[Matrix-SIG] FFTW Numpy 0.6 Binaries for Win32

Robert Kern kernr@ncifcrf.gov
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 21:48:35 -0400

I have compiled Travis Oliphant's FFTW wrappers for Win32 systems.  They
are compiled against FFTW version 2.1.2, and the underlying libraries
have been optimized for Pentium processors (to an extent).  Unlike my
previous attempts, these binaries are now faster than the FFTPACK
wrapper distributed in LLNLDistribution11 on my Pentium and Pentium II
machines (Win95 and Win98, respectively).  At least, according to the
benchFFT2.py script that Travis provides.

The archive is

My collection of other binaries is 

Have fun and tell me if they fail for you.

Robert Kern           |
----------------------|"In the fields of Hell where the grass grows high
This space            | Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
intentionally         |           - Richard Harter
left blank.           |