a multivariate normal distribution with the specified mean and covariance. If leadingAxesShape is specified, then an array of such vectors is returned. The shape of the output is leadingAxesShape.append((n,)). The leading indices into the output array select a multivariate normal from the array. The final index selects one number from within the multivariate normal. In either case, the behavior of multivariate_normal() is undefined if covariance is not symmetric and positive definite. exponential(mean, shape=ReturnFloat) The exponential() function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers exponentially distributed with the specified mean. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. beta(a, b, shape=ReturnFloat) The beta() function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers beta distributed with alpha parameter a and beta parameter b. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. gamma(a, r, shape=ReturnFloat) The gamma() function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers beta distributed with location parameter a and distribution shape parameter r. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. chi_square(df, shape=ReturnFloat) The chi_square() function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers with the chi square distribution with df degrees of freedom. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. noncentral_chi_square(df, nonc, shape=ReturnFloat) The noncentral_chi_square() function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers with the chi square distribution with df degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter nconc. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. F(dfn, dfd, shape=ReturnFloat) The F() function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers with the F distribution with dfn degrees of freedom in the numerator and dfd degrees of freedom in the denominator. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. noncentral_F(dfn, dfd, nconc, shape=ReturnFloat) The noncentral_F() function returns an array of the specified shape that contains double precision floating point numbers with the F distribution with dfn degrees of freedom in the numerator, dfd degrees of freedom in the denominator, and noncentrality parameter nconc. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. Integer random arrays binomial(trials, prob, shape=ReturnInt) The binomial() function returns an array with the specified shape that contains integer numbers with the binomial distribution with trials trials and event probability prob. In other words, each value in the returned array is the number of times an event with probability prob occurred within trials repeated trials. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. negative_binomial(trials, prob, shape=ReturnInt) The negative_binomial() function returns an array with the specified shape that contains integer numbers with the negative binomial distribution with trials trials and event probability prob. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. poisson(mean, shape=ReturnInt) The poisson() function returns an array with the specified shape that contains integer numbers with the Poisson distribution with the specified mean. If no shape is specified, a single number is returned. multinomial(trials, probs) or multinomial(trials, probs, leadingAxesShape) The multinomial() function returns an array with that contains integer numbers with the multinomial distribution with trials trials and event probabilities given in probs. probs must be a one dimensional array. There are len(probs)+1 events. probs[i] is the probability of the i-th event for 0<=i<len(probs). The probability of event len(probs) is 1.-Numeric.sum(prob). The first form returns an integer array of shape (len(probs)+1,) containing one multinomially distributed vector. The second form returns an array of shape (m, n, ..., len(probs)+1) where (m, n, ...) is leadingAxesShape. In this case, each output[i,j,...,:] is an integer array of shape (len(prob)+1,) containing one multinomially distributed vector.. Examples Most of the functions in this package take zero or more distribution specific parameters plus an optional shape parameter. The shape parameter gives the shape of the output array: Python 1.5.1 (#1, Mar 21 1999, 22:49:36) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Li on linux-i386 Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam >>> from RandomArray import * >>> print standard_normal() -0.435568600893 >>> print standard_normal(5) [-1.36134553 0.78617644 -0.45038718 0.18508556 0.05941355] >>> print standard_normal((5,2)) [[ 1.33448863 -0.10125473] [ 0.66838062 0.24691346] [-0.95092064 0.94168913] [-0.23919107 1.89288616] [ 0.87651485 0.96400219]] >>> print normal(7., 4., (5,2)) % mean=7, std. dev.=4 [[ 2.66997623 11.65832615] [ 6.73916003 6.58162862] [ 8.47180378 4.30354905] [ 1.35531998 -2.80886841] [ 7.07408469 11.39024973]] >>> print exponential(10., 5) % mean=10 [ 18.03347754 7.11702306 9.8587961 32.49231603 28.55408891] >>> print beta(3.1, 9.1, 5) % alpha=3.1, beta=9.1 [ 0.1175056 0.17504358 0.3517828 0.06965593 0.43898219] >>> print chi_square(7, 5) % 7 degrees of freedom (dfs) [ 11.99046516 3.00741053 4.72235727 6.17056274 8.50756836] >>> print noncentral_chi_square(7, 3, 5) % 7 dfs, noncentrality 3 [ 18.28332138 4.07550335 16.0425396 9.51192093 9.80156231] >>> F(5, 7, 5) % 5 and 7 dfs array([ 0.24693671, 3.76726145, 0.66883826, 0.59169068, 1.90763224]) >>> noncentral_F(5, 7, 3., 5) % 5 and 7 dfs, noncentrality 3 array([ 1.17992553, 0.7500126 , 0.77389943, 9.26798989, 1.35719634]) >>> binomial(32, .5, 5) % 32 trials, prob of an event = .5 array([12, 20, 21, 19, 17]) >>> negative_binomial(32, .5, 5) % 32 trials: prob of an event = .5 array([21, 38, 29, 32, 36]) Two functions that return generate multivariate random numbers (that is, random vectors with some known relationship between the elements of each vector, defined by the distribution). They are multivariate_normal() and multinomial(). For these two functions, the lengths of the leading axes of the output may be specified. The length of the last axis is determined by the length of some other parameter. >>> from Numeric import * >>> multivariate_normal([1,2], [[1,2],[2,1]], [2,3]) array([[[ 0.14157988, 1.46232224], [-1.11820295, -0.82796288], [ 1.35251635, -0.2575901 ]], [[-0.61142141, 1.0230465 ], [-1.08280948, -0.55567217], [ 2.49873002, 3.28136372]]]) >>> x = multivariate_normal([10,100], [[1,2],[2,1]], 10000) >>> x_mean = sum(x)/10000 >>> print x_mean [ 9.98599893 100.00032416] >>> x_minus_mean = x - x_mean >>> cov = matrixmultiply(transpose(x_minus_mean), x_minus_mean) / 9999. >>> cov array([[ 2.01737122, 1.00474408], [ 1.00474408, 2.0009806 ]]) The a priori probabilities for a multinomial distribution must sum to one. The prior probability argument to multinomial() doesn't give the prior probability of the last event: it is computed to be one minus the sum of the others. >>> multinomial(16, [.1, .4, .2]) % prior probabilities [.1, .4, .2, .3] array([2, 7, 1, 6]) >>> multinomial(16, [.1, .4, .2], [2,3]) % output shape [2,3,4] array([[[ 1, 9, 1, 5], [ 0, 10, 3, 3], [ 4, 9, 3, 0]], [[ 1, 6, 1, 8], [ 3, 4, 5, 4], [ 1, 5, 2, 8]]]) --0-1804289383-945558422=:25420 Content-Type: application/x-unknown; name="RandomArray.patch" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: RandomArray.patch Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RandomArray.patch" ZGlmZiAtLWNvbnRleHQgLS1yZWN1cnNpdmUgTnVtZXJpY2FsLW9yaWcvTGli L1JhbmRvbUFycmF5LnB5IE51bWVyaWNhbC9MaWIvUmFuZG9tQXJyYXkucHkK KioqIE51bWVyaWNhbC1vcmlnL0xpYi9SYW5kb21BcnJheS5weQlTYXQgRGVj IDE4IDE0OjE1OjEwIDE5OTkKLS0tIE51bWVyaWNhbC9MaWIvUmFuZG9tQXJy YXkucHkJU2F0IERlYyAxOCAxMDo1NzoyOSAxOTk5CioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KgoqKiogMSw5ICoqKioKLS0tIDEsMTUgLS0tLQogIGltcG9ydCByYW5saWIK ICBpbXBvcnQgTnVtZXJpYworIGltcG9ydCBMaW5lYXJBbGdlYnJhCiAgaW1w b3J0IHN5cwogIGltcG9ydCBtYXRoCiAgZnJvbSB0eXBlcyBpbXBvcnQgKgog IAorICMgRXh0ZW5kZWQgUmFuZG9tQXJyYXkgdG8gcHJvdmlkZSBtb3JlIGRp c3RyaWJ1dGlvbnM6CisgIyBub3JtYWwsIGJldGEsIGNoaSBzcXVhcmUsIEYs IG11bHRpdmFyaWF0ZSBub3JtYWwsCisgIyBleHBvbmVudGlhbCwgYmlub21p YWwsIG11bHRpbm9taWFsCisgIyBMZWUgQmFyZm9yZCwgRGVjLiAxOTk5Lgor IAogIEFyZ3VtZW50RXJyb3IgPSAiQXJndW1lbnRFcnJvciIKICAKICBkZWYg c2VlZCh4PTAseT0wKToKKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqCioqKiAyNyw0MiAqKioq CiAgCSJSZXR1cm4gdGhlIGN1cnJlbnQgc2VlZCBwYWlyIgogIAlyZXR1cm4g cmFubGliLmdldF9zZWVkcygpCiAgCiEgZGVmIHJhbmRvbShzaGFwZT1bXSk6 CiEgCSJyYW5kb20obikgb3IgcmFuZG9tKFtuLCBtLCAuLi5dKSByZXR1cm5z IGFycmF5IG9mIHJhbmRvbSBudW1iZXJzIgogIAlpZiB0eXBlKHNoYXBlKSA9 PSB0eXBlKDApOiBzaGFwZSA9IFtzaGFwZV0KICAJbiA9IE51bWVyaWMubXVs dGlwbHkucmVkdWNlKHNoYXBlKQohIAlzID0gcmFubGliLnNhbXBsZShuKQog IAlpZiBsZW4oc2hhcGUpICE9IDA6CiAgCQlyZXR1cm4gTnVtZXJpYy5yZXNo 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Y19ffSwKISAgeyJwb2lzc29uIiwgICAgcG9pc3NvbiwgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgMSwgICAgICBwb2lzc29uX19kb2NfX30sCiEgIHsic2V0X3NlZWRzIiwg IHJhbmRvbV9zZXRfc2VlZHMsICAgICAgIDEsIH0sCiEgIHsiZ2V0X3NlZWRz IiwgIHJhbmRvbV9nZXRfc2VlZHMsICAgICAgIDEsIH0sCiAgIHtOVUxMLAkJ TlVMTH0JCS8qIHNlbnRpbmVsICovCiAgfTsKICAKICAKISAvKiBJbml0aWFs aXphdGlvbiBmdW5jdGlvbiBmb3IgdGhlIG1vZHVsZSAoKm11c3QqIGJlIGNh bGxlZCBpbml0cmFubGliKSAqLwogIAogIHN0YXRpYyBjaGFyIHJhbmRvbV9t b2R1bGVfZG9jdW1lbnRhdGlvbltdID0gCiAgIiIKKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq CioqKiA5OCwxMDQgKioqKgogIAlpZiAoUHlFcnJfT2NjdXJyZWQoKSkKICAJ CVB5X0ZhdGFsRXJyb3IoImNhbid0IGluaXRpYWxpemUgbW9kdWxlIHJhbmxp YiIpOwogIH0KLSAKLSAKLSAKLSAKLS0tIDMyMCwzMjIgLS0tLQo= --0-1804289383-945558422=:25420-- From Tue Dec 21 20:15:53 1999 From: (Heather Drury) Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:15:53 -0600 (CST) Subject: [Matrix-SIG] ValueError: object too deep for desired array (??) Message-ID: <> Hi, I'm getting the following error on trying to do an array copy: File "", line 50, in __init__ self.VoxData3D [:, :, :] = data.astype ('b') ValueError: Object too deep for desired array The relevant code is shown below ("data" is the input array", which in this case is 256x256x256): self.xdim = data.shape [2] self.ydim = data.shape [1] self.zdim = data.shape [0] self.VoxData3D = zeros ((self.zdim, self.ydim, self.xdim), 'b') self.VoxData3D [:, :, :] = data.astype ('b') self.VoxData = ravel (self.VoxData3D) I can't seem to find anything in the doc about this...and since I'm allocating the space with the "zeros" command, I don't understand why the object is "too deep". Any ideas? Heather -- Heather Drury Washington University School of Medicine Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology Phone: 314-362-4325 660 S. Euclid, MS 8108 FAX: 314-747-4370 St. Louis, MO 63110-1093 From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US Wed Dec 22 20:00:19 1999 From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum) Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 15:00:19 -0500 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Two weeks Till Python Conference Early Bird Registration Deadline! Message-ID: <> We know that the Python conference isn't until the next millennium. You have exactly two weeks left to register and qualify for the early bird registration. Since most of that time most people are taking off for the holidays, it's really NOW OR NEVER! If you haven't registered and paid by January 5, you will paying full price... So, be smart and register NOW. Also don't forget to book your hotel room by January 3. Some highlights from the conference program: - 8 tutorials on topics ranging from JPython to Fnorb; - a keynote by Open Source evangelist Eric Raymond; - another by Randy Pausch, father of the Alice Virtual Reality project; - a separate track for Zope developers and users; - live demonstrations of important Python applications; - refereed papers, and short talks on current topics; - a developers' day where the feature set of Python 2.0 is worked out. Our motto, due to Bruce Eckel, is: "Life's better without braces." Come and join us at the Key Bridge Marriott in Rosslyn (across the bridge from Georgetown), January 24-27 in 2000. Make the Python conference the first conference you attend in the new millennium! The early bird registration deadline is January 5. More info: The program is now complete with the titles of all presentations. There is still space in the demo session and in the short talks session. --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Thu Dec 23 00:28:54 1999 From: (Charlie Crabb) Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 16:28:54 -0800 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Turning off the traceback on a raise Message-ID: <> Is it possible to turn off the stack trace in python after raising an exception? e.g disable output from the first two lines: Traceback (innermost last): File "<stdin>", line 4, in ? KeyError: nada -- Charlie Crabb Computer Scientist, LCPD/A/X Divisions Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L-38 925-424-3265 From Tue Dec 28 22:49:25 1999 From: (Travis Oliphant) Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 16:49:25 -0600 (CST) Subject: [Matrix-SIG] New Cephes module with arraymap method Message-ID: <> I'm announcing the availability of Version 1.2 of the Cephes module at Cephes module provides many special functions of physics to the Numerical Python user as ufuncs which are generalized functions that automatically map over array arguments and follow useful broadcasting rules. I would like to see more special functions added to the library even if they are written in Python. Towards that end, version 1.2 contains a new python wrapper module called that can include Python-only special functions. In addition, I have added a method to cephesmodule called arraymap that acts like the map function but performs the broadcasting rules of ufuncs and returns Numerical Python arrays as output. I have also included a class that allows wrapping a Python function that takes scalar inputs and returns scalar outputs and returns a ufunc-like function which automatically maps over array input arguments following the ufunc broadcasting rules to return appropriately-sized outputs. So, if you can't figure out how to "vectorize" your function. You can wrap it in this class and get mapping behavior automatically. The looping is all written in C and so is reasonably fast. Comments and contributions are welcome. Travis Oliphant <P><A HREF="">SpecialFuncs 1.2</A> - an extension module also known as cephes which provides many special functions of physics to the Numerical Python user. (29-Dec-99) From Wed Dec 29 22:16:36 1999 From: (Alexander V. Voinov) Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 14:16:36 -0800 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] import Numeric: add.reduce not found Message-ID: <> Hi All I tried to use Python-1.5.2 with LLNLNumeric11 on Solaris .2.5.1, and it says: Python 1.5.2 (#7, Dec 29 1999, 13:03:01) [GCC 2.95 19990728 (release)] on sunos5 Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam >>> import Numeric Traceback (innermost last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "/tools/Python-1.5.2/lib/python1.5/site-packages/numeric/", line 319, in ? sum = add.reduce NameError: add Thank you in advance Alexander From Wed Dec 29 23:39:31 1999 From: (Alexander V. Voinov) Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 15:39:31 -0800 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: [Fwd: import Numeric: add.reduce not found] References: <> Message-ID: <> "Alexander V. Voinov" wrote: > I tried to use Python-1.5.2 with LLNLNumeric11 on Solaris .2.5.1, and it > says: > > Python 1.5.2 (#7, Dec 29 1999, 13:03:01) [GCC 2.95 19990728 (release)] > on sunos5 > Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam > >>> import Numeric > Traceback (innermost last): > File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? > File > "/tools/Python-1.5.2/lib/python1.5/site-packages/numeric/", > line 319, in ? > sum = add.reduce > NameError: add The same with LL*10. Alexander From Thu Dec 30 00:08:14 1999 From: (Alexander V. Voinov) Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 16:08:14 -0800 Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: [Fwd: import Numeric: add.reduce not found] References: <> <> Message-ID: <> "Alexander V. Voinov" wrote: > "Alexander V. Voinov" wrote: > > > I tried to use Python-1.5.2 with LLNLNumeric11 on Solaris .2.5.1, and it > > says: > > > > Python 1.5.2 (#7, Dec 29 1999, 13:03:01) [GCC 2.95 19990728 (release)] > > on sunos5 > > Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam > > >>> import Numeric > > Traceback (innermost last): > > File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? > > File > > "/tools/Python-1.5.2/lib/python1.5/site-packages/numeric/", > > line 319, in ? > > sum = add.reduce > > NameError: add I had to compile everything form Numeric/Setup statically into the 'python' binary to make it work. It's ok for a short while, but I'd be very grateful if somebody pointed me to the source of the problem. Alexander From Thu Dec 30 17:47:51 1999 From: (Jeff Collins) Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 09:47:51 -0800 (PST) Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: [Fwd: import Numeric: add.reduce not found] In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Just out of curiosity - do you have an old (or old version of NumPy) lying around in your path? If so, removing it could solve your problem. Jeff On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Alexander V. Voinov wrote: > "Alexander V. Voinov" wrote: > > > I tried to use Python-1.5.2 with LLNLNumeric11 on Solaris .2.5.1, and it > > says: > > > > Python 1.5.2 (#7, Dec 29 1999, 13:03:01) [GCC 2.95 19990728 (release)] > > on sunos5 > > Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam > > >>> import Numeric > > Traceback (innermost last): > > File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? > > File > > "/tools/Python-1.5.2/lib/python1.5/site-packages/numeric/", > > line 319, in ? > > sum = add.reduce > > NameError: add > > The same with LL*10. > > Alexander > > > > _______________________________________________ > Matrix-SIG maillist - > > From Thu Dec 30 18:32:53 1999 From: (Travis Oliphant) Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 12:32:53 -0600 (CST) Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Problems with Numeric In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> > I had to compile everything form Numeric/Setup statically into the 'python' > binary to make it work. It's ok for a short while, but I'd be very grateful > if somebody pointed me to the source of the problem. I'm not sure what is wrong here, but add is a method of the ufunc module, so it sounds like that is where the problem is. The Numeric module imports all of the methods of the ufunc module and so a NameError in this circumstance seems to imply that the ufunc module is not completely functional. Try importing ufunc alone and looking at it's methods: >>> import ufunc >>> dir(ufunc) You should see add there somewhere. If it is not there then it is probably a shared library problem. Perhaps someone with more experience on Solaris may have some insights. Good luck, Travis