Mon, 16 Jul 2001 21:54:28 -0000
--- In medusa@y..., Sam Rushing <rushing@n...> wrote:
> max@a... wrote:
> Ahh... an outdated comment.
> I would recommend looking at the post-handling capabilities of the
> 'script_handler' class in, there should be enough
> info
> there to help. You might event want to use one of the
> script-handling
> classes, since they support what most folks would want to do with a
> medusa-based web server.
Yep, that ends up being exactly what I did, using script_handler as a
guide for how to do POST. It works fine.
> That's interesting, I've just been discussing the lack of
> documentation with
> someone else. IMHO when the code is short, it should serve as the
> documentation. It's less likely to be misleading, and much more
> likely to
> be written. So one of my most important goals when writing code is
> to keep
> it short enough to not require documentation. 8^)
That's certainly what I did. It's just that there are some relatively
important concepts that don't seem to be documented anywhere in the
tutorials or readmes (at least that I found). For instance, when I
was using asynchat, it took a bit of digging to find out about the
push_with_producer(None) trick.
> For me, the most important part of a library are the examples. Tons
> of
> documentation can actually be a hindrance without short examples to
> get you
> started. Anyway, enough weak excuses for my lack of motivation to
> document... [Of course, none of this excuses the lack of proper doc
> strings...]
Just thought I'd suggest it in case anybody hadn't prodded you, but
more importantly, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't spectacularly
missing some obvious documentation somewhere.