medusa/bobo html and cookies

Eugene Leitl eugene.leitl@l...
Thu, 17 May 2001 18:45:37 +0200 (MET DST)

Okay, it's time for the next inevitable round of questions. I don't expect
too many answers, as we're apparently not many (most people are probably
hacking Zope right now), and busy with our own projects.

Nevertheless I do intend to use Medusa/Bobo for me privately as well as at
work, and I'll stick around here to answer beginner's questions. Also,
what is needed is making the small changes to keep Medusa/Bobo running on
latest versions of Python. While the rapid development *is* a good thing,
I'm starting to run into incompatibilities between several pieces of
software, especially if several of them are present in a single project
(right now in my case GadFly, Bobo, Medusa and xmlrpclib).

This can be incredibly frustrating, especially for a beginner with not too
much time on one's hands. Anyways, I intend to stick around and see what I
can do to address these points. So whatever information you toss my way
won't vanish below an event horizont, okay? I'm going to pass on the
torch, and stuff.

So, what I'm missing is a library of demo code for the Medusa/Bobo
framework, doing both simple things and complicated things.

Right now I'm looking for image generation, cookie manipulation (beyond of
what is in the archive -- surely Bobo has extras for cookie mangling?)
and XML-RPC.

If you have such sources, and are willing to share, that would be great. I
haven't checked with my employer, but I'm going to publish the framework
of the application I'm currently writing anyway, as it is commercially
worthless without the proprietary dbase.