FYI: XML-RPC with Medusa

Eugene Leitl eugene.leitl@l...
Wed, 23 May 2001 14:53:39 +0200 (MET DST)

Title: XML-RPC with Medusa
By: Jeff Bauer
Last Updated: 2001/03/11
Version no: 1.0

1 vote(s)


This section demonstrates remote method calls between two
machines (or processes) using the XML-RPC protocol. A complete
example of working client/server code is provided.

Source: Text Source

from socket import gethostname
from medusa.xmlrpc_handler import xmlrpc_handler
from medusa.http_server import http_server
from medusa import asyncore

class xmlrpc_server(xmlrpc_handler):
"""The xmlrpc_server class demonstrates a simple implementation
of Userland's XML-RPC protocol. You must download and install
xmlrpclib and Medusa to run this code.

Obtain Sam Rushing's Medusa library from
Download Fredrik Lundh's xmlrpclib at"""

def __init__(self, host=None, port=8182):
if host is None:
host = gethostname()
hs = http_server(host, port)

def add(self, op1, op2):
return op1 + op2

def call(self, method, params):
print "call method: %s, params: %s" % (method, str(params))
if method == 'add':
return apply(self.add, params)
return "method not found: %s" % method

if __name__ == '__main__':
server = xmlrpc_server()


from socket import gethostname
from xmlrpclib import Transport, dumps

class xmlrpc_connection:
"""The xmlrpc_connection class tests the xmlrpc_server. You must
download and install the medusa and xmlrpclib libraries to run
this code:"""

def __init__(self, host=None, port=8182):
if host is None:
host = gethostname() = "%s:%s" % (host, port)
self.transport = Transport()

def remote(self, method, params=()):
"""remote invokes the server with the method name and an
optional set of parameters. The return value is always a

response = self.transport.request(,
dumps(params, method))
return response

if __name__ == '__main__':
connection = xmlrpc_connection()
(answer,) = connection.remote("add", (40, 2))
print "The answer is:", answer


XML-RPC is one of the easier ways to handle distributed
processing tasks. There's no messing around with the low-level
socket details, nor is it necessary to write an interface
definition. The protocol is platform-neutral and
language-neutral. The XML-RPC specification can be
found at:

To run the example above, it is necessary to download
xmlrpclib from and the Medusa
library from

[ Aside: Perhaps someone from ActiveState can provide an
additional client example in Perl, to demonstrate how multiple
languages can be used together with xmlrpc. -Jeff ]