From  Sat Jan  2 18:47:48 1999
From: (Paul F. Dubois)
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 10:47:48 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] LLNL release
Message-ID: <001b01be3680$64f76040$>

On Dec. 28 I put up a new LLNL release. I previously attempted to post an
announcement but it seems to have never appeared. The site is

Thanks to Travis Oliphant and John Machin who contributed NumPy bug fixes
(, diagonal(a, n) with n != 0, respectively). The release also
contains a fix to CXX to match Python 1.5.2.

If you don't use diagonal or or CXX you can give this release a

From  Sun Jan  3 00:14:50 1999
From: (Travis Oliphant)
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 18:14:50 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Python bindings to FFTW updated to Version 0.5
Message-ID: <>

Python bindings for FFTW Version 0.5

FFTW is a very fast implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform written
in C.  I have wrapped up the library so that is available to python.  It
depends on the Numerical Extension module as that is the object used to
pass data back and forth to the module.

I have updated the python bindings to FFTW to bring them up-to-date with
the latest FFTW-2.0.1 release.  Also included is a module called
which is a drop-in replacement for in the Numerical Python
distribution.  An included benchmark script shows FFT2 to be 25-30%
faster than FFT on my pentium-based systems.

Tar files and newly available Linux-based-RPMS are available at

<P><A HREF="">fftw-numpy 1.0</A> - Python
          bindings to FFTW-2.0.1 for NumPy (02-Jan-99) </P>

Travis Oliphant            200 First St SW          
    	                   Rochester MN 55905       
Ultrasound Research Lab	   (507) 286-5293           
Mayo Graduate School 

From  Mon Jan  4 14:00:56 1999
From: (Alan Grossfield)
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 09:00:56 -0500
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] parallelized NumPy?
Message-ID: <>

I'm curious -- is anyone working on a parallelized version of NumPy?  
I poked around the various archives but didn't turn anything up.

Alan Grossfield
|"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.  In     |
|practice, there is."   Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut                       |

From  Tue Jan  5 00:28:25 1999
From: (Paul F. Dubois)
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 16:28:25 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] parallelized NumPy?
Message-ID: <003701be3842$4f903380$>

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Grossfield <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, January 04, 1999 6:03 AM
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] parallelized NumPy?

>I'm curious -- is anyone working on a parallelized version of NumPy?
>I poked around the various archives but didn't turn anything up.
If you mean, a numerical object that is actually a distributed array, no. My
best guess is that the quickest means to that end would involve using LANL's
data-parallel arrays in their POOMA project.
See If you mean arrays that do their
operations on shared data with many threads, no.

From  Tue Jan  5 18:01:09 1999
From: (James A. Crotinger)
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 11:01:09 -0700
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] parallelized NumPy?
Message-ID: <>

>From: "Paul F. Dubois" <>
>To: <>, "Alan Grossfield" <>
>Subject: Re: [Matrix-SIG] parallelized NumPy?
>Date: Mon, Jan 4, 1999, 5:28 PM

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alan Grossfield <>
>To: <>
>Date: Monday, January 04, 1999 6:03 AM
>Subject: [Matrix-SIG] parallelized NumPy?
>>I'm curious -- is anyone working on a parallelized version of NumPy?
>>I poked around the various archives but didn't turn anything up.
>If you mean, a numerical object that is actually a distributed array, no. My
>best guess is that the quickest means to that end would involve using LANL's
>data-parallel arrays in their POOMA project.
>See If you mean arrays that do their
>operations on shared data with many threads, no.

Actually, this is exactly what the initial release of the Pooma II Array
class does for Arrays with "multi-patch Engines"; i.e. Pooma still expects
the user to do the domain decomposition. Given a set of domain-decomposed
arrays, Pooma can use threads to run array expressions involving these
in parallel. 

HOWEVER, like Blitz, Pooma II is using expression templates to analyze the
expressions and build the "runnable" objects that are passed off to a 
work queue for threads to work on. It isn't obvious to me that this can
be done with Python wrappers around Pooma II arrays, short of doing run-time
code generation. One could, of course, set up all of the basic binary
operations in such a way that they could be done in a threaded fashion
and then have Python operators just call the compiled Pooma operators,
which would then run in parallel, but they would still get the binary
expression hit that expression templates is trying to avoid. 

For more information on Pooma II Arrays, take a look at

Steve Karmesin also gave an excellent presentation at ISCOPE 98 that will be
put up on the web site in the near future. 

You can download the first release of the Pooma II framework from

This release has shared-memory parallel arrays that have currently only been
tested on the SGIs, where we use a custom light-weight thread package. We're
working on an implementation that sits on top of PThreads. We have a version
of the light-weight thread package for LINUX, but we've had problems with
the thread safety of glibc, owing to the fact that we also use a custom
mutex. (A spin-lock). We hope to have shared-memory parallelism working on
LINUX in the near future. 

Our long-term goal is to support cross-box distributed arrays (our primary
platform is a collection of 48 128-processor Origin 2000s), but this will
probably not be done until the second half of '99 as we're first trying to
get the full Pooma I functionality working on-box (particles, fields, and
other features used in writing Pooma applications codes). 

For more information, check out the web site ( or
contact me.


From  Tue Jan  5 18:32:31 1999
From: (Yoon, Hoon (CICG - NY Program Trading))
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 13:32:31 -0500
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Matrix C++ Class site
Message-ID: <A1AFC4253BA3D111BFF70001FA7E9AACD61F2E@EWFD19>

The above address contains Matrix and Random No Gen Class Written in C++. I
thought people might be interested in it.

S. Hoon Yoon                   (Quant)                    Merrill Lynch
Equity Trading
"Miracle is always only few standard deviations away, but so is
* Expressed opinions are often my own, but NOT my employer's.
"I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages."    Mauldin

From  Tue Jan  5 19:53:25 1999
From: (Travis Oliphant)
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 13:53:25 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Numerical Integration using Gaussian Quadrature
Message-ID: <>

For NumPy users who want to do Numerical integration.

I have a module that will do numerical integration on python
functions using Gaussian quadrature.  

The engine behind this module is another module that computes the roots
and quadrature weights for a large number of orthogonal polynomials of
arbitrary order. 

It uses a couple of functions from the latest version of

The modules are available at http:/

Travis Oliphant            200 First St SW          
    	                   Rochester MN 55905       
Ultrasound Research Lab	   (507) 286-5293           
Mayo Graduate School 

From  Wed Jan  6 22:55:51 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 16:55:51 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] New and improved version of cephes module.
Message-ID: <>

Hello again,

This is the last of the Christmas-vacation updates.  Thanks to all of
you who have provided feedback on some of the packages I've been
releasing.  I appreciate knowing who is using them.

I have a new version of the cephes module which defines a large number
of special functions (including statistical functions) as ufunc objects  
for use with Numerical Python.

This latest release includes an html page describing all of the included
functions and their arguments along with the inclusion of many more
functions from the cephes library.  Now all functions that take one or
two arguments and return any number of arguments are included in the
module.  New functions include Airy, Modified Bessel of arbitrary order,
Smirnov statistics, and Fresnel Integrals, plus more.

You can see a complete list of all of the included functions here:

Although I didn't mention it in the original post this module is
necessary for the numerical quadrature routines announced earlier.

A gzipped tarfile and RPM's for Linux are available at

Please send questions, bug-reports, or feedback.


Travis Oliphant

Travis Oliphant            200 First St SW          
    	                   Rochester MN 55905       
Ultrasound Research Lab	   (507) 286-5923           
Mayo Graduate School

From  Wed Jan  6 23:01:18 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 17:01:18 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Cephes module
Message-ID: <>

If you read the previous post in a URL-enabled reader and try to click
on the included functions link for the descriptions (like I just did),
make sure to delete the "." at the end of the link.  The page (without
the terminating period) does exist.

Sorry about that.


From  Thu Jan  7 00:30:23 1999
From: (Paul F. Dubois)
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:30:23 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: your mail
Message-ID: <002b01be39d4$ea7a82e0$>

In re the changes to CXX in release 8, I had noticed that in 1.5.2 there
were some new members in the type tables. I didn't track how far back that
change went -- 1.5, 1.5.1, ?. But if it doesn't compile you can just kill
the new members as I'm not using them for anything yet as I haven't had time
to figure them out.

As to the comment someone posted about the release 8 Windows installer not
wanting to work with 1.5.1, this is because it is supposed to set a registry
key based on the Python version. Maybe I'm not doing something right. If you
don't have the key that matches your Python then the python path is screwed

I'm in the process of moving my office so please forgive the slow responses.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Ascher <>
To: Christopher J. Phoenix <>
Cc: Paul F. Dubois <>
Date: Tuesday, January 05, 1999 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: your mail

>On Tue, 5 Jan 1999, Christopher J. Phoenix wrote:
>> Using Visual C++ 5.0 to build the CXX directory of NumPy release 8 (Dec.
>> r.cxx
>> Include\CXX_Objects.h(923) : error C2665: 'seqref::seqref' : none of the
>> overloads can convert parameter 1 from type 'class Py::SeqBase<class
>> Py::Char> *const '
>> Include\CXX_Objects.h(931) : error C2665: 'seqref::seqref' : none of the
>> overloads can convert parameter 1 from type 'class Py::SeqBase<class
>> Py::Char> *const '
>> I followed these instructions:
>> c:\wherever> python
>> c:\wherever> msdev workspace.dsw
>> [Go to "Build", pull down "Batch Build", do "Build All", exit DevStudio]
>>          seqref<T> back() {
>>              return seqref(this, size()-1);  // line 923
>>          }
>> I'm a bit confused; seqref is a template, so
>>           seqref (SeqBase<T>& seq, int j)
>>              : s(seq), offset(j), the_item (s.getItem(j)){}
>> should be able to create any Py::SeqBase<whatever>, right?  Or is it the
>> Py:: that's confusing it?
>I have no idea -- I haven't tried to build r8 yet.
>> Also, the release notes for 8 say that the type table was changed to
>> to Python 1.5.2.  Does that mean it won't work with 1.5.1?
>I hope not. Paul, any ideas?

From  Thu Jan  7 08:21:11 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 02:21:11 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] RPMS of LLNL8, GIST, and RNG
Message-ID: <>

To anyone who uses RPM to install Numerical Python:

I have the latest LLNL8 packaged into source and binary 
RPMS.  A single SRPM produces three binary RPMS for Linux x86:
python-numpy-gist-1.8  (requires yorick >= 1.4)

The SRPM is available at

The RPMS are availabe at

(RPM is a great way to install packages...  It makes it easy to keep
python up-to-date. RPM is available for many platforms besides Linux.)

From  Fri Jan  8 22:57:38 1999
From: (Paul F. Dubois)
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 14:57:38 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Warning in re 1.5.2b1
Message-ID: <004a01be3b5a$4a0cc980$>

We're tracking this down but I want to warn people that we received a
complaint that a real array raised to a real power gets a TypeError. We have
discovered, somewhat suprisingly, that this happens only with the 1.5.2b1
release of Python (NumPy, release 8).  With 1.5.1 and Release 8, it works.
(Thanks to Charlie Crabb and Zane Motteler for the footwork).

Color us puzzled in Livermore.

I will make release 9 next week.  So far I have these fixes. If I'm missing
something you have reported and think is still not fixed, please let me
know. There is an issue involving assignment to slices of arrays of type
object that I haven't done yet.

Release 1.9 (January, 1999)
    1. resize now works with arrays of length zero. (Keith Junius)
    2. Fixed error in integer array to integer power that caused failure if
base was zero. (David LaRose, Charles Waldman)
    3. Fixed registry key for Windows installer to work with 1.5.1 as well
as 1.5.2. (David Ascher)
    4. Fixed memory error in array_setattr (Charles Waldman)
    5. Fixed error in seed in (Paul Dubois, Christopher

Paul Dubois

From  Fri Jan  8 12:34:25 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 06:34:25 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Updated cephes module for non-Linux
Message-ID: <>

I've recently updated cephes module to fix some installation problems on
platforms besides PC's.  Thanks to Jim Boyle for pointing them out.


  -- eliminated log2 function.
  -- better INSTALL help
  -- changed so gamma works with Solaris math library.

I've compiled and tested the library on IRIX-6.2 and SunOS-5.6
This is a cross-platform improvement upgrade only.

Linux users get no benefit from the change.

Travis Oliphant            200 First St SW          
    	                   Rochester MN 55905       
Ultrasound Research Lab	   (507) 286-5923           
Mayo Graduate School

From  Sun Jan 10 01:22:12 1999
From: (Joe Van Andel)
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 18:22:12 -0700
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] SWIG, Python, and NumPy
Message-ID: <>

I'm starting a project where I'm writing some analysis code using 
NumPy.  I wanted to manipulate PyArrayObject's, without having to write
all the low level Python interface code.  I wanted to let you know that 
your system of typemapping, in SWIG, although complex to use, was powerful 
enough to let me do what I wanted.  I simply wrote the following
type maps, and SWIG generates the interface code that I didn't want to 
think about.

Thanks again for furnishing such a powerful tool.  I'd appreciate it if 
you put these typemaps into your next distribution.

My C++ class interface definition looks like:

%module pulsepair
#include "pulsepair.h"

%include "numpy_typemaps.i"
class PulsePair {
    PulsePair(int numGates, int pulsesPerBeam, double powerScale);

    PyObject *compute(int pulsesPerBeam, PyArrayObject *INPUT,
                      PyArrayObject *INPUT);
// NumPy typemaps

%typemap(python,in) PyArrayObject *INPUT
    $target = (PyArrayObject *)$source;    

%typemap(python,out) PyObject * {
    $target = $source;

Joe VanAndel  		Internet:
National Center for
Atmospheric Research

From  Sun Jan 10 13:01:30 1999
From: (Emmanuel Viennet)
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 13:01:30 +0000
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Gist + Tkinter ?
Message-ID: <>


I'm trying to develop an interactive scientific application
using Tk. Since Tk seems to lack sophisticated plotting widgets, I'd like to
use Gist to open plotting windows.

I need a way to tell gist to process all its pending X11 events
(window redraw etc). The gist.redraw() function don't do the job.
It may be possible to install an event handler in Tk ?

Does anyone know a clean way to do this kind of things ?

BTW, if anyone knows a Tk widget displaying nice contour plots...


Emmanuel Viennet: <>
LIPN - Institut Galilee - Universite Paris-Nord       
93430 Villetaneuse -  France

From  Sun Jan 10 08:05:13 1999
From: (Charles G Waldman)
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 03:05:13 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Exponentiation (was: [Matrix-SIG] Warning in re 1.5.2b1)
In-Reply-To: <004a01be3b5a$4a0cc980$>
References: <004a01be3b5a$4a0cc980$>
Message-ID: <13976.24377.686393.47186@sirius>

Paul Dubois writes:

 > I want to warn people that we received a complaint that a real array
 > raised to a real power gets a TypeError. We have discovered, somewhat
 > suprisingly, that this happens only with the 1.5.2b1 release of Python
 > (NumPy, release 8).  With 1.5.1 and Release 8, it works.

The culprit is some code in Objects/abstract.c which is intended to
prevent us from attempting to raise a negative number to a float

There is a check in the do_pow function which attempts to ensure that
when we compute x**y and y is float, x is nonnegative.  When x is an
array, this check cannot be performed, and an error is raised.

There are some interesting differences in behavior in Python between
the 1.5, 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 version with respect to exponentiation, as
these examples show:

Version 1.5 refuses to compute x**y if x<0 and y is real, even if y is 
actually integral:

  Python 1.5
  >>> (-2)**2.0
  ValueError: negative number to float power
  >>> (-2)**2.1
  ValueError: negative number to float power
  >>> (-2.0)**2.0
  ValueError: negative number to float power
  >>> (-2.0)**2.1
  ValueError: negative number to float power

Version 1.5.1 lets us compute -2**2.0 but not (-2.0)**2.0:

  Python 1.5.1 
  >>> (-2)**2.0
  >>> (-2.0)**2.0
  ValueError: negative number to float power
  >>> (-2)**2.1
  ValueError: negative number to a float power

Version 1.5.2b2 goes back to the same behavior as 1.5:

  Python 1.5.2b2 
  >>> (-2)**2.0
  ValueError: negative number to float power
  >>> (-2)**2.1
  ValueError: negative number to float power

Anyhow, this may not seem related to the problem of raising arrays to
real powers, but it is.  The difference between 1.5 and 1.5.1 is due
to the following code change:

diff -u Python-1.5/Objects/abstract.c Python-1.5.1/Objects/
--- Python-1.5/Objects/abstract.c       Tue May 20 18:09:08 1997
+++ Python-1.5.1/Objects/abstract.c     Fri Apr  3 18:38:59 1998
@@ -463,7 +463,8 @@
                                "pow() requires numeric arguments");
                return NULL;
-       if (PyFloat_Check(w) && PyFloat_AsDouble(v) < 0.0) {
+       if (PyFloat_Check(v) && PyFloat_Check(w) &&
+           PyFloat_AsDouble(v) < 0.0) {
                if (!PyErr_Occurred())
                                    "negative number to float power");

Here "v" is the base and "w" is the exponent.  The PyFloat_Check(v) in
the 1.5.1 code short-circuits the v<0 test if v is not a float; that's
why in 1.5.1 we can compute (-2)**2.0 but not (-2.0)**2.0, and also
why we can raise arrays to real powers.  The fact that we can do this
in 1.5.1 is really a case of "slipping between the cracks" in this

In 1.5.2 this code has been changed to:

        if (
            !PyComplex_Check(v) && 
            PyFloat_Check(w) && PyFloat_AsDouble(v) < 0.0) {
                if (!PyErr_Occurred())
                                    "negative number to float power");
                return NULL

so we can no longer get away with raising arrays to real powers.

An easy fix for this is simply to remove this chunk of code from
abstract.c entirely.  There is already code in
floatobject.c:float_pow() to raise an exception in the bad cases.

With the checks removed from abstract.c:do_pow (the "if" block
beginning at line 589) I get what I consider to be more reasonable

Python 1.5.2b2 (patched)

>>> (-2)**2.0
>>> (-2.0)**2.0
>>> (-2.0)**2.1
ValueError: negative number to a float power
>>> from Numeric import *
>>> a = array((1,2,3))
>>> a**2.0
array([ 1.,  4.,  9.])
>>> a = array((1,-2,3))
>>> a**2.0
array([ 1.,  4.,  9.])
>>> a**2.1
ValueError: math domain error

Here's a patch for abstract.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/python/dist/src/Objects/abstract.c,v
retrieving revision 2.26
diff -u -u -r2.26 abstract.c
--- abstract.c  1998/12/10 16:54:48     2.26
+++ abstract.c  1999/01/10 07:51:16
@@ -586,16 +586,6 @@
                                "pow(x, y) requires numeric arguments");
                return NULL;
-       if (
-            !PyComplex_Check(v) && 
-            PyFloat_Check(w) && PyFloat_AsDouble(v) < 0.0) {
-               if (!PyErr_Occurred())
-                   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
-                                   "negative number to float power");
-               return NULL;
-       }
        if (PyNumber_Coerce(&v, &w) != 0)
                return NULL;
        if ((f = v->ob_type->tp_as_number->nb_power) != NULL)

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Sun Jan 10 16:55:24 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 11:55:24 -0500
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: Exponentiation (was: [Matrix-SIG] Warning in re 1.5.2b1)
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sun, 10 Jan 1999 03:05:13 EST."
References: <004a01be3b5a$4a0cc980$>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks, Charles.  Your patch will be in 1.5.2b2.

That's what beta testing is all for!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Tue Jan 12 10:13:34 1999
From: (Janko Hauser)
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 11:13:34 +0100 (CET)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Gist + Tkinter ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In the low level interface (from gist import *) there is an option to
the window command window command:

window( [n] [, display = "host:server.screen", dpi=100/75, wait=0/1,
                       private=0/1, hcp="hcp_filename", dump=0/1,
                       legends=1/0, style="style_sheet_filename" ] )

By default, Python will not wait for the X window to become visible;
     code which creates a new window, then plots a series of frames to
     that window should use wait=1 to assure that all frames are actually

The plot appears first, when an additional fma() is issued. And I had
no success, to have an interactive window.

Hope this helps,


From  Wed Jan 13 09:32:39 1999
From: (Rob Hooft)
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 10:32:39 +0100 (MET)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] NumPy installation directory
Message-ID: <>

One Question for the next release of NumPy: can it be installed 
by default in the site-packages directory? That makes adding the
NumPy package to the PYTHONPATH unnecessary.


=====  =====
=====   R&D, Nonius BV, Delft             =====
===== PGPid 0xFA19277D ========================== Use Linux! =========

From  Wed Jan 13 17:29:40 1999
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 09:29:40 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] NumPy installation directory
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Rob Hooft wrote:

> One Question for the next release of NumPy: can it be installed 
> by default in the site-packages directory? That makes adding the
> NumPy package to the PYTHONPATH unnecessary.

It's on the list.  I hadn't understood .pth files until recently.


From  Wed Jan 13 19:22:33 1999
From: (Rob Managan)
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 11:22:33 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] NumPy installation directory
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <v04011701b2c2a16d22a3@[]>

AS I tested the latest LLNL release on the Mac I ran up against an old bug
that seems to have never been satisfactorily fixed. The problem is in When the seed is set using the time you find that on the
Mac that the current time is greater than an int can hold. This is because
time is measured from Jan 1, 1904. The second issue is that on the Mac the
tim eis an integer and has no fraction al part so the second seed was
always zero. Here is one attempt at a fix. This is the top part of The goal was to split the time into two roughly equal parts.

import ranlib
import Numeric
import sys
import math
from types import *

ArgumentError = "ArgumentError"

def seed(x=0,y=0):
	if type (x) != IntType or type (y) != IntType :
		raise ArgumentError, "seed requires integer arguments."
	if x == y == 0:
		import time
		t = time.time()
		if sys.platform == 'mac' :
			ndigits = int(math.log10(t))
			base = 10**(ndigits/2)
			x = int(t/base)
			y = int(t%base)
			x = int(t)
			y = int((t-int(t))*1000000)

Comments are appreciated.
Rob Managan       mailto://
LLNL                      ph:  925-423-0903
P.O. Box 808, L-098       FAX: 925-423-5804
Livermore, CA  94551-0808

From  Mon Jan 18 06:00:22 1999
From: (Joe Harrington)
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 01:00:22 -0500
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] a full-blown interactive data analysis environment
Message-ID: <>

In late November/early December I posted some messages about building
a complete analysis environment around Python.  I got 15 responses
offering help on the project, and several emails in the mean time
wondering when things will get under way.  Sorry to those I've kept
waiting!  I posted a pointer to a paper Paul Barrett and I wrote
regarding the direction such a project should take.  There hasn't been
any discussion of it as I had hoped, so I'll summarize it here, hope
interested people will read it (it's not long), and close with a few
administrative-type questions.  The URL is .

Data analysis systems have grown nearly as quickly as the volume of
data has.  15 years ago, we were mostly using home-brew compiled
software.  A few institutes had relatively primitive interpreter
interfaces around which a lot of code was written to do specific
tasks.  There wasn't yet a Perl or Python to standardize around; each
group wrote an interpreter from scratch, usually knowing little or
nothing about how *people* interact with computers.  Like the
computers of the time, they felt great to use then but you wouldn't
touch them now.  Just a few years later, it seemed these environments
were stuck.  Communities made huge investments in these languages in
the form of application code that they depended upon for their bread
and butter.  People had spent years writing code for their projects
and they weren't about to do it again.  In many cases the original
authors were gone and those left behind didn't have the programming
skills or the knowledge of the equipment, experiment, method, or
whatever to do the job.  Improving the languages was impossible
without breaking application code and often the resources weren't
there because those with funding felt that "things worked", and anyone
who would work for them would have to "just deal".  More than a few of
those 80's-vintage interpreters are still in active use today, being
carried along by gigs of really good application code and being cursed
by their users each time they fire the old dogs up.

Python is not the answer to this problem, nor is any current user
interface.  The problem is that interface technology (be it a
compiler, an interpreted/autocompiled language, WYSIAYG, or whatever)
changes too rapidly, and in just 5 years we will look at the current
Python and be glad we're not stuck with that "old dog".  Python may
grow along with the state of the art and may still be a good answer in
the future, or it may not.  If it doesn't, we'll want something else.
For that matter, many will not want Python now.

In contrast, our application code is stable.  There are usually not a
great many "best" ways to solve a problem, and one or a few are
generally favored.  Once someone has written least squares, why write
it again?  It's only necessary to do so if a new algorithm or a new
language comes along.  New algorithms will always require new code.
However, in the past 35 years there have been only three "favored
languages", those being Fortran, C, and C++.  Though there are
hundreds of other languages, many technically superior to these three,
these three have taken all the prizes in terms of universality.  Write
in one and your code will run everywhere, forever, and roughly as fast
as any portable code can run.  Once you can compile it for a given
machine, anyone can link to it and few need care what it's written in.
There is much application code, of course, that is not written in
these languages.  It is precisely that code that got us stuck with
now-obscure environments in the first place.

The solution, then, is to make a strictly-enforced division between
application code and user interface, and resist the temptation to do
anything that would make changing user interfaces difficult.  This
allows smooth migration to new interfaces without abandoning the
investment in application coding.  The tools to do this are very
familiar to this group: SWIG, dynamic linking, and the standard
compilers.  When new UIs come along, people will only need to learn
the conventions of that UI, not how to use the new versions of the
application code, because the application code will develop on its own
(much slower) schedule.  In 10 years, when Zappitall becomes the new
hot language of choice, all we'll need to do is extend SWIG to make
Zappitall wrappers in addition to the languages it currently supports,
rebuild the system, and poof, instead of seeing 500 announcements
saying "I wrapped my favorite library for Zappitall," we'll see one
announcement saying, "all the numerical and graphical packages we've
ever wrapped can now be used directly from Zappitall".

The picture I'm drawing is nothing terribly new:

Application code is in standard, compiled, highly optimizable
languages like Fortran, C, and C++.  Initially we might use some
existing Python numerical code, but we'll always select Fortran, C,
and C++ code if it's available, and we'll expend some effort to
have a compiled-code option for each major application component.

A glue layer describes the application code to the user interface,
preferably in a simple and general way that will be easily adapted to
future user interfaces.

The user interface(s) has all the latest features everyone wants, and
when this is no longer true, newer interfaces can be dropped in.  It
would even be desirable to have several interfaces to begin with.
This would ensure that there weren't any hidden dependencies on the
UI, and would also appeal to a wider audience since people have their
own tastes.  Often people want their interface language to resemble
their favorite coding language, so they can rapidly prototype a piece
of code they will eventually write in a compiled language.

That describes the technical end of it, but there's a lot more to it,
especially in the department of user appeal.  This effort will be
large, and it will only be worth it if it gains wide appeal and is in
use for a long time.  People change software packages if they find
something that is much better technically, is easier to use, or is
cheaper.  It is important that we always keep in mind the question:
"What will make the most people happy?" and that we remember we're
talking about the population at large, not just people who think like
we do.  This is a business mindset: make the customer happy and more
will come to you.  Thus, we'll need to target our packaging from the
beginning to the widest range of users.  This impacts our supported
platforms, the documentation, the release packaging, and the way the
package is constructed in general.

I feel strongly that it should run on as many platforms as possible.
That means PC and Mac, not just Unix.  This makes it accessible to
vastly more people, particularly those without the boon of government
or corporate funding, like high school science and math classes,
amateur scientists, hobbyists, etc.  I recently visited a class that
has some real data acquisition capability.  When they measure g in the
lab by dropping a ball, they get 9.8 m/s^2, not 9.6 or 9.57!!  They
have an ultrasonic transducer to measure the motion, and the data it
takes goes right into a software package that plots it out.  Hundreds
of points per second!  They paid a lot (for a school) to get this
setup, and the software was a good fraction of the price.  There's a
big "market" of users there if we can produce something as easy to use
that is free.  Doing so would be a true contribution to society, and
it would take much less effort on the application end than making
something that would satisfy a professional scientist.  This is just
one of many possibilities once we move beyond Unix.  (For those who
care, I'm a die-hard Unix user myself.  This laptop I'm writing on
doesn't even have a Windows or DOS partition, and I don't know how to
compile a program on a Mac or PC.  Yet I think it's critical that we
support them.)

Documentation is a similar item.  Packages like IDL win big points
with simple, worked examples and pamphlet-sized "getting started"
manuals that in a page or two show a user a plot of her own data.  The
main reference manuals do not showcase the programmers' coding prowess
or attitudes, but rather show usually one simple example and one
complex version of the same example.  They use active and direct
language and there are few if any grammar errors.  In addition to
teaching quickly, such manuals give confidence, somehow, in the people
behind the software, as well as in the software itself.

Release packaging will necessarily be in multiple forms.  We'll have
to support the Unix least-common-denominator, tar, as well as
vendor-specific formats from Red Hat, Debian, Sun, and so on, and of
course formats that work on Macs and PCs.  Automating the creation of
these will be important.  I suspect it isn't hard to do.

General construction is where we will have our hardest discussions.
The most commonly heard complaint about software is how hard it is to
learn to use it.  So, simple designs with powerful features will win
over complicated designs that depend on the user understanding it all
before she can do anything.  Certain things have come to work well.
Most of us are happiest when we see command history based on GNU
Readline, and we get ticked if there isn't command history at all.
This is true even if there's a better package out there.  Remember
Beta video tapes?  It was better than VHS, but if you were looking to
rent movies, VHS was the way to go.  Many decisions will have to be
based on what's popular that works, rather than what's pushing the
technical cutting edge.  This doesn't mean we can't support many
options, but my feeling is that the defaults should be things that are
familiar to as many people as possible.  For example, GNU info is more
powerful than HTML, but people know and love their web browsers and
the browsers are quite adequate for the job of viewing documentation.
So while we can make info docs too, HTML docs should be the showcase

Finally, "recycling".  This is hardly going to be a controversial
item, but it bears mentioning.  We should spend much more time
borrowing than writing.  Wrapping will be our friend.  It's what makes
the difference between a huge commercial effort, where every line is
written in-house so that it can be copyrighted and licensed, and a
15-person effort run in our spare time.  We should always hunt for
free or freeable code before we volunteer to write something new.
Then we spend our precious coding resources producing things that
don't already exist.  That's what free software is all about.

The only really daunting thing about the project to me is the
likelihood that I will not be able to devote even as much time to it
as many who volunteered to help.  Ideally, one or more funded data
projects would take an interest and contribute some people's time.  I
will propose that we focus initially on a very small version 1.  The
main emphases should be catching the docs and distribution
infrastructure up to the code, getting a development site set up, and
so on.  Once we have a small thing of high quality "out there", it
will generate interest and further contributions.

Ok, administrative stuff.  I've sketched out a bit of a vision, but
it's far from a plan.  I'd like to hear thoughts from the list to
refine things, point out pitfalls, and so on.  This should be a fairly
abstract discussion, and not long.  Please don't talk about naming or
even very much about specific packages that version 1 should or
shouldn't have; please focus on the approach.  Then we should decide
whether matrix-sig is the right place for the development discussions,
and move if that's warranted.  We'll take some votes on basic design
issues and how to run ourselves, and then we'll divvy up work and be
off.  There will be many times during the project when we will want
input from a larger group than just those actively working on the
project.  And of course we'll need testers and proofreaders from time
to time.  In those cases we'll post to this list.

There are some embarrassingly grand statements above.  I don't mean to
sound like I want to save the world, yet after a decade and a half of
being frustrated with data analysis, the answers seem so simple and so
hard to find in the real world.  If we just select the best
application packages that are already in use, wrap them (initially)
for Python, document them in a clear fashion that connects with a
variety of thinking styles, and assemble easy-to-install
distributions, we will have laid the foundation of a system that may
well survive us.  That's quite a grand statement in the computer


From  Sat Jan 16 00:47:03 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 18:47:03 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Interactive Data Analysis
Message-ID: <>

Thanks to Joe Harrington for his desire and vision to get this project
off the ground.  I'm writing to voice my opinion and make a couple of

I read with quite a bit of interest the paper Joe put on his web page
and the post to this list.  The paper he references is a good discussion
of some important points and I would recommend it for reading.  I think
the current state of numerical analysis in python is very close to much
of the important points in that paper. Overall, what is most lacking is
packaging of all (or a selection of) the great wrappers out there into a
single available and constistent (and tested) set and improvements on
the documentation (including a help system that gets used).

While I agree with the sentiment on supporting Windows (I think Joe
meant Windows, not just PC's, right :-) ) and Mac's, this is just where
the problem lies right now, doesn't it.  The single most needed part of
the system that isn't just a document-and-package step away is a good,
free cross-platform plotting library.   However, there are already some
highly usable plotting packages available for X windows systems.  I find
quite usable both GIST (how is the port to windows coming) and DISLIN
(free for Linux and FreeBSD).  Since UNIX/X or just X is available for
all of this hardware a part of me (the anti-social, revenge-seeking part
admittedly) wants to say "Come back and do numerical analysis with a
real and open OS.  You've already got all kinds of look-pretty,
draw-me-a-graphic, dont-tell-me-how-it-works software for windows
anyway."  Maybe we can get something together with just an eye towards
the PC/MAC world and even then not be too concerned with making
everything.  I'm a little concerned that the quality of our offering
will be affected by an attempt to outfit the Windows-centric world. 
O.K. that's enough rant about that.  I'm not trying to offend people.  I
just think that people interested in a free non-proprietary numerical
analysis package should take the time to put it on an operating system
that doesn't also tie them down....

Now, back to the real world.  Perhaps the best solution is to develop
some kind standard plotting API that allows construction of 2 and 3-D 
plots and then wrap up your favorite plotting library behind an
implementation of the API.  That way people could use (most of) the same
commands and syntax but have possibly different output libraries.  This
API would need to be relatively complete so not every plotting library
would do.  

Actually, this leads to another idea about plotting that I've been
discussing with a co-worker later and that is separating the concepts of
"interactive plotting" and "publication plotting."  In other words with
a plotting API it could be feasible to use different packages to
interact with the data and to print the data, with the commands being
very much the same. 

The second important issue is the interactive environment.  Since I've
added a PYTHONSTARTUP file to my environment I've been quite happy with
the interactive environment I have.  When I startup I have all kinds of
functions and variables defined so it is very easy to "interact" the
data.  (For example I don't call LinearAlgebra.generalized_inverse every
time I want to compute a pseudoinverse.  I use pinv() ).

One question is should we write a new interpreter loop to include some
nifty interactive editing features?  My personal favorite is using up
arrow to bring back previous lines that look like what is typed so far.
(just a "very-handy" keystroke variation on the functionality of GNU

At the very least we need to include somebody's fantastic NumPy
PYTHONSTARTUP file in the distribution.

My final comments have to do with the issue of wrapping libraries.  I
agree that we should minimize our efforts in writing new code. I also
agree that our efforts in organizing this code and any routines we add
to it should not be too Python-centric so that they can be used in other
interactive environments.    It seems to me, however, that what we have
left to do at this point is pretty much all Python-centric, i.e. it's
the wrappings, packaging, and documentation that needs to be done. 

I guess the real question is: Can the wrappings be done in a
non-python-centric way?  Is SWIG really up to the task?  I'm no SWIG
expert and I think it is a wonderful tool, but right now I don't think
it can fully "do the job" in a non Numerical-Python-oriented way.  What
we need is an implementation/extension of SWIG (or maybe, hopefully,
just a good set of examples of how to use SWIG effectively) that is more
"array oriented" or "loop oriented."  I'll share my experience at
wrapping up the FFTW module and the cephes library to explain what I
mean.  The problem is in handling arbitrary Numerical Python Arrays as
inputs and outputs to the wrapped C code. 

The FFTW library wrapping was easy in SWIG.  I made a Numerical-python
centric typemap to an otherwise cross-language SWIG input file that was
basically a copy of the header file from FFTW.  After running swig, I
had a great little interface to the FFTW calls that could take as inputs
(complex) Numerical python arrays, and return the output as a NumPy
array.  Code that takes as arguments pointers to data blocks of memory
can usually be handled in this way with SWIG.  (We definitely need to
put out some good documentation on how to do this though...)

On the other hand wrapping the cephes library in SWIG did not appear
possible (again I don't know everythin about SWIG) for what I wanted to
be able to do.  What was needed was something like the ufuncs that
operate so well an arbitrary sized arrays.  This did not seem possible
to do in SWIG.  So, all of my wrapping was pretty much python-centric. 
In the process I found myself wanting a way to take a routine in C that
has N inputs and M outputs and write a little interface description text
and say "wrap" and produce a wrapper that would allow the procedure to
be called from python with N input numpy arrays of arbitrary (but
consistent) dimensions and return M output numpy arrays. Is this
cephes-specific or would the idea extend to other wrappings? Maybe there
is a way to add to the SWIGlike tools we have to make them more aware of
using libraries in an interactive data analysis library? Maybe that's
too hard and not worth the time?

But, again for now it seems that most of our work will be pretty much in
the python area.  I guess if we do have to write up some important
numerical routine we should do it in C. 

It's been a long post but this is an important area for me.  I say let's
get out there and post suggestions for important libraries to include in
the distribtution, resolve the plotting issues, divvy up and get going
on the documentation, and smooth out the interactive environment edges. 
In the process maybe we can come up with a really snazzy way to do the
wrappings that will let use the most drop-in code in a way that is still
consistent with "array-oriented" environment.  I think we are very close
to something that we can then tell all our colleagues about and have
them jump aboard.

For the record the libraries I see as vitally important are:

ODE solver
Optimization routines
Zero finding routines
Numerical integration

other useful additions

general n-d convolution
extensive linear filter routines
filter design routines
image processing routines
 (we need to get together with the PIL here.  I think the PIL should be
as NumPy centered as possible.  I don't think it is wise to have a bunch
of image processing routines that only work on PIL image objects.  After
all, an image is just a special way of interpreting a matrix (or set of
matrices).  We do not want to duplicate work and implement image filters
for NumPy arrays and PIL objects.  I mainly use PIL to get image formats
into and out of NumPy arrays at the moment.)


From  Mon Jan 18 18:57:23 1999
From: (Paul F. Dubois)
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:57:23 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] a full-blown interactive data analysis environment
Message-ID: <001901be4314$64606b40$>

My system for wrapping Fortran 77, called "Basis"
( has been in existance almost 15 years now.
Perhaps 200 applications have been written using it by tens of different
authors. Basis contains a system that is very much like SWIG, and a
user-interface language that is very much like an interpreted Fortran 90.
Here are some observations based on that "database" of experience:

a. The fact that the interpreted scripting language has to be used by both
authors and end users makes it crucial that said language is simple to learn
and not "computer-sciency". However, these users are smart and some of them
will push the language to its limits, so it should be powerful.

b. Contrary to the image presented in Mr. Harrington's discussion,
invariably *three* layers of code develop, not two. There is the compiled
code (in Fortran, C, and C++ as he said), then there is interpreted code
written by the authors, and finally the user's own input. Frequently, of
course, the users of a given application chip in with utility routines in
interpreted language that are put in a library.  The point I am making here
is that the authors of the compiled code don't like writing compiled code as
much as writing interpreted code and so after a while they only do that for
the time-critical parts of the code, and do everything else they can in
interpreted code. The more capable the interpreted language (such as having
array operations) the less compiled code gets written.

c. We have seen great utility in the compiled code interacting with the
interpreted code. To give one example, a tokamak modeling code may check to
see if the user has defined a certain interpreted array and if so use it as
part of a model component, otherwise sticking to some built-in analytic

d. Whatever the merits or not of any given GUI interface, it is important
that the code be runnable as a batch process. Therefore, having a scripting
language base is important no matter what the superstructure may look like.

It was considerations like this that has led to interest in Python at LLNL,
and why we want to strengthen the NumPy facility.

From  Tue Jan 19 02:54:47 1999
From: (Paul F. Dubois)
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 18:54:47 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] LLNL Release #9 now available
Message-ID: <000f01be4357$15942a40$>

Release 1.9 (January 19, 1999)
    1. resize now works with arrays of length zero. (Keith Junius)
    2. Fixed error in integer array to integer power that caused failure if
base was zero. (David LaRose, Charles Waldman)
    3. Fixed registry key for Windows installer to work with 1.5.1 as well
as 1.5.2. (David Ascher)
    4. Fixed memory error in array_setattr (Charles Waldman)
    5. fixed seed(), improved test, added random_integer, doc
strings (Paul Dubois, Rob Managan)

I hope to address complaints about the packaging / installation /
documentation in the next release.

From  Tue Jan 19 20:23:23 1999
From: (Zane Motteler)
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 99 12:23:23 PST
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] RTLD_GLOBAL gone from 1.5.2; alternative?
Message-ID: <v03007803b2ca2091768b@[]>

Hello colleagues,

In version 1.5.2, the flag RTLD_GLOBAL has been removed from
importdl.c. This flag, if on, allows routines in a shared object
to access global variables in another. If it is off, attempting
to call a routine in another shared object causes a segmentation
fault and a core dump. This is unacceptable behavior to me, as
I have extensions which rely on being able to call
PyArray_FromDimsAndData. I do not want to have to hand edit
importdl.c with each release, besides which this may cause
somebody else's code to come to grief. Likewise, I do not
want to have to link these modules into python itself.

Has anybody out there solved the problem of how to call a routine
in a shared module from another shared module without editing
core python or changing how it is linked?



Zane C. Motteler, Ph. D.
   Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Engineering
   California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
   Computer Scientist
   Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
   P O Box 808, L-038 (Street address 7000 East Avenue, L-038)
   Livermore, CA 94551-9900  925/423-2143, FAX 925/423-9969

From  Tue Jan 19 20:31:34 1999
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 12:31:34 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] RTLD_GLOBAL gone from 1.5.2; alternative?
In-Reply-To: <v03007803b2ca2091768b@[]>
Message-ID: <>

> In version 1.5.2, the flag RTLD_GLOBAL has been removed from
> importdl.c. 

I'd amend that -- it's been removed in 1.5.2b1.  I got the impression that
it caused enough problems that it might be back in 1.5.2b2.  See GvR's
post at:


From  Tue Jan 19 21:17:04 1999
From: (Paul F. Dubois)
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 13:17:04 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: LLNL Release #9 now available
Message-ID: <000901be43f1$10884d20$>

At about 1:15 p.m. PST I replaced the distribution 9 files to fix a stray
right parenthesis that somehow got into the source of arraymodule.c. If you
fetched the sources earlier you will find this parenthesis when you compile;
the fix is to delete it. I must have twitched a finger during a last-minute
browse for news items; my apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks to Zane
Motteler for calling this to my attention.

Paul F. Dubois wrote in message
>Release 1.9 (January 19, 1999)
>    1. resize now works with arrays of length zero. (Keith Junius)
>    2. Fixed error in integer array to integer power that caused failure if
>base was zero. (David LaRose, Charles Waldman)
>    3. Fixed registry key for Windows installer to work with 1.5.1 as well
>as 1.5.2. (David Ascher)
>    4. Fixed memory error in array_setattr (Charles Waldman)
>    5. fixed seed(), improved test, added random_integer,
>strings (Paul Dubois, Rob Managan)
>I hope to address complaints about the packaging / installation /
>documentation in the next release.

From  Tue Jan 19 22:05:53 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 22:05:53 +0000
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: [PSA MEMBERS] RTLD_GLOBAL gone from 1.5.2; alternative?
References: <v03007803b2ca2091768b@[]>
Message-ID: <>

Zane Motteler wrote:
> Hello colleagues,
> In version 1.5.2, the flag RTLD_GLOBAL has been removed from
> importdl.c. This flag, if on, allows routines in a shared object
> to access global variables in another. If it is off, attempting
> to call a routine in another shared object causes a segmentation
> fault and a core dump. This is unacceptable behavior to me, as
> I have extensions which rely on being able to call
> PyArray_FromDimsAndData. I do not want to have to hand edit
> importdl.c with each release, besides which this may cause
> somebody else's code to come to grief. Likewise, I do not
> want to have to link these modules into python itself.

Do you claim that this feature (RTLD+GLOBAL) is portable?
I'd be surprized if it was.

> Has anybody out there solved the problem of how to call a routine
> in a shared module from another shared module without editing
> core python or changing how it is linked?

Yes and no.  IMO, any module that want's to export a C
interface should do so explicitly using a Python CObject.
This relies only on Python's import machinery and should 
work on any system on which Python can do dynamic linking.

To see how this works, look at how cStringIO exports a 
C API and how cPickle imports it.  

Maybe someone will volunteer to provide an exported 
C interface for the array module.


Jim Fulton 
Technical Director   (540) 371-6909              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Tue Jan 19 22:42:31 1999
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:42:31 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: [PSA MEMBERS] RTLD_GLOBAL gone from 1.5.2; alternative?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Yes and no.  IMO, any module that want's to export a C
> interface should do so explicitly using a Python CObject.
> This relies only on Python's import machinery and should 
> work on any system on which Python can do dynamic linking.
> To see how this works, look at how cStringIO exports a 
> C API and how cPickle imports it.  
> Maybe someone will volunteer to provide an exported 
> C interface for the array module.

I thought that was what the import_array function defined in
arrayobject.h did.

Zane, did you use import_array?


From  Tue Jan 19 23:17:58 1999
From: (Zane Motteler)
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 99 15:17:58 PST
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: [PSA MEMBERS] RTLD_GLOBAL gone from 1.5.2; alternative?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <v03007806b2ca535c649a@[]>

David Ascher wrote:

>I thought that was what the import_array function defined in
>arrayobject.h did.
>Zane, did you use import_array?

No, I didn't, and --eureka!!-- your succinct answer was exactly
what I was looking for. Thanks very much. (Actually, "eureka"
means *I* have found it, but I didn't, *you* did, but unfortunately
I don't know the Greek second person ending.)


Zane C. Motteler, Ph. D.
   Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Engineering
   California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
   Computer Scientist
   Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
   P O Box 808, L-038 (Street address 7000 East Avenue, L-038)
   Livermore, CA 94551-9900  925/423-2143, FAX 925/423-9969

From  Wed Jan 20 16:55:54 1999
From: (Konrad Hinsen)
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 17:55:54 +0100
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: [PSA MEMBERS] RTLD_GLOBAL gone from 1.5.2; alternative?
In-Reply-To: <>
 (message from David Ascher on Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:42:31 -0800 (Pacific
 Standard Time))
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > Maybe someone will volunteer to provide an exported 
> > C interface for the array module.
> I thought that was what the import_array function defined in
> arrayobject.h did.

Exactly, and once you call it, there should be no more references to
the array module in your shared library, and hence no problem.
Moreover, this is not just for Python 1.5.2b1 compatibility, but for
portability in general, as Jim pointed out. On some platforms (e.g.
AIX), shared libraries can never access symbols in other shared
libraries unless these have been imported explicitly.

Fortunately Python provides a portable alternative via CObjects.
Tcl doesn't, and that makes it a nightmare to install Tcl extensions
under AIX, especially if they also use other shared libraries. Anyone
who wants a taste of such problems should try to get Togl to work
under AIX (and send me the working binary, of course ;-).
Konrad Hinsen                            | E-Mail:
Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33-
Rue Charles Sadron                       | Fax:  +33-
45071 Orleans Cedex 2                    | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/
France                                   | Nederlands/Francais

From  Wed Jan 20 17:12:11 1999
From: (Konrad Hinsen)
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 18:12:11 +0100
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: [PSA MEMBERS] RTLD_GLOBAL gone from 1.5.2; alternative?
In-Reply-To: <v03007806b2ca535c649a@[]> (message from Zane
 Motteler on Tue, 19 Jan 99 15:17:58 PST)
References: <> <v03007806b2ca535c649a@[]>
Message-ID: <>

> what I was looking for. Thanks very much. (Actually, "eureka"
> means *I* have found it, but I didn't, *you* did, but unfortunately
> I don't know the Greek second person ending.)

It should be "heurekas", if my memory is still worth something ;-)
Konrad Hinsen                            | E-Mail:
Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33-
Rue Charles Sadron                       | Fax:  +33-
45071 Orleans Cedex 2                    | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/
France                                   | Nederlands/Francais

From  Wed Jan 20 18:43:25 1999
From: (Rob Managan)
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 10:43:25 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] LLNL Release #9 now available
Message-ID: <v04011702b2cbd163f0eb@[]>

I have compiled LLNL Release #9 of the Numeric module for the Macintosh.
For this week it is available at

This archive expands into a folder that I put into the Extensions folder.
Teh readme.mac file tells you what paths to add with EditPythonPrefs.

After the 26th the server will change. I will send another message at that
time once I confirm that all is working.
Rob Managan       mailto://
LLNL                      ph:  925-423-0903
P.O. Box 808, L-098       FAX: 925-423-5804
Livermore, CA  94551-0808

From  Wed Jan 20 18:43:25 1999
From: (Rob Managan)
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 10:43:25 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] LLNL Release #9 now available
Message-ID: <v04011702b2cbd163f0eb@[]>

I have compiled LLNL Release #9 of the Numeric module for the Macintosh.
For this week it is available at

This archive expands into a folder that I put into the Extensions folder.
Teh readme.mac file tells you what paths to add with EditPythonPrefs.

After the 26th the server will change. I will send another message at that
time once I confirm that all is working.
Rob Managan       mailto://
LLNL                      ph:  925-423-0903
P.O. Box 808, L-098       FAX: 925-423-5804
Livermore, CA  94551-0808

From  Wed Jan 20 19:20:42 1999
From: (Travis Oliphant)
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 13:20:42 -0600 (EST)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] RPMS of NumPy 1.9
Message-ID: <>

For users of Numerical Python on Linux:

RPMS of NumPy 1.9 Numerical Graphics and RNG packages are available
at http:/


From  Wed Jan 20 19:19:25 1999
From: (Rob Managan)
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 11:19:25 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] LLNL Release #9 now available
Message-ID: <v04011702b2cbd163f0eb@[]>

I have compiled LLNL Release #9 of the Numeric module for the Macintosh.
For this week it is available at

This archive expands into a folder that I put into the Extensions folder.
Teh readme.mac file tells you what paths to add with EditPythonPrefs.

After the 26th the server will change. I will send another message at that
time once I confirm that all is working.
Rob Managan       mailto://
LLNL                      ph:  925-423-0903
P.O. Box 808, L-098       FAX: 925-423-5804
Livermore, CA  94551-0808

From  Thu Jan 21 16:46:17 1999
From: (Perry Greenfield)
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 11:46:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: Matrixre: a full-blown interactive data analysis environment
Message-ID: <199901211646.LAA26979@eclipse>

I would like to second Paul Dubois' comments about the original message
from Joe Harrington. I think it is probably naive to expect that developers
will confine themselves to producing only tasks in C/C++/Fortran when much
of what they can do can be done in the scripting language. I think the
success of IDL in the astronomy community shows that if scripting language
has the features that IDL has, a lot of applications will be written using
it and use of C/C++/Fortran will be avoided as much as possible. In other
words, I think the idea that splitting development into these two categories
make it easy to switch to another scripting language later is unlikely
to be right.

Indeed in our case, we find Python very attactive for developing software
for those cases where the circle of users is fairly small but the need for
the functionality is great (for example, analysis of calibration data).
In these circumstances, developing such software in C/C++/Fortran is
very costly and not worth the trouble. In fact, much of scientific software
falls into this category. Very often, the ultimate in performance or 
in code quality can be sacrificed. Better code that doesn't run quite so
fast or may evidence some occasional run time errors that need correction
than no program at all.

Perry Greenfield
Space Telescope Science Institute

From  Fri Jan 22 00:19:35 1999
From: (Jonah Lee)
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 15:19:35 -0900 (AKST)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: Matrixre: a full-blown interactive data analysis environment
In-Reply-To: <199901211646.LAA26979@eclipse>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Perry Greenfield wrote:

I'd like to second Perry Greenfield's comments too. I find that
development using Python (with or without Numerical Python) is much faster
than using C/C++/Fortran. Efficiency can be improved by using Numerical
Python or 'translating' some critical portion of the code to C++ and then
wrap the C++ code using SWIG. Translating Python code into C++ is in
general not a difficult task. My own benchmark shows that wrapped C++ code
using SWIG runs almost as fast as native C++ code. In addition,
'translating' pure Python code into Numerical Python code is very easy
too. Python is also wonderful in the iterative process of object-oriented
design which may be critical for the maintainence of the code base. I'm in
favor of having a reasonably good Python interface, i.e., a Python-centric
appoach. Just my two cents:-)

> I would like to second Paul Dubois' comments about the original message
> from Joe Harrington. I think it is probably naive to expect that developers
> will confine themselves to producing only tasks in C/C++/Fortran when much
> of what they can do can be done in the scripting language. I think the
> success of IDL in the astronomy community shows that if scripting language
> has the features that IDL has, a lot of applications will be written using
> it and use of C/C++/Fortran will be avoided as much as possible. In other
> words, I think the idea that splitting development into these two categories
> make it easy to switch to another scripting language later is unlikely
> to be right.
> Indeed in our case, we find Python very attactive for developing software
> for those cases where the circle of users is fairly small but the need for
> the functionality is great (for example, analysis of calibration data).
> In these circumstances, developing such software in C/C++/Fortran is
> very costly and not worth the trouble. In fact, much of scientific software
> falls into this category. Very often, the ultimate in performance or 
> in code quality can be sacrificed. Better code that doesn't run quite so
> fast or may evidence some occasional run time errors that need correction
> than no program at all.
> Perry Greenfield
> Space Telescope Science Institute
> _______________________________________________
> Matrix-SIG maillist  -


| I do not use Microsoft Word.      | Linux Rules!    |
|Please save *.doc file as *.txt    | LyX Rules!        |
|before sending it as an attachment.| Python Rules!  |
|  Many Thanks For Doing This.      |                               | 

From  Mon Jan 25 16:38:02 1999
From: (Joe Van Andel)
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 09:38:02 -0700
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] coding examples/advice for building Numeric Python extensions?
Message-ID: <>

This is a multipart MIME message.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I'm starting a new project to build a Doppler radar timeseries processing 
environment using NumPy.  Perhaps I've missed something, but I haven't 
found any documentation that explains how to write my own extension.  
I've written the argument handling code by adding some new SWIG templates 

Now that I'm writing the body of my functions, I've got some questions:

1) When (if ever) I should be concerned about "non-contiguous" arrays.

2) If I want to avoid the overhead of copying megabytes of data to insure 
that it is contiguous, how do I access the data in the PyArrayObject?

3) Has someone who is familiar with NumPy written a brief extension writer's guide?  

4) At the very least, could someone write somes brief descriptions of the 
functions that an extension writer should be using?

5) Can someone recommend a short NumPy extension that would serve as an 

(IMHO, I think more people might starting using NumPy if there was 
documentation of how to write extensions. )

Thanks much for your help!

Joe VanAndel  		Internet:
National Center for
Atmospheric Research

Content-Type: text/plain ; name="numpy_typemaps.i"; charset=us-ascii
Content-Description: numpy_typemaps.i

%typemap(python,in) PyArrayObject *INPUT
    $target = (PyArrayObject *)$source;    

%typemap(python,in) PyArrayObject *INPUT_1D
    $target = (PyArrayObject *)$source;    
    if ($target->nd != 1) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "must be 1D array");
        return NULL;

%typemap(python,in) PyArrayObject *INPUT_2D
    $target = (PyArrayObject *)$source;    
    if ($target->nd != 2) {
    //	printf("%s: num dim = %d\n", "$target", $target->nd);
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "must be 2D array");
        return NULL;

%typemap(python,out) PyObject * {
    $target = $source;


From  Mon Jan 25 18:35:02 1999
From: (Konrad Hinsen)
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 19:35:02 +0100
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] coding examples/advice for building Numeric Python extensions?
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Joe Van
 Andel on Mon, 25 Jan 1999 09:38:02 -0700)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> 1) When (if ever) I should be concerned about "non-contiguous" arrays.

Whenever your input arrays might be non-contiguous, i.e. the result
of slicing operations. In many situations you can be sure to have
contiguous arrays, e.g. if the array has just been created from
scratch (in the C extension or in the Python code that calls it).

> 2) If I want to avoid the overhead of copying megabytes of data to insure 
> that it is contiguous, how do I access the data in the PyArrayObject?

All you have to do is take into account the stride information. It is
not at all difficult to access a non-contiguous array if you are
writing NumPy-specific code; the only real problem is that the array
data does not have the layout of standard C-style arrays, so most C
library routines that are not NumPy-aware won't work on it. In that
case you must either copy or rewrite the code.

> 3) Has someone who is familiar with NumPy written a brief extension writer's guide?  

Not me :-(

> 4) At the very least, could someone write somes brief descriptions of the 
> functions that an extension writer should be using?

There are only very few functions that are needed for most

PyArray_FromDims(ndim, dim, datatype)
  creates a new array of "ndim" dimensions and type "datatype",
  with the length of each dimension (i.e. the shape) defined by
  the int array "dim".

PyArray_FromDimsAndData(ndim, dim, datatype, data)
  same as above, but uses the memory pointed to by "data"
  as the data space of the array, no new memory is allocated
  other than the small amount needed for the array header.
  Useful to pass arrays created in C/Fortran code to Python,
  but also dangerous; the user must ensure that the data space
  is never freed before the end of the program.

PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(object, datatype, min_dimensions, max_dimensions)
  used in C functions that want to accept any Python sequence object
  as input (like most NumPy functions do). "object" is the input
  object, "datatype" the array data type. In general,
  "min_dimensions" and "max_dimensions" are set to zero.
  The resulting is guaranteed to be a contiguous array. If the
  input is a contiguous array, the output is just the input, nothing
  is copied. In all other circumstances, a new array object is
  allocated and the data is copied (and perhaps converted).

  typically used for returning data at the end of a C function.
  Returns the array object if its number of dimensions is larger
  than zero, or an equivalent scalar object (int/float...) instead
  of a zero-dimensional array.

In my experience, these are the only functions that are needed
for most C extension modules.

> 5) Can someone recommend a short NumPy extension that would serve as an 
> example?

The shortest one that I am aware of is the random number module from
the LLNL distribution, but it doesn't use all the functions listed
above. Other examples are the LAPACK and FFTPACK interfaces that
come with NumPy itself, and my netCDF module. Then there are
the FFTW and Cephes modules by Travis Oliphant, which must also
use NumPy calls, although I haven't looked at the source. Plus
probably many more...
Konrad Hinsen                            | E-Mail:
Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33-
Rue Charles Sadron                       | Fax:  +33-
45071 Orleans Cedex 2                    | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/
France                                   | Nederlands/Francais

From  Thu Jan 28 17:10:28 1999
From: (Joe Van Andel)
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 10:10:28 -0700
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] contributed archive for NumPy extensions?
Message-ID: <>

Can we establish an easily located central archive or index for NumPy 
extensions? (Or if it exists, can we publicize it better?)

I would like a very simple mechanism for an extension author  to 
'publish' information about an extension such that a potential user can
easily find the extensions.

For example, I found some nice NumPy modules by 'Janko Hauser', but only by a 
careful search of the 'starship' crew pages.

I'd like to a link from the    and

pages to an FTP site, or 
perhaps a page maintained by a FAQ Wizard or the BSCW system on

I'd be happy to help, if someone would give me the necessary permissions on or starship .

Let me know what you think about such an index.

Joe VanAndel  		Internet:
National Center for
Atmospheric Research

From  Thu Jan 28 17:46:32 1999
From: (Christian Tismer)
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 18:46:32 +0100
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] contributed archive for NumPy extensions?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Joe Van Andel wrote:
> I'd be happy to help, if someone would give me the necessary permissions on
> or starship .
> Let me know what you think about such an index.

Great! Thank you for your help. You will have access, soon.
I also contacted Gerd Woetzel, in the hope to interest him
into setting up the latest BSCW software on the new ship.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <>
Applied Biometrics GmbH      :     Have a break! Take a ride on Python's
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101   :    *Starship*
10553 Berlin                 :     PGP key ->
     we're tired of banana software - shipped green, ripens at home

From  Fri Jan 29 01:18:16 1999
From: (Paul F. Dubois)
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 17:18:16 -0800
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] contributed archive for NumPy extensions?
Message-ID: <003201be4b25$3fb43380$>

I think this is a very good idea and the starship is a good place for it.
LLNL is not a good place for it because of our very slow process for
changing web page content and the need for disclaimers, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Tismer <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, January 28, 1999 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Matrix-SIG] contributed archive for NumPy extensions?

>Joe Van Andel wrote:
>> I'd be happy to help, if someone would give me the necessary permissions
>> or starship .
>> Let me know what you think about such an index.
>Great! Thank you for your help. You will have access, soon.
>I also contacted Gerd Woetzel, in the hope to interest him
>into setting up the latest BSCW software on the new ship.
>ciao - chris
>Christian Tismer             :^)   <>
>Applied Biometrics GmbH      :     Have a break! Take a ride on Python's
>Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101   :    *Starship*
>10553 Berlin                 :     PGP key ->
>     we're tired of banana software - shipped green, ripens at home
>Matrix-SIG maillist  -

From  Fri Jan 29 04:19:34 1999
From: (Charles G Waldman)
Date: 28 Jan 1999 23:19:34 -0500
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: NumPy core dump
In-Reply-To: Chad Scherrer's message of "Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:48:45 -0500"
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to comp.lang.python as well.

Chad Scherrer <> writes:

> import Numeric
> x=Numeric.array([2l,3l,4l]) # those are L's, not ones
> print x**2

> Python kicks me out with a segmentation fault and a core dump

This is due to the fact that PyNumber_Power defined in the Python core
(Objects/abstract.c) is a ternary function (the 3-argument version
pow(x,y,z) means x**y%z), whereas NumPy's {fast_,}umathmodule.c casts
it to a binary function and calls it with two arguments.  The reason
different people have seen different behavior with Chad's example is
due to the fact that the third argument is basically random junk - in
whatever was lying around on the stack when PyNubmer_Power gets
called.  The test at line 614 in Python/abstract.c (in the current CVS
version of 1.5.2) either fails and an exception is raised (if the third
argument "z" happens to point to a legal address in memory) or else if
"z" is wild enough the attempt to dereference it generates a
segmentation fault.

Either way, it's a misbehavior.  Looking at the Numeric code, it is
clear that powers of general-object arrays are intended to be supported.

While investigating this problem I noticed that in fact the ternary
version of power is not implemented for arrays:

Python 1.5.2b2 (#17, Jan 13 1999, 00:17:47)  [GCC egcs-2.91.60 19981201 (e on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> import Numeric 
>>> Numeric.__version__
>>> a = Numeric.array((2,3,4))
>>> b=Numeric.array((5,6,7))
>>> c=Numeric.array((4,5,6))
>>> a**b
array([   32,   729, 16384])
>>> pow(a,b,c)
array([   32,   729, 16384])

This should also get fixed.

The patch below fixes the core dump problem for powers of
general-object arrays, however it does not fix the fact that ternary
pow() does not work on arrays.  The Right fix would take care of both
of these, hence the comment marked with XXX.  When I have some more
time I'll try to code that up.

I found some other less-than-perfect behavior about the support of
long integers in NumPy; for instance:

Python 1.5.2b2 (#17, Jan 13 1999, 00:17:47)  [GCC egcs-2.91.60 19981201 (e on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> from math import *
>>> sqrt(4L)
>>> from Numeric import *
>>> sqrt(4L)
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'long int' object has no attribute 'sqrt'

There is certainly some more work to be done to make support of
general object arrays a little cleaner in NumPy.

RCS file: RCS/umathmodule.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff --unified=2 -r1.1 umathmodule.c
--- umathmodule.c	1999/01/29 03:07:20	1.1
+++ umathmodule.c	1999/01/29 04:15:48
@@ -1710,4 +1710,13 @@
+/* XXX hack to work around the fact that PyNumber_Power in
+ * Python/abstract.c is ternary; but we call it as a binary function.
+ * This fixes the bug where array((1L,2L,3L))*2 sometimes dumps core
+ * However the ternary versions of PyNumber_Power should be properly
+ * supported, once this gets done we can eliminate this hack and also
+ * get the ternary version of pow() to work for arrays */
+static PyObject * PyNumber_PowerBinary(PyObject *v,PyObject *w){
+  return PyNumber_Power(v,w,Py_None);
 static PyUFuncGenericFunction add_functions[] = { UBYTE_add,  SBYTE_add,  SHORT_add,  INT_add,  LONG_add,  FLOAT_add,  DOUBLE_add,  CFLOAT_add,  CDOUBLE_add,  NULL,  };
 static PyUFuncGenericFunction subtract_functions[] = { UBYTE_subtract,  SBYTE_subtract,  SHORT_subtract,  INT_subtract,  LONG_subtract,  FLOAT_subtract,  DOUBLE_subtract,  CFLOAT_subtract,  CDOUBLE_subtract,  NULL,  };
@@ -1748,5 +1757,5 @@
 static void * conjugate_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)"conjugate",  };
 static void * remainder_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)fmod,  (void *)fmod,  (void *)PyNumber_Remainder,  };
-static void * power_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)pow,  (void *)pow,  (void *)c_pow,  (void *)c_pow,  (void *)PyNumber_Power,  };
+static void * power_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)pow,  (void *)pow,  (void *)c_pow,  (void *)c_pow,  (void *)PyNumber_PowerBinary,  };
 static void * absolute_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)PyNumber_Absolute,  };
 static void * negative_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)PyNumber_Negative,  };

RCS file: RCS/fast_umathmodule.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff --unified=2 -r1.1 fast_umathmodule.c
--- fast_umathmodule.c	1999/01/29 03:32:22	1.1
+++ fast_umathmodule.c	1999/01/29 04:15:49
@@ -1711,4 +1711,13 @@
+/* XXX hack to work around the fact that PyNumber_Power in
+ * Python/abstract.c is ternary; but we call it as a binary function.
+ * This fixes the bug where array((1L,2L,3L))*2 sometimes dumps core
+ * However the ternary versions of PyNumber_Power should be properly
+ * supported, once this gets done we can eliminate this hack and also
+ * get the ternary version of pow() to work for arrays */
+static PyObject * PyNumber_PowerBinary(PyObject *v,PyObject *w){
+  return PyNumber_Power(v,w,Py_None);
 static PyUFuncGenericFunction add_functions[] = { UBYTE_add,  SBYTE_add,  SHORT_add,  INT_add,  LONG_add,  FLOAT_add,  DOUBLE_add,  CFLOAT_add,  CDOUBLE_add,  NULL,  };
 static PyUFuncGenericFunction subtract_functions[] = { UBYTE_subtract,  SBYTE_subtract,  SHORT_subtract,  INT_subtract,  LONG_subtract,  FLOAT_subtract,  DOUBLE_subtract,  CFLOAT_subtract,  CDOUBLE_subtract,  NULL,  };
@@ -1749,5 +1758,5 @@
 static void * conjugate_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)"conjugate",  };
 static void * remainder_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)fmod,  (void *)fmod,  (void *)PyNumber_Remainder,  };
-static void * power_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)pow,  (void *)pow,  (void *)c_pow,  (void *)c_pow,  (void *)PyNumber_Power,  };
+static void * power_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)pow,  (void *)pow,  (void *)c_pow,  (void *)c_pow,  (void *)PyNumber_PowerBinary,  };
 static void * absolute_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)PyNumber_Absolute,  };
 static void * negative_data[] = { (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)NULL,  (void *)PyNumber_Negative,  };

From  Fri Jan 29 15:28:51 1999
From: (Zane Motteler)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 99 07:28:51 PST
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: NumPy core dump
In-Reply-To: <>
References: Chad Scherrer's message of "Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:48:45 -0500"
Message-ID: <v0300780db2d712fb38c4@[]>


You wrote:

>The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
>that has been posted to comp.lang.python as well.
>Chad Scherrer <> writes:
>> import Numeric
>> x=Numeric.array([2l,3l,4l]) # those are L's, not ones
>> print x**2
>> Python kicks me out with a segmentation fault and a core dump

David Ascher called my attention to this problem several days
ago, and I found and fixed it, so the fix will be present in the
next version of NumPy.

>While investigating this problem I noticed that in fact the ternary
>version of power is not implemented for arrays:

I was aware of this problem. It's interesting that array_power
is declared as a ternaryfunc but not implemented as one. I don't
know why. Most of the work on NumPy (except for PyGist) is
going to be done by Paul Dubois, so I'll leave the implementation
of ternary pow up to him. (I fixed the core dump problem
because he was absent on jury duty this week.)

>There is certainly some more work to be done to make support of
>general object arrays a little cleaner in NumPy.

Well, yeah, I suppose so. Our main concern here at LLNL was
to implement fast operations on floating point arrays. Physics
simulation programs don't do much work with integers, long or not.
I certainly agree that if such operations can be implemented
fairly easily, then they should be. If not, at least Python
shouldn't core dump--it should give a nice message that the
operation is not yet implemented, and gracefully return to
the prompt.


Zane C. Motteler, Ph. D.
   Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Engineering
   California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
   Computer Scientist
   Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
   P O Box 808, L-038 (Street address 7000 East Avenue, L-038)
   Livermore, CA 94551-9900  925/423-2143, FAX 925/423-9969

From  Fri Jan 29 19:24:54 1999
From: (Konrad Hinsen)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 20:24:54 +0100
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re: NumPy core dump
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Charles G Waldman on
 28 Jan 1999 23:19:34 -0500)
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> I found some other less-than-perfect behavior about the support of
> long integers in NumPy; for instance:
> Python 1.5.2b2 (#17, Jan 13 1999, 00:17:47)  [GCC egcs-2.91.60 19981201 (e on linux2
> Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
> >>> from math import *
> >>> sqrt(4L)
> 2.0
> >>> from Numeric import *
> >>> sqrt(4L)
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> AttributeError: 'long int' object has no attribute 'sqrt'

Changing this would require
1) To make long int arrays a special case (not just general object
2) Implementing a square root function for long ints (which as far
   as I know does not exist.

I am not sure that the problem is important enough to be worth the

Konrad Hinsen                            | E-Mail:
Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33-
Rue Charles Sadron                       | Fax:  +33-
45071 Orleans Cedex 2                    | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/
France                                   | Nederlands/Francais

From (Les Schaffer)  Sat Jan 30 04:45:36 1999
From: (Les Schaffer) (Les Schaffer)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 23:45:36 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] howdoi use PyArray_As2D in a sentence?
Message-ID: <14002.36464.721401.197624@localhost>

I am trying to figure out how to pass NumPy 2D arrays to my own C
extension modules as double ** data. i am using typemaps and SWIG to
do the wrapping.

i am looking in the sources at PyArray_As2D and it appears to let
arr->data be set to char **, which i can cast to double **.

but arrayobject.c shows that the first argument to PyArray_As2D is a
PyObject **, not a PyArrayObject ** which has me confused.

what IS the correct way to use PyArray_As2D?

here is the SWIG typemap i am using in order to pass double **:

%typemap(python, in) double ** {
	PyArrayObject *arr;
	int nd, d1, d2, d3; 

	PyObject ** op;
	char ***ptr; 

	arr = (PyArrayObject *) $source;
	nd = arr->nd;
	d1 = arr->dimensions[0];
	d1 = arr->dimensions[1];

	op = (PyObject **) &arr;
	PyArray_As2D( op, ptr, &d1, &d2, PyArray_ObjectType( *op, d3 ));
	$target = (double **) *ptr; 

but i am getting segfaults in array_fromobject(op), called from
PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(*op), called from PyArray_As2D().

any help would be appreciated.


____        Les Schaffer              ___| --->> Engineering R&D <<---
Theoretical & Applied Mechanics          |  Designspring, Inc. 
Center for Radiophysics & Space Research |
Cornell Univ.  |

From  Fri Jan 29 19:36:41 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 13:36:41 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Ternary power of arrays
Message-ID: <>

Having recently had some experience with the ufunc object while building
the cephes module I think I know why the power function was called as a
binary function:  All ufuncs currently must take only one or two
arguments.  I don't know of any way in the current code to make a ufunc
object out of a function which takes more than two arguments.  

For the completion of the cephes module I also need functions that will
take up to 5 or 6 arbitrary arguments.   I don't really need the methods
that come with the ufunc objects (reduce, accumulate, etc.) just the
ability to take arbitrary arrays and expand dimensions cleanly.  So, can
we make a more generic ufunc?  Or do we hack it to take 3, 4, or maybe 5

A definite item to think about for any would-be developers.

Travis Oliphant            200 First St SW          
    	                   Rochester MN 55905       
Ultrasound Research Lab	   (507) 286-5923           
Mayo Graduate School

From  Fri Jan 29 20:42:08 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 14:42:08 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Ternary functions
Message-ID: <>

I posted recently regarding my inability to figure out how to make a
ufunc with more than two arguments and then rambled a bit about
extending ufunc.  Well, I've been looking at the source and have found
that there does seem to be some hooks for generic functions but I don't
understand how to make a generic function just yet from those sources.

If anyone understands this source more I'd appreciate any advice or



Travis Oliphant            200 First St SW          
    	                   Rochester MN 55905       
Ultrasound Research Lab	   (507) 286-5923           
Mayo Graduate School

From  Sat Jan 30 20:56:06 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 14:56:06 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Cephes-1.0 available incorporating a better understanding of ufuncs.
Message-ID: <>

NumPy users wanting access to all kinds of great special functions:

I am happy to announce that I have released version 1.0 of the cephes
modules which makes available all of the functions from the cephes
library to python so that they can be called with arbitrary sized arrays
with familiar broadcasting rules being applied.

Functions added to the module include the incomplete beta integral, F
distribution functions, binomial distribution functions, and
hypergeometeric functions.

The discussion about power taking three arguments prompted me to look at
the ufunc object source code more closely and I realized there was
already a general function hook already in place.  I just needed to 
add a few auxilliary routines.  Again I was very impressed with the
ufuncobject.  It is a nice design---if not well documented :)

The added auxilliary routines allowed me to eliminate the wrapper
functions I was using as a hack to call some of the cephes functions
that take integer arguments or return more than one value.

So, the interface is cleaner and all of the (non-redundant) cephes calls
are available in the package of your choice.

Travis Oliphant            200 First St SW          
    	                   Rochester MN 55905       
Ultrasound Research Lab	   (507) 286-5923           
Mayo Graduate School

From  Sat Jan 30 21:18:27 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 15:18:27 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Why is there fast_umathmodule.c and umathmodule.c ?
Message-ID: <>

I have been looking at and using the source from the umathmodules and
noticed that fast_umathmodule and umathmodule are nearly identical. 
Perhaps somebody could tell me why there two diffeerent versions of
basically the same code??


From  Sat Jan 30 21:43:43 1999
From: (Travis E. Oliphant)
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 15:43:43 -0600
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] Re:  Why is there fast_umathmodule.c and umathmodule.c ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> :I have been looking at and using the source from the umathmodules and
> :noticed that fast_umathmodule and umathmodule are nearly identical.
> :Perhaps somebody could tell me why there two diffeerent versions of
> :basically the same code??
> IIRC, umath raises exception on overflows etc, fast_umath just returns
> NaN.  Some speed vs safety.

Thanks for the quick response.  I see the intention, now.  I'm a bit
confused at how this is done, though since the latest release of Numeric
shows only the following differences.
[olipt@amylou Src]$ diff fast_umathmodule.c umathmodule.c 
< void initfast_umath() {
> void initumath() {
<   m = Py_InitModule("fast_umath", methods); 
>   m = Py_InitModule("umath", methods); 

These seem like only superficial differences.  I don't see how the two
modules can be functionally different, here.

From (Les Schaffer)  Sat Jan 30 23:02:57 1999
From: (Les Schaffer) (Les Schaffer)
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 18:02:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] thisishowi use PyArray_As2D in a sentence.
In-Reply-To: <14002.36464.721401.197624@localhost>
References: <14002.36464.721401.197624@localhost>
Message-ID: <14003.36769.567928.330643@localhost>

Okay, passing 2D arrays to C extensions using a double ** pointer is easy using

Here is the typemap in case anyone else is wondering how to do this:

%typemap(python, in) double ** {
	PyArrayObject *arr;    /* will point to our array object.      */
	PyObject ** op;        /* pointer to pointer to array object   */
                               /* cast as PyObject;                    */
			       /* (needed by PyArray_As2d).            */

	int d1, d2, type;      /* ints neeed by PyArray_As2D.          */
	char ***ptr;           /* need by PyArray_As2D.                */
	double ** arrayPtr_2D; /* this is our double ** array pointer. */
                               /* C extensions can then access         */
                               /* arbitrary sized 2D arrays as         */
                               /* arrayPtr[i][j].                      */

	/* point ptr to the address of ArrayPtr_2D. */
	/* PyArray_As2D will then place in it a     */
        /* char **  pointer aimed at a set of       */
        /* pointers  to the rows of our array.      */
	ptr = (char ***) & arrayPtr_2D;

	/* here is our array object from caller	*/
	arr = (PyArrayObject *) $source;   

	/* point op at our array object pointer */
	op = (PyObject **)&arr;

	/* i use double almost always */
	type = (int) PyArray_DOUBLE;   

	/* now let PyArray_As2D re-arrange, if necessary (?),  */
	/* our array and set the pointers to the rows of array */
	PyArray_As2D( op, ptr, &d1, &d2, type); 
	/* done. hand arrayPtr2D to our C ext */
	$target = arrayPtr_2D; 

____    Dr. Les Schaffer              ___| --->> Engineering R&D <<---
Theoretical & Applied Mechanics          |  Designspring, Inc. 
Center for Radiophysics & Space Research |
Cornell Univ.  |

From  Sun Jan 31 05:20:22 1999
From: (Michael Haggerty)
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 00:20:22 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Matrix-SIG] ANNOUNCE: 1.1
Message-ID: <>


I would like to announce the release of version 1.1 of my
module. is an interface between python and the gnuplot
plotting program allowing you to make plots from Python programs. can be obtained from


It requires gnuplot, Python, and the Python Numerical extension to be

Major new features:

 +  3-D plots are now supported, through the `splot' method.
 +  The `Data' class allows a more convenient argument style (in
    addition to the old style).
 +  Additional customization options.

In addition, I have created more extensive notes about the package and
how to install it; they can be found on the page


Please, pass along any comments or feedback that you might have, or if
you find useful drop me a quick email saying so.  I'm
interested to know how is being used and what limitations
you have found.


Michael Haggerty