[medusa] medusa and apache proxy
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 14:03:34 -0700 (PDT)
I have more information, unfortunately not what Sam asked for, but hopefully
Netscape Linux no proxy no delay
Netscape Win98 no proxy no delay
Explorer Win98 no proxy no delay
LWP Perl Linux no proxy 30 second delay
lynx -dump Linux no proxy 30 second delay
LWP Perl Linux with proxy 30 second delay
lynx -dump Linux with proxy 30 second delay
Netscape Linux with proxy 30 second delay
Netscape Win98 with proxy no delay !!!
Quoting Sam Rushing <rushing@n...>:
> rprice@u... wrote:
> > When a user accesses medusa directly (not through a proxy) it takes
> less than 1
> > second to display the page.
> >
> > When a user accesses the same medusa server page via an apache proxy
> server, the
> > pages seem to hang at 66% loaded. It can then take anywhere from 2 to
> 60
> > seconds for the page to finally load. Another problem when accessing
> through
> > the proxy is that the browser occasionally indicates 'contacting
> server' for
> > many seconds before any information is transmitted.
> >
> > Any ideas why this would happen?
> None yet... a couple of things to try:
> 1) what happens if you try squid instead of apache proxy?
> 2) what protocol versions (i.e., http/1.0 or 1.1) are being used
> between browser,
> proxy, and medusa?
> -Sam
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