[Medusa-dev] Stopping a Medusa Server

Giles Brown giles_brown at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 19 03:29:06 EST 2003

>First post ...
>Is there a way to method on a Medusa server that is similar to the
>twisted.internet.main.shutDown() method?
>I'd like to run an xmlrpc server using Medusa as a Windows service, and 
>that service shut things down gracefully, waiting for Medusa to finish any
>database stuff before stopping.
>I've quickly read through the Medusa sources (http_server,
>asyncore.dispatcher) but I didn't find any likely candidates.
>If there is no such method now, how would you add one?  If it's not too
>complicated, I could attempt a patch ...

Stopping an asyncore event loop from within a handler is as simple as:

    def raise_exit(self):
        """Triggers exiting of event loop."""
        raise asyncore.ExitNow

Getting it into a handler from another thread is harder.   If you try and
use the medusa.thread.select_trigger to transfer it into the main thread,
the handle_read method catches *all* exceptions (even
asyncore.ExitNow).  If you modify it to not catch this particular exception
everything is ok.  So IMHO the only change needed is to alter
"handle_read" in medusa.thread.select_trigger to avoid catching (or
re-raise) asyncore.ExitNow.


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