I have it working
Weiss Blitz
Wed, 04 Apr 2001 23:35:27 -0000
Thanks for the info :)
I have been using this method for about a week now.
But srvany.exe opens python on a console window.
Is there a way to prevent this console window from showing?
--- In medusa@y..., z30303@h... wrote:
> OK, not hard but a little annoying to set this up.
> Find instsrv.exe and srvany.exe (typically from Windows 2000
> Disk or NT Resource Disk). Usually, I put them into
> at command enter 'instsrv.exe medusa "C:\WINNT\System32\srvany.exe"'
> fire up a registry editor (run->regedit)
> we will modify HKLM.SYSTEM.CurrentControlSet.Services.Medusa
> add a new Key, called "Parameters"
> under Parameters add a String called "Application", with a
> of "C:\Python20\python.exe"
> under Parameters add a String called "AppParameters", with a
> of "C:\Medusa\start_medusa.py"
> under Parameters add a String called "AppDirectory", with a
> of "C:\Medusa"
> all quotes are optional (as far as i know), and all paths are
> relative to your particular installation.
> now you can issue "net start medusa" from command line, and it will
> run. "net stop medusa" will stop the service. You can also use
> Management console.
> Good Luck